Chapter 2

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Allysa's POV I was so embarrassed and wish the ground would swallow me this instant. Jackson and his father were there and our company legal consultant, Mr. Douglas Stewart. "Aaah. I'm sorry I didn’t know you have company." I stuttered, and I can feel my cheeks heated looking at my father. My god, this is so embarrassing! I saw Jackson smirked and I blushed even more. What does he think of me? "Hello there sweetcheeks. It's okay, we’re done actually." My father answered happily. "Come here and give your old man a hug." Dad turned to his companions. "Gentlemen, thank you for your time. We will discuss this further in our next meeting". I just stood there and looked at Jackson who still have a smirking face. The truth is I have a huge crush on him since I first saw him that's why I refused Tanya's proposition this morning. My crush on Jackson got deeper every day, every year. During our Prom he was the King and I was the Queen of the night, but he didn't appear on stage, he just disappeared that night after the announcement. It made my heart crushed into tiny pieces. I will never forget that night. "Nice entrance sweetcheeks. I think your father is right, your cheek is sweet because until now your cheeks are still on fire. Your cute though." Jackson murmured only for me to hear and followed his father with a wide smile on his face. I ignored him and went to my father side to give him a side hug and a light kiss on his cheek. "I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean to interrupt your meeting with the Murphy's. What is Jackson doing here anyway?" "It's okay dear. Jackson was here because he will handle one of our projects. I admired that boy, he knew their business very well at the very young age." Dad explained with a proud smile on his face. "Oh, okay Dad." Wow I also admired Jackson for this. I thought he was just a happy go lucky rich playboy whom I always heard from my friends and schoolmates. "Let's go to your mom's office. She's waiting for you." He said leading me outside his office. My mother's office is only beside his office. She is the company CFO despite my father's disapproval. He wants my mom to stay at home and just hosts our company parties and our charity institutions galas. ……………………………………….. The night of the gala arrives. I am wearing my aqua blue long gown made by my mother's designer. I got a fish tail braid and I love it very much. I asked John to drive for me. I was waiting at the lobby of the building of my condo. Yes, I am living alone despite of my parent’s disapproval. I want to learn how to be independent and do my shores on my own. They end up agreeing but in one condition. I need to bring Irene with me because being alone is very dangerous, my parents’ words, not mine.  Irene has been with me since I was five years old and I love her because she knows me so well. Soon John arrived, and we headed to our company building. The gala will be held at the rooftop of the building. …………………………………………………… I was enjoying the party and very happy to look at the sky and breathe on the fresh air from the rooftop. I am seating silently in a corner drinking my juice when I felt someone sat beside me. "No alcoholic drink for you sweetcheeks?" The baritone voice asked. I knew that voice so well and I felt nervous and blushed automatically and I don't know why. When he is nearby, I felt nervous and shy. His presence affects me so much. Maybe because of my crush on him. I couldn't look straight in his eyes. When out path crosses in the campus, I will just bow my head and pretended I didn't see him. That's how I feel when he's near, awkward, shy, panicky and crazy. I turned to him and smiled a little. "Hello Jackson. Yeah, I'm still not allowed to drink alcohol yet. How about you?" Phew, courage Allyssa. "Same here. But outside of this event I did it a lot. Let's just say I wouldn’t try to ruin my father's reputation. I'm still a minor like you anyway. We have the same age and our birthday is also the same." Jackson answered while staring at me with his mesmerizing eyes. "Really? Your birthday is also 17th of July?" I asked with my eyes widened. "Yes sweetcheeks." he said and this time his eyes landed on my lips. I blushed and averted my gaze on the tall glass of my four-season juice. I felt overwhelming feeling knowing he knew a little bit about me. We fell into a deafening silence after a while. It made the situation more awkward. "Excuse me, but I need to use the restroom." I said suddenly, I felt panic and don't know what to do. I stood up and left him without waiting for his reply. Rude I know. But what will I do, I was so tense. When I was inside the restroom, I saw myself in the mirror. I looked so flushed. My face looks like an apple as red as an apple. Gosh! What is happening to me. After fixing myself and calm my nerves, I went out of the restroom and went back to the rooftop. I went straight to my mom and stay beside her while observing everyone. I search for Jackson but couldn't see him anywhere. I felt so disappointed. If only I behaved like a lady a while ago. I sighed and sip on my water. My mom smiled at me and get back to her conversation with her friends. "May I have this dance Allyssa?" I lifted my head and saw Jackson smiling at me with his arms offering for me to take. "The song is one of my favorites." He added while waiting for my answer. I nod shyly and let him lead the way to the dance floor awkwardly. I blushed when he put his arms around my waist. I automatically put my arms on his shoulders and we swayed to the music without saying anything. I felt like I was going to melt because of his stare. I bowed my head and looked at his broad chest. I like his masculine scent, it makes me closed my eyes while swaying. Like what Cinderella felt when she danced with Kit during the ball. "Please don't look down, you are so beautiful Allyssa, it's a waste of beauty." he said with sincerity and passion in his eyes. I blushed and felt my knees turned into jelly. I am having a panic attack. How can I cope with this feeling being close to him intimately? Why me? "I-im sorry Jackson but I need to go to the restroom again. Thanks for the dance." I hurriedly turned away from him without looking back. Oh my Gosh! I entered the restroom holding my chest. What is he doing to me? This feeling is new to me. This is the first time we had a face to face interaction. After freshening up again I went to the silent part of the rooftop. I need to breathe after what happened. He told me I was beautiful. Oh god this is heaven. What more if he kisses me, how does it fell? Oh my god Allyssa! What are you thinking? You can't even look straight in his eyes and now you're thinking of kissing him? I scolded to myself. "Allyssa." I jumped and held my chest tightly. I was surprised to hear the voice of the man whom I thought about a moment ago. "Jackson what are you doing here?" I asked still holding my beating heart. He almost gave me a heart attack. He went closer to me and I was shocked when he embraced me. "I really want to do this since we were in a freshmen Allyssa." I frowned and about to ask what he meant when his lips touched mine in a gentle way. It was a simple kiss but not just a kiss for me. This is my first kiss and I don't know how to react. My crush is kissing me! He again placed his lips on my mine and gently kissed me again and again and again until I almost lost my consciousness. It was a teenager smack, but it meant a lot to me. I should slap him for doing this, but I felt the opposite. I like it very much. The kiss is very sweet just like what I imagined. I saw a smile on his lips when I opened my eyes. His forehead still on mine. Nobody wanted this to end. We just stood there for a while with his arms still around me, hugging me so tight as if he was holding his life. "I like you Allyssa. I know it's so sudden, but I don't think I want to prolong what I feel for you right now. Can you be my girlfriend" he asked while holding my face and giving me tiny kisses on my nose, eyes, cheeks and pecked me on the lips. I was speechless and savoring the moment for a while and nodded my head yes. Then I realized I was saying yes to be his girlfriend. That fast? Oh no! the excitement of being his girl is killing me. "Oh Allyssa! You made me the happiest man tonight." he said joyfully as if he won a lottery. I just nodded my head smiling at him. It happens so fast, but I don't feel like there’s something wrong in that. What is important, is that I am so happy right now. "Don't worry, I will still court you every day. I will honor and respect every decision you make. We will both reach our dreams and share all our problems together. I will always be here Allyssa. I will not waste the chance that you've given to me." Jackson said looking through my eyes without blinking. I just nodded happily. I don't know what to say. I am speechless but very happy deep inside. We danced the whole night and ignored the look on my parents’ eyes and the guests of the gala. We just held each other that night until we got tired. "Thanks for the ride Jackson. Goodnight." I said when we stopped in front of my condo building. "Thank you, Allyssa. I enjoyed the night with you. Finally, you're mine." he said and leaned in to kiss me on the lips. "Goodnight baby. Sweet dreams." "Goodnight Jackson. Thank you for my first kiss." I kissed him on the cheek, exited his car and left him gaping at me. I blushed realizing what I said and waved him goodbye. When I got to my room my mobile beeped. A text from Jackson. I'm so honored to be your first. - J I'm so happy that you are my first kiss Jackson. PS: "Do not text while driving. It's unsafe." -A Sorry.  -J Message me when you got home safe -A I took a shower and ready to sleep when my phone beeped. I'm home beautiful. -J Good. Are you going to sleep? -A After minutes of waiting for his reply I decided to sleep. Maybe he's already knocked out. Then my phone beeped, I opened it excitedly. Sorry I took a shower. I will sleep later. How about you? Are you tired? -J Not really. -A My phone rang with his name. I felt nervous suddenly. "Hey." I answered softly. "Hi, I was wondering If you are free tomorrow lunch? It's Sunday." "I think so. Yeah! I don't have anything to do tomorrow." I answered excitedly. "That's good. We can have lunch tomorrow then do whatever you like after." he said excitedly. "Uhm sure why not." I answered. Is he taking me out on a date? Why is she surprised on that? She giggled to herself. "What is so funny? That's a cute sound though." he said on the other line laughing. "Oh, nothing Jackson. See you tomorrow then." I answered yawning. "Sorry for keeping you from your beauty sleep. You need to sleep now. Goodnight beautiful. I can't wait to see you tomorrow." he said a little sad. We said our goodbyes and I can't help but smile. I am so excited for tomorrow. I want to know more about Jackson. This happened so fast, but I don't care. I have so much to tell my best friend Tanya.
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