25. Chandni

1949 Words
“Ah, you must be lying!” Chandni accuses the man in front of her. “You know I never met King Rajputana, that's why you want to play with me, right?” She responded with her hands on her hips and looked at the clothes the man was wearing. Cotton of the highest quality, but he did not wear a crown and robe befitting a nobleman, so she doubted his recognition. Raj felt challenged to hear what that woman told. “So, you don't believe me? All right! I'll prove that I'm a Rajputana!” He grabs Chandni's arm and drags her towards the palace. The guards who remained in the hallway saw his arrival immediately stood up straight and bowed in salute as he passed.Chandni was too amazed to make a sound anymore. Rajputana kept pulling her into the meeting hall. There, the man put on his luxurious robe and wears a turban decorated with large gemstones. “Whoa!” exclaimed Chandni in amazement. The man looked different after wearing his oversized clothes. His aura grew brighter and more powerful. Raj shows his proud face, spreads his hands so that Chandni can be satisfied staring at his robe. “How? Do you believe it now?” Chandni is about to cry. Chandni hopes her aunt doesn't regret the decision to send her to the Rajputana palace when hears the news that she was executed by Rajputana. Only a few months as a servant at the Rajputana Palace, she's already facing death by insulting the king in the palace. Chandni was an orphan since childhood. Her late mother was a slave in an English royal house. Her mother got pregnant by her master and if she still wanted to work there, she could not bring her child, so Chandni was entrusted to her aunt. Her mother was born from a relationship between a resident woman and a British-blooded immigrant, which is why her mother looks gorgeous. Light-skinned and facial features with a sharp nose and smooth jaw, with enormous eyes that are brighter than residents. Her mixed blood descent makes Chandni a a lovely face which causes her a source of envy for women her age. From a young age, Chandni knew that palace life or a merchant's house was not suitable for her. She was careless, often made mistakes, and people found her strange, so she was usually ridiculed and ostracized. She is a very curious girl and has the ability to see invisible beings. But no one understood her, including the aunt who raised her, even though the aunt was nice enough to her. Some men enter the hall and salute Rajputana. They are court officials. Seeing this, Chandni realized her rudeness. “Greetings, my lord Raj!” they exclaimed together. One of them stepped forward and rested on one knee before Raj. “Sir, the wagon and supplies and soldiers are ready, as soon as the sun sets, we can begin our journey.” Chandni is standing to the edge of the room as Rajputana steps back and forth in front of his staff. The man looked thoughtful. He suddenly stopped and exclaimed excitedly. “Prepare another wagon!” he ordered. The personnel who heard him glanced at each other in astonishment. “We're going to use the wagon as bait to lure the robbers.” The carriage that became the bait was boarded by several soldiers who were skilled at fighting, and they wore the clothes of palace officials as disguise. The carriage went ahead while Rajputana and his chosen soldiers rode horses and scouted from a distance. When the convoy enters the forest and is on a steep cliff path, a gang of robbers storms the convoy and there is a fierce fight. It was then that Rajputana and his followers came to siege, and they defeated the robbers. The few who were still alive were taken to the palace to be thrown in prison. Upon returning to his palace, Raj becomes impatient to see Chandni. The woman provided accurate information so that the evil plans could be thwarted. But it was too late at night, and the servants had already entered their headquarter. With his shoulders slumped and face sluggish and dusty from the battle, Raj left the servant's residence and staggered towards the palace gardens. Never had he felt so eager to meet a woman like that time. Under the moonlight, Raj walked down a cobbled path in the garden with his head bowed. The sword draped around his waist also lost its spirits. The tip touched the ground, dragging along with his steps. “I'm going to die, ah, I'm going to die!” muttered a woman. Hearing that voice, Raj immediately raised his head. At the border of the garden pool, she saw the silhouette of a woman sitting facing the pond. Whether the shadow of the moon was reflected from the surface of the pool or the woman was emitting her own light in the dark night, Raj was amazed to see her. He is a king, and the woman is only a servant. But he looked at it as if he missed the moon. Chandni sits by the pool and turns to Rajputana. Staring at the man with awe at seeing the glow of that figure. The hurtful admiration of knowing the difference in their status. Like the moon that worships the sun, it can never be reached. The man came to her and stood straight before her. “Lord Raj!” exclaimed Chandni softly with her head glancing up at the handsome face of the king. Chandni's hand grabs Raj's leg and nags him. “Forgive me, my lord, don't punish me, I still want to live, prefer to fall in love and get married ...” she said with tears in her eyes. Seeing her wail made Raj feel energized. He bent over and grasped Chandni's face, returning her pathetic gaze. “Now do you know who your Master is?” Chandni nods quickly and gets really nervous hearing that. She took a deep breath as Rajputana pulled her to her feet and the man snatched her arm, making her grimace in pain. Rajputana lowered his face, only to stare into the sparkling eyes of the woman in his grips. “Your life is in my hands, Chandni,” he said through chattering teeth. “I command you, from now on, you are mine!” Then he sipped Candni's open lips in surprise and melted in his mouth. *** India, the Year 2018 “Imdad!” called Delisha. “Mr. Imdad ...!” Delisha repeated for the umpteenth time to Imdad who was sitting behind his desk. His fingers played with the bronze coins on the knuckles. The man's eyes were blank as if they were sucked into his own thoughts. Delisha stood in front of him and felt neglected. “Imdad!” she snapped, dropping a pile of files in front of Imdad. The man gasped from his reverie. “It's too early to daydream and think of another woman, Imdad!” Delisha scolded. “Oh, sorry!” exclaimed Imdad, putting a coin between his arms. He often plays his coins when he is thinking hard. He was figuring out about tactics to get back at Aftab and trying to analyze why Aftab tried to kill him. He and Aftab have often competed since they were in the orphanage, as well as when they went to college. But it feels like the competition doesn't have to slaughter him. He looked at the woman in yellow in front of him and smiled mischievously. “How do you know I'm thinking of another woman? Can you read my mind, Marianne-Ji? What a talent for you!” he laughed. "Oh!” Delisha snorted in annoyance. What a shameless man! After seducing her, this guy easily admitted that he thought of another woman. Delisha felt defeated again for the umpteenth time. You just die, Imdad! She thought. “Before you have fun with other women, get this business over with, Mr. Imdad!” said Delisha while pointing at the file in front of Imdad. The man glanced at the writing on the folder. “Khan's Enterprise? What's with them?” Imdad opened the file and read it briefly. “Those who wish to escape.” Imdad explained, “Khan's wants to switch partnerships with Star Corp. It looks like they want to mine gold. I can maintain cooperation with them because of the Equivalent Vaccine project. If they are no longer interested, the Japanese are ready to develop it, and of course, the price will be more expensive. I think the draft collaboration of Khan's with Star Corp is still tough, so Khan's didn't let Xin go." “Gold?” Delisha's forehead knitted deeply. “Why do pharmaceutical companies demand to move to the gold quarry?” “That's what I don't know. If they prefer to invest in a gold mine, Xin also owns a gold mining company, although not as big as Star Corp. I suspect Star Corp is pressuring them and Khan's is trying to buy them some time.” “Buy some time?” “Yes, to be saved,” said Imdad as he closed the file in front of him and threw his shoulders against the back of the swivel chair. In all honesty, he didn't know what else to do with Khan's Enterprise. They don't open up. Delisha immediately jumped in presence of Imdad. “Let's go to Khan's Enterprise. If they want to be rescued, let's save them!” she said vehemently. Imdad is taken aback by her reaction. She is easy to feel depressed, also easy to become excited. Escorted by Sunil, they lead to Khan's Enterprise. A luxurious 20-story building, black and light-tight. But inside it is full of extravagant interior nuances of the European royal renaissance and is brightly lit with dozens of large crystal chandeliers adorning the ceiling. Upon entering the building, Delisha exclaimed in amazement. The sheen of the crystals was stunning. Imdad, who has often been there, strolled casually across the lobby. The scent of crimson roses wafted through the air in the Khan's Enterprise building. Delisha, who was initially fascinated by the view of the interior, paid attention to her surroundings. The smell of rose at the beginning of the time mixed with the stink of iron metal. The deeper she went, the more the sniff of camphor, the white stones used to deodorize. She saw several celestial men of various shapes, only a few people who looked the same; pale, limp with black eyes and dark maroon lips, wearing white uniforms like ward nurses. She believed they were employees of Khan's Enterprise. Delisha swallowed hard. Now she feels like entering a haunted hospital. “Oh, Miss Marianne!” said a man, breaking Delisha's concentration. A thin-haired middle-aged man and square glasses greeted her. The man is wearing a suit and carrying a suitcase. “Namaste!” said the guy again. Delisha was confused because she did not know the man at all, especially in her eyes he had the head of an elephant, complete with wide ears and a long nose. She froze in place. Imdad, who had walked first, saw the situation and turned back to Delisha to drag her away. But hearing the man's conversation, he was silent in his stand. “Are you here on the job of the CEO of Devdas Star Tailes, Miss Marianne?” said the bespectacled man. Delisha gasped and widened her eyes. “Oh, sorry, maybe you forgot. I'm Boney Jr., Miss Maya's attorney. We met at Miss Maya's apartment when you handed in Miss Maya's property files.” Delisha covered her mouth. Oh, how could she forget something so important? With Imdad staring at her in such a way, she knew the man suspected her. *** To be continue .... Please follow the author and story by add to library for more update. Follow my **: Sisilianovel Thanks❤❤❤
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