1097 Words
The wind hit my face hard as I was on my way home. The days in Mount Ray are always cold and cloudy, even in summer. Only on weird occasions I have seen the sun rise in this town and for me that is fine. I was born with a strange allergy to the sun, which causes me terrible sneezing, watery eyes and even sometimes my nose bleeds when I'm exposed for too many hours in sunlight. So for me Mount Ray is fine.  "You're late for dinner again?" I heard my mother's voice as soon as I walked into my house.  "I'm sorry, Mom. I'm doing a very important research and I have to read a lot of books about the occult sciences", I placed my backpack on the floor, letting my shoulders rest and started massaging them slightly. In my old backpack there were about eight books about my research and carrying them all the way home caused my shoulders were really tired. My mother had already placed the dishes on the table with dinner ready, so I took a seat and started eating.  "Your grandmother has told you a hundred times to stay away from those things", "Grandma suffers from Alzheimer's and doesn't know what she's saying", I replied to my mother in the same tone and she looked at me in a bad way. "We are worried for you. You're so interested in those issues of occultism that it could put you at risk. "My mother spoke by sitting next to me at the table.  My whole family has never agreed what I do. Since I was a little girl I have had great interest for issues related to occultism. Magic. I think magic exists in each of us, we just don't know how to use it. When I was five years oId, I perfectly remember visiting a magical place. It definitely was not our world, it was a much better one, full of colors and joy. I could felt it. I felt I belong to that place, however, a woman quite tall, with a pale skin and snow-white hair said to me, "You must go home",  For some strange reason I said" This is my home," with the voice of an innocent five-year-old girl. She shook and stroked my head and then leaned a little so she could be at my height. "Not yet. Go back home, Adara, "  and then she covered my eyes with her cold hands and a few seconds later I was already in my room. I tried to tell everyone what happened to me, but nobody believed me. Everyone told me it was a dream, but I know it wasn't. Fifteen years have passed and I never had that "dream" again. That's why I research magic and the different types of hidden sciencies in my town as part of my degree, dreaming with becoming a recognized researcher in this field one day.   "I'm going to visit Grandma these days," I told my mother when I finished my dinner. "And don't worry about me mom, magic is what I love, and one day when I can prove there's some magic in this boring and  monotonous world, you'll be proud of me."  I noticed how she drew a little smile on her face and then nodded slightly. "I trust you so much, Ada, that even if I don't believe in magic, I'm sure you can discover it", Her words filled my heart, showing me that even if she didn't agree that I study these issues, she hI'm going to visit Grandma these days," I told my mother when I finished dinner. "And don't worry about my mom, magic is what I love, and one day when I can prove there's some magic in this boring, monotonous world, you'll be proud of me", I noticed how he drew a small smile on his face and then nodded slightly. "I trust you so much, Ada, that even if I don't believe in magic, I'm sure you can find it" Her words filled my heart, showing me that even if she didn't agree that she would study these issues, i hace  all her support. "That's my mother!" I screamed excitedly and surrounded her body with my arms and then put a kiss on her all her support. "That's my mother!" I screamed excitedly and surrounded her body with my arms and then put a kiss on her forehead.  As I got up from the table, I took my backpack again and headed to my room. "Don't go into another world!" I heard my mom's voice from the kitchen in a funny tone. From the age of five, my mother often plays with the topic of visiting other worlds because of my experience and I have always taken it in the best way. I couldn't be mad at her. "I can't promise nothing, " I replied in the same funny tone and let out a laugh. I locked myself in my room while I was reading in detail one of the many books about my research. "Magic could be in your heart, or mine, but never in a not believer's. Open your heart to the world and show them what magic means, show them that it is real" I frowned as I read that fragment. "I thought I'd taken a book of the history of Mount Ray," I thought. I checked the book's cover, which wrote the title "Unexplainable Historical Events In Mount Ray" so it was strange that fragment spoke about magic in such a direct way. Still, I went back to the page I was reading and I froze as I read the next excerpt.  "There is magic inside you. There is a fire impossible to appease in your soul. You're magic yourself. When you turn twenty-one, you'll have to go home. To your real home. Mitoja. You belong to Mitoja. Mitoja. Mitoja. Mitoja. Go back home, Adara. » I shut the book down when I read that. I was scared. How was it possible that my name was written in an old history book? What the hell was Mitoja and why did it way that was my home? With my trembling hands I searched the page again to re-read and check that what I had just read had not been my imagination, however, instead I found old photos of the city and a text explaining the images. "I'm sure it was here." I searched each of the pages, but I didn't find anything. Was it all in my imagination?
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