27. Exam: The First and The Last

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Upon their return from Khan's Enterprise, Delisha and Imdad both kept their mouths shut. Nobody has discussed Fairouz Khan's species. Imdad ordered his secretaries to draft a collaboration with Khan's Enterprise on gold transactions and the development of a new vaccine. That's all it takes for black on white. The technical is of course Khan's secret gold serum project. Delisha left her post in Xin India at 4:30 p.m. because Imdad sent her a message to go home together and the man was waiting in the parking lot. Delisha grumbled in annoyance at the man's word. Apparently, the man still remembered going home with her. He thinks Imdad will ignore her, she can lead home on her own anyway, who needs a man like that. Playing her, after being swayed and thus thrown away. She is still angry that Imdad roughed her and crushed her glasses. At Khan's office, she sought to be professional. The man should be grateful to her. Sne went to the basement because Imdad parked his car there. Suddenly, Delisha heard the noise of a fight. She hid behind a pillar and saw Imdad being attacked by two men covered in black ninja. Imdad kicked and jabbed, but the two ninjas dodged it. They cornered the man into the car and kicked him. Imdad warded off the attack and managed to knock one of them down. But another man lunged at Imdad from behind with his arm clasping Imdad's neck and hover on his shoulder, overwhelming him. Delisha immediately went to him. “Mr. Sunil! Mr. Vijay! What did you do to Mr. Imdad ??” snapped Delisha. “Did you guys purposely take on him?” The three men froze. Even though they were covered up, Delisha could still recognize the two men who attacked Imdad. “Oh, Miss Marianne, do you recognize us?” said who just got up from the floor, Vijay. Meanwhile, the man clinging to Imdad's back removed his clamps and stood up straight. The man is Sunil. They pulled out their face covers at the same time. “Oh, yes, of course I recognize you ...” she answered, grinning widely, but withdrew shortly after seeing Imdad glaring at her. Delisha realized that she was the one who was being tricked by the three fellows. “I have very observant eyes, you can't fool me,” Delisha continued confidently. Imdad thanks to his men then sends Sunil and Vijay away, leaving them alone. Delisha was worried, especially since Imdad didn't take his eyes off her. “Tell!” demanded Imdad. “What should I explain? Imdad, I'm the one who should ask for an explanation! Are you testing me?” Delisha raised her tone. Several employees showed up to the parking lot to their respective vehicles. Imdad opens his car door. “Enter!” he stated coldly. Delisha went into the front seat and took a snort with a taunt at the man. Imdad got into the car and drove the car out of the Xin India estate. They haven't spoken. Imdad's jaw tightened with anger. He knew he shouldn't be resentful, but the woman frustrated him. Delisha tried hard not to open her mouth. She wanted so badly to shout at Imdad. His overpowering attitude made her feel like she was being mistreated. Imdad pulled over the car with a sudden makes a shock to Delisha. The car was turned off. The man unbuckled the seat belt and tucked her into the chair. The dark eyes stared crushes Delisha's defenses. “Say it!” Imdad exclaimed, “What am I?” “You ... of course you're a guy.” Delisha stuttered. Her stomach felt wrapped and contracted. “No,” said Imdad, “I'm certain you noticed something different.” “Yes, everybody is unique ... have their own characteristics ....” Imdad gaze even further, intimidating the woman in his cage. Delisha can't seduce men. “You're annoyed because I know better than you. Imdad, this is reason so you don't underestimate me!” growled Delisha. She has often been ostracized because of her 'curse'. This time she couldn't give up. The burden will be her strength. “No,” stated the man again, “I just don't like you hiding things from me.” His eyes grew darker and his voice sneered, “Because I can't fu.ck a woman with lots of secrets.” “Oh, hypocrite!!” Delisha shouted as she pushed Imdad's chest until the man hit the dashboard of the car, and she sobbed, “You hooked up with lots of women and you still dare tell you can't?? Oh, yeah, you can glow golden like a saint, and, oh, yeah, it deceives my eyes. I never thought you really a rotten man, you ass!! “ Imdad laughed wryly. He reached for the head of the recliner on which Delisha sat and stared into those watery eyes. “I'm not looking to justify what I've done, but with you, I want to do the right thing. I'm experienced and I guarantee you won't be disappointed in me.” “What?” Delisha's eyes flickered in surprise. “I want to be the first for you and you ... to be the last for me.” Delisha took a deep breath as Imdad's lips sucked hers. That's a really great kiss. Delisha felt her legs go limp and her body heated instantly. The kiss was rough and soft, unrhythmic, as if a large spark was out of control. The back of the chair was lowered and Imdad climbed into it, on top of her, gripped her arms and squeezed her hair tight. She could not complain of discomfort because she was too busy serving Imdad's tender mouth. Her eyes were closed and the remaining tears rolled down her flushed cheeks. The choice of a dress and trousers for Delisha to wear might be something Imdad regretted a lot. He demanded so badly to touch all of her soft skin. The grip of his hand made several parts of the shirt torn. Silly, Marianne's thoughts of erotic fantasies with vampires made him angry. Does this woman have s****l fantasies with a CEO or a random stranger? Therefore, he wanted to know what he was in Marianne's eyes, or whatever her name was. He was sure Marianne was not her name. He had investigated it and knew it was a fake identity. Marianne didn't even come from Central Xin in Europe. She was a woman who had suddenly appeared in Tibet. Several buttons on the front of Delisha's dress fell off because the man was about to find her cleavage. Imdad's jaw-dropping beard scratched and pricked at her skin, giving a certain stimulation, and when the tiny protrusion of her chest was in the man's mouth, her body melted as if it had lost its bones. They are in a car on the side of the road, even though the glass is tinted, the car swaying will attract the attention of passers-by. It is worrying, but it is also arousing. Delisha was completely drunk. She did not feel the waist of her trousers being pulled off her feet. Unconsciously, her legs joined Imdad's hips and her hands were wrapped around his neck. The man's hand is on her crotch. Go inside, play there. Delisha's eyes were wide open, but her vision was dark. Something in her body had been released. Her body stretched and her eyelids closed at every touch Imdad made on her body. Imdad sighed heavily. “Marianne-ji ... what's your name?” The image of her mother, Kimberly, Xandreena and her life and all their activities in 2034 flashed. Delisha was fully conscious with her eyes wide open. She was screaming in agony when Imdad suddenly pushed something into the gap between her thighs. “Ah, it hurts! Imdad, stop it, I'm in pain!” she said, pushing firmly on the man's muscular body. Imdad pulled away worried and saw the woman's grimace as he seemed to wake up. “Uh, oh, I'm sorry, I got out of control,” he muttered embarrassed. He took a deep breath to calm his beating heart that was racing against the pulsating groin. Delisha could only bite her own lip. She's the one who actually wanted to apologize for ruining the atmosphere. She wasn't ready to accept the man because she had something to hide. Delisha covered her face with her hands in shame. Her clothes were torn and ragged, while Imdad was disheveled with a huge bulge looming over his stomach. Imdad is tidying up his shirt when his phone vibrates. He picked up the phone in his trouser pocket. “Aunt, what's wrong?” “Raj!” Auntie sniffled. “Go home immediately, Rani's disease recurred. She had a high fever and had seizures ....” Imdad drew a deep breath and stared at the woman in presence of him. There was a relief that they halted at the beginning. If he paused halfway, he might die of curiosity. *** Delisha wrapped her dupatta scarf around her body to cover her clothes, which were torn by Imdad's hand. She and Imdad run inside the house towards Rani's room. The little girl lay helpless with her eyes closed. Her body was shaking and muttering incoherently because of a high fever. Auntie sat beside her clinging the tiny hand, sobbing. There stood a bare-chested old and skinny man, wearing an orange cloth around his waist, carrying a brass incense container billowing with a distinctive aroma that burst into the room. The round gray hair bun was petrified from years of being curled up and unopened. Three white stripes ran across the dark skin of the man. He muttered various incantations with a trembling body and completely white eyes. The man was a shaman, and he was often called upon to cast out evil spirits. Delisha stands at the doorway while Imdad comes to Rani. Imdad squeezes his hair and sighs in annoyance at seeing Rani's condition. He touched the child's forehead and felt the heat like embers. “How is she?” Imdad asked Auntie. “Jara-ji says Rani is filled with evil spirits, we have to bury her alive, or we have to make a suitable sacrifice if we want to save her.” “Sacrifice?” “Haan, Raj, a virgin girl ...,” said Auntie in a low voice. “Nonsense!” Imdad outraged. He stood up and shoved the shaman named Jara. “Get out of my house!” The old shaman flinched from his meditation, speaking aloud in a local language Delisha didn't understand. The shaman kept on babbling while pointing his index finger at her. Imdad was furious. He pushed the shaman again until the incense in his hand fell and spilled. “What are they talking about?” Delisha muttered to herself. Maya appeared by her side. “The shaman said you were the one who brought the evil spirit here, so they should make you a sacrifice,” Maya replied and her face grinned sarcastically. “He's swindling witch doctor! I think he just wants to sleep with the virgin he calls immolation.” The myth circulates that children can become sick or suffer from strange diseases due to interference by spirits or evil witchery. Delisha can understand that, especially because young kids are more sensitive to negative energies and their immune system is still weak. Plus Rani's health condition is indeed problematic since she is a baby. Delisha glanced at Maya. “Did you do something to the girl?” she investigated. Maya was flabbergasted. “Me? Huh, why would I waste my time with the kids? But with the child's father I don't mind doing something ...,” she said with her eyes glancing at Imdad. The man was arguing with Jara. The shaman asked for a fairly large amount of money, otherwise Rani would have gotten worse. Imdad's anger level rose to wrath. He beat the shaman Jara while driving the man out of the room, then called the guards to throw the shaman into the street. Seeing this, Auntie cried out loud. They should not upset a shaman, they might get a curse and Rani's condition will become worse. Delisha just watched from the edge of the room along Maya's ghost. Auntie looked at him with tears in her eyes. “Auntie, if Rani is sick again, call the doctor, don't call a fraud,” he said again with grumpy teeth. “Why can she be sick like this again, she hasn't been like this for a long time,” muttered Imdad. “Excuse me, let me take a look,” Delisha interrupted. Imdad looked at her expectantly and in amazement. “Do you have any medical knowledge too, Marianne-ji?” “Something like that,” Delisha answered casually. She only wanted to touch Rani, see her atmosphere as if she was experiencing interference by spirits and the axis of her life. She needs to take a closer look at someone if she wants to know that. Imdad and Auntie give her space to check on Rani. She gripped Rani's trembling palm and felt her forehead. Poor white bunny, she thought. Rani in her vision was covered in a bunny shape. Delisha clasped Rani's hand with both hands and closed her eyes. For a glance she saw in a dim room filled with thin smoke, Rani's astral body wrapped around a snake the size of an adult human. Dark-scaled python. Delisha's eyes opened wide and darkened. She recognized the serpent. Anjali, Imdad's ex-girlfriend! Delisha gasped and let go of Rani's hand suddenly. “Where is that thing?” she murmured in panic as she groped around Rani's body. Imdad and Auntie were also surprised. “What thing?” “The one she just ate.” Imdad and Auntie looked at each other. “Auntie, does Rani eat her dietary restriction?” Imdad accused. Auntie became nervous and could only shake her head. Rani has ADHD. Sweet snacks can trigger a relapse. In 2034 many children with ADHD, they have bright brains, but become out of control if they ingest wrong diet, so schools provide them with a healthy menu, low sugar, free of preservatives and MSG. Children with ADHD will be more hyperactive if they eat foods that are prohibited, one of which is sugar. Under certain conditions, sugar levels cause their adrenaline to increase. If prone, children will have high fever to sudden seizures. “This candy!” Delisha exclaimed, lifting the sweet sack she found in Rani's pocket. The bag has a capacity of 500 grams of glucose sweet and chocolate, now only half of it. “Where did Rani get the candy?” asked Aunty, surprised. Delisha could only stare at Imdad. Seeing the man's dark face, Delisha was sure Imdad recognized the candies. Delisha felt something prick her heart. Does this candy have any special meaning for Imdad and Anjali? Delisha wished she had the power of pyrokinesis so she could burn the sweet in her hands to ashes. Delisha was prejudiced against Anjali, but she didn't repent it. She is assured this candy was meant for Imdad but Rani ate it. Her weak condition made Rani sensitive to the negative energies Anjali sent for Imdad. Anjali's pet now devours Rani's astral body. She sees Rani's life axis dim, if not saved this child can die. “We should immediately get her to the hospital,” declared Imdad, lifting Rani's body and carrying her in his arms. He rushed out of the room while Auntie packed the necessary items into the bag. “I am coming along!” exclaimed Delisha as she ran behind Imdad. The man turned and glanced at her frantically. “No, you just stay here,” he told, after all, the clothes Delisha was holding up under her shawl was torn. “Maybe I can help!” “Not!” Imdad shouted sternly. He looked aside. “I don't want to bother you, Marianne. Rani is my family, I'll just take care of her.” He muttered, then glanced back at Delisha with a soft gaze. “You just wait here and rest. I will come back when Rani's condition gets better.” He smiled before leaving the woman. He had to stay away from her at the moment. He didn't know how much Marianne knew about his relationship with Anjali. He was just worried that she would ask questions and looking at her over and over again, he probably couldn't help himself. Delisha was still in the middle of the room as Imdad and Auntie left the residence with Rani. It was getting dark. How can I help? She thought. Rani is in danger. Delisha suddenly had an idea. She rushed to the kitchen and took the painkiller and drank 2 tablet at a time. “What are you doing?” asked Maya, who accompanied her. “Follow me!” she said as she ran to the room, then lay down like sleeping. Maya looked at her questioningly with her arms folded across her chest. “Take care of my body while I'm gone.” Maya's hand dropped, and the ghost gasped. Delisha became unconscious and her spirit left her body. When in the spirit phase, everything around her looks dim, cold and sometimes foggy. Delisha stood staring at her body lying on the bed. “Are you sure with what you did?” asked Maya. Delisha nodded. "I am confident. Anjali's snake is holding Rani's spirit hostage, I have to save her." She looked around, feeling the radiance of Rani's spirit, so she could find her location. “Be careful!” Maya reminded. But Delisha had already disappeared. Maya muttered to herself, then leaned on the dresser, staring at Delisha's body on the bed. Just take care of it, right? No problem, Maya thought. She waited a while and suddenly felt bored. Looking at the idle body, it would be a shame if not used ... *** To be continue .... Please follow the author and story by add to library for more update. Follow my **: Sisilianovel Thanks❤❤❤
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