19. Closer

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Delisha opened her eyes and found that the sun was already shining the room. The windows open and the morning air is cool. Fresh air mixed with dew from the rain last night. She sat down with a blanket covering part of her body and stretched her shoulders and arms. This was the best wake-up she had ever felt. Remembering what happened last night, making a warm rustle in her chest and instinctively she pressed her groin. Jeez, with just his caressing and kissing I felt like this, especially if that guy really did, what would happen to my body? Imdad is right. She is inexperienced and to do so, she must be fully prepared and sure of the consequences. Getting out of bed and enjoying a morning shower, Delisha observes her body and saw for herself the marks of the kiss on her skin. She wondered, was it true that Imdad was not affected by her? Is it true that Imdad's endurance can be that strong? Did not immediately attack her with a pursuit of lust? Imdad holds back because she is inexperienced, does that mean men like women who are already adept at serving them? Ah, Delisha cupped her face in embarrassment. She must have looked silly and reacted so unnaturally at the time that Imdad realized her innocence. She cursed herself. "Huaaa, embarrassing!" Dressed in a knee-length red skirt and black shirt, Delisha sat at the dining table and sipped the black coffee that Auntie had brewed. The old woman was cooking curry on the stove and several other dishes. Delisha enjoyed coffee with flatbread and fruit jam. Rani sits opposite Delisha, enjoying the same dish. The little girl drank white milk for her eating companions. She looked closely at Delisha. Avoiding her gaze, Delisha chose to chat with Auntie about Indian cooking. Imdad entered the dining room, rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt to his elbows. "Suprabhaat!" Good morning! said the man excitedly. Aunty turned to him. "You don't usually wake up this late, Raj!" accused Aunt. The man glanced and smiled in response and Auntie felt sorry that she said that, she seemed to understand why, seeing Imdad taking the time to caress Marianne's damp hair and briefly touch her cheek so that her face flushed red. Delisha was embarrassed. "Raj!" she exclaimed spoiled annoyance. The man smiled at her then came to Rani and rubbed the girl's head like ruffling cat hair. The girl with long braids was lively and excited. "How are you, my little girl? You are supposed to go to school today, right?" Imdad says as he sits next to Rani so he can sit face to face with Delisha. "Can I just come to your office, Raj?" asked Rani begging. "School is boring ...." Imdad takes bread and jam. "No, you can't, mere jaan! You have to go to school so that you have extensive knowledge and abilities in various fields of work." Oh, so he called them mere jaan to everyone, huh? Delisha felt cheated. "My office only employs people with higher education. Don't you want to be my Personal Assistant? Then you have to go to school first to get a bachelor's degree," he told Rani. The girl must realize the importance of school by achieving her dreams. He smiled at Rani and the girl nodded as she began to think about finishing school as soon as possible. Rani glares at the young woman across from her. She knew that woman was his Raj's Personal Assistant. In a moment, she would beat her with her cleverness. Delisha sneered at the girl. Want to fight me? Grow up first, Lad, then think about men! "I have to go out of town," said Imdad suddenly. "The company car will pick me up. You can use the car in the garage for your activities, Miss Marianne." "Uhm, all right," Delisha said, shuffling her bread. Imdad ate quickly then glanced at his watch. A car horn sounded from the front of the house. "Hmm, the car has arrived, I have to go now. See you, mere jaan!" Imdad got up from the dining table and gave a smile to the people in the room. He was carrying a coat and opening his cellphone while walking then disappeared into the hall. Soon the pick-up car left the residence. Delisha hurriedly finished her breakfast then got ready to leave the house too. She carried her necessary items in a briefcase and put on her sunglasses. She went to drive the SUV available in the garage. The goal of this time is the Golden Star Hotel. "Aapka swagat hai!" Welcome, greeted the waiter at the main door of the hotel. The man was wearing a black suit with a straight collar. Delisha stepped inside while her car was being parked by a valet. "Dhanyawaad!" Thank you, Delisha said. She kept her sunglasses on to keep her gaze because the people on the Golden Star were obstructing her vision and their atmosphere depressed her. She asked to be escorted to the restaurant lounge on the 2nd floor of the hotel, wanting to taste the special menu served by the restaurant which according to travel-culinary guidelines is the best restaurant in India. She ordered Chicken Tandoori, based on the cook's recommendation, it will make anyone addicted. The chicken is marinated with homemade yogurt and authentic Indian spices and then cooked to the perfect level of doneness, so as not to lose the juicy sensation that is felt in every bite. Inside, Delisha laughed dryly. She actually likes all kinds of food, but the hotel atmosphere makes her feel sick. While waiting for her order to arrive, Delisha opened her cellphone and read gossip articles by Indian artists. News about Maya, who was rumored to have become one of Devdas Star Tailes' wives, so the singer and dancer disappeared after appearing at the Golden Star Hotel. The artist last told her manager that she was going to see the CEO of Star Corp after it had disappeared. Maya, like some previous artists, if for such a wealthy CEO, they would not hesitate to leave the entertainment world to live in secret luxury with Devdas Star Tailes. Delisha shook her head reading it. Good luck if Maya and other women go to heaven. Unfortunately, currently Maya, she became a haunted ghost instead. "Maya, Maya ...," Delisha muttered. "Looking for me?" The figure of a woman in a belly dancer outfit appears and sits opposite Delisha. Without lowering her glasses, Delisha smiled wryly at the woman. Maya, leaning her chin to the table, stared at the woman in front of her. Nobody can see him except Delisha. "A woman of your ability knows this place is suffocating and brings bad luck, but you still come. You are curious to meet Devdas Star Tailes." "Heh, you're quite smart." "My only one foolishness fell into the hands of Devdas Star Tailes and it was too late for me to regret it. That man is very dangerous, Marianne! Get me out of here and we get away from him." "Take you out? You can't go alone?" Delisha's forehead frowned. "I thought you felt at home living here. You can see Devdas all the time," she said sarcastically. "Even though I'm dead, I still want to enjoy life, Miss! Seeing the man who made me this way is still alive and looks charming, makes me want to die," said Maya. "At first I didn't understand. Because I died here, my soul was bound in this place, and so were the others. If we leave this place, we have no purpose. Nobody knows we exist. Nobody misses us and no one will. No one wanted us. We could get out of this place if there was something we could cling on. Your body is like a very beautiful and luxurious house. Who wouldn't be interested in living in a place like that? " Delisha realized that. A beautiful place to live in, but if she let other people hitchhike, she was worried that that person would take ownership of her body, do things she didn't want, even get rid of her from her own body. Maya grasped Delisha's free hand. "Let me work for you. Let me stay with you, then I will protect you from other creatures who try to disturb you." Delisha tilted her head in disbelief. "I must admit, I do need your help, but to allow you to come with me ...." "I swear I will be an obedient follower! I will not do anything against your will." Delisha suddenly hesitated. The woman's ghost offers very attractive cooperation for her. "How can you be so sure? What advantages do you have?" Delisha investigated. Maya is different from other ghosts. She had a very beautiful appearance, almost like a normal human, if only she was not transparent and floated. "You wonder why I can be like this." Maya chuckled lightly. "I mastered the kundalini and was able to control all of my chakras. I thought that mysticism and inner strength were only useful when I lived to perform rituals and attract people. My job required me to have more charm than other artists. It turns out after I became this way, chakra gives me strength and the ability to control my appearance. " {{Chakras are centers of spiritual/subtle energy parallel to the Sushumnānāḍī of the Kunḍalinī system. There are seven main Kundalini chakras which are distributed along the Central channel. These chakras provide spiritual/subtle energy for the functioning of the organs of the body, mind, and intellect. However, they are primarily related to one's spiritual body.}} If not in a public place, Delisha would love to applaud her greatness. Not just anyone can master the kundalini and be able to control chakra. Maya is supposed to be a saint. However, still, human destiny is unpredictable, the woman ends up miserable and becomes a ghost. "Your order, miss!" exclaimed the maid in the white shirt and black vest. The man came with a food cart and put a set of Chicken Tandoori and a glass of water in front of Delisha. The roasted chicken thighs were drenched in orange sauce, complemented by a sprinkling of thyme, which was fragrant and appetizing. "Thank you!" said Delisha while throwing a sweet smile at the waiter. After the servant left, she looked back at Maya's ghost through the glasses. "I want information on a girl named Sharmila Matondkar," Delisha muttered. "Sharmila Matondkar?" Maya repeated. "The mother said that her father brought the girl here and never came back. The mother is waiting for the child to return and is restless as long as she has not heard from her." "Fine, I'll find out, but what's your reward for me?" "I'll consider bringing you out, but I have to preview your work." Maya is happy. Her green eyes sparkled and she almost jumped off the chair. "I will find out and convey the results to you asap, Marianne-ji!" she said. Delisha opened her mouth about to eat a meal when a voice called out to her. "Namaste, Marianne-ji!" said a man as he stepped closer. "It is wonderful to see you again, miss! May I sit here?" said Aftab Shivdasani, Manager of the Golden Star Hotel. He pulled out the chair Maya was sitting on and sat down casually, while Maya stepped back from them. "Ah, you bastard!" said Maya, who the man didn't hear. Damn it! Delisha shouted in her deepest mind because right now she had to put on a forced smile. For a moment she had hoped to enjoy the full taste of the hotel's best food. But the arrival of the man with the appearance of a giant spider ruined the atmosphere. *** "So glad you are willing to stop at our hotel again after the incident the other day," said Aftab, alluding to the incident Delisha's first night staying at the Golden Star Hotel. Delisha drank some water while signaling Maya to leave them. "Ah, yes!" she replied. "The night was pure because of my mistake, Mr. Aftab. I certainly would not have missed the chance to taste the best cuisine in India and this hotel I think is ... the best." "Please, yaar, just call me Aftab. I am ready to serve you, Miss! Please enjoy your meal and you do not have to pay for it, this time I treat it as an apology for your inconvenience the other day." The man then ordered the waiter to serve red wine to Delisha. Delisha was flattered by Aftab's hospitality. If only that man had not looked terrible in her eyes, she would have loved to smile sincerely. To maintain courtesy, Delisha took off her glasses and smiled awkwardly at Aftab, her gaze lowered to avoid staring at those eight shiny round eyes. Reluctantly she began to eat her meal. In Aftab's view, the woman looked embarrassed and timid, which made her even more charming. She looks beautiful and innocent. Delisha thinks the best part of the Golden Star Hotel's dining is just the wine, as it helps her relax more. she downed a glass of wine and asked for it to be refilled then emphasized the contents of the second glass. "Since you are here, miss, how about I take you around to see the other facilities. We rarely get customers as unique as you. We really expect your input and criticism," said Aftab sincerely. It is such a coincidence. "OK!" said Delisha. Aftab led her out of the restaurant, towards the spa facilities on the 2nd Floor as well. They enter a luxurious room dimly lit with the soothing aroma of aromatherapy green tea, accompanied by gamma wave music to open the human brain. Two beautiful women in their light green uniforms stood by the care bed and some of their work instruments. "Here, miss, if you want relaxation as well as beauty care, we provide the most modern facilities and certified and specially educated experts. We also guarantee that the ingredients we use are safe and comply with international health standards. We strictly avoid malpractice and illegal ingredients. Beauty is the same as health, we should not do the treatment carelessly because the side effects can be dangerous and permanent, cannot be cured as before." Delisa just obeyed the man's explanation. She glanced at the corner of the room. Maya is standing there. "I found it!" muttered Maya. "But she didn't want to come with me, she was very scared." Delisha turned to Aftab. "Would you like to try it, miss?" asked the man. Delisha smiled sweetly. "Of course!" she replied. "You want to do maintenance? At a time like this?" Maya was flabbergasted. Delisha is lying on the treatment bed and a dermatologist first examines her skin with a device before treatment. Delisha closed her eyes for a moment then fell unconscious. Her spirit rose and left her body. The dermatologist and Aftab Manager panicked. No one noticed Delisha standing near them. "Take me to meet her!" Delisha exclaimed to Maya who was staring at her in amazement, knowing that Delisha could move to another dimension. Not wanting to waste any time, Maya took Delisha's hand and in an instant they were in a dark hallway, flooded with water, cold and there was a sound of wind like a heart-wrenching roar. "Where is this?" asked Delisha. The place is creepy, so does the smell. "This is in the Golden Star Hotel's underground sewer, where they dumped the body." *** To be continue .... Please follow the author and story by add to library for more update. Follow my **: Sisilianovel Thanks❤❤❤
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