Panotti of the Opera (15)

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It was here. Ringo quickly left after assuring Syris that everything was normal with Floopy and that the panotti was indeed a healthy omega close to experiencing his first heat. Michael delivered the food and the couple promised to check on their neighbour regularly in between classes to get them the things they needed. For now, it was only Floopy and Syris left in the room. To say that he wasn’t nervous, it would be a lie. Syris had never really looked at another person, male or female, in such a way before. Although he knew what to do in his head thanks to Bruce, he was still not too sure about how this would play out. Floopy was very small as a beta and now that he was an omega, the siren prince couldn’t help but feel concerned about how much would be too much for his body. “How are you feeling?” he asked and kissed the boy on the forehead. Floopy felt feverish to the touch but it could be due to his cold hands. Syris didn’t know. “Stay,” Floopy groaned and pulled Syris closer to him, putting Syris’ palm across his chest. If this was what Ringo meant when he said that omegas in heat could get stubborn, Syris didn’t really mind. With a smile, he obliged and indulge in the boy. This was the nesting phase where an omega would desperately try to surround themselves with their alpha’s belongings. The stronger the scent, the better. If Syris wanted to leave for a little, he had to give Floopy a clothing item to pacify the omega’s instinct to always be with their alpha. Very soon, the first wave of the heat arrived and Floopy groaned. There was slick in between his thighs flowing from where he normally defecated. HOrrified by his stained bottoms, Floopy tried to excuse himself to the toilet to take care of the mess but on his very first step, the panotti had already fallen to the floor. His legs were far too weak to carry him with his heat. Syris didn’t know what was wrong at first until he looked down. “D-Don’t look!” Floopy tried to hide his dirtied clothes but Syris was having none of that. He needed his lover to be a little more assertive and tell him what he wanted. As much as he adored the innocent Floopy, Syris wanted his lover to be ready to get messy. “Floopy, there’s nothing to be afraid about. Everything that is going to happen from now on is very normal between an alpha and omega bond. I know this is hard on you and it’s your first time experiencing something so scary but I want you to be completely honest with me from now on until your heat is over. This is also a first for me so I don’t want to hurt you accidentally.” Embarrassed but touched, Floopy nodded bashfully and allowed Syris to carry him to the bedroom. They shared a slow kiss and Floopy’s heart trembled when their lips met. Syris’ lips were soft and slightly cold, it was like licking an ice cream and Floopy found himself indulging in the feeling. He didn’t notice how Syris was slowly getting rid of their clothes until a cold webbed hand slid underneath his shirt. With a gasp, Floopy broke their kiss and looked down. Syris was already more or less naked with only one underwear covering his erection. What sort of erection that was? Floopy didn’t know but he had a feeling he would soon find out. On the other hand, Syris made quick work of Floopy’s shirt and soiled bottom. The panotti had no problems getting rid of the clothing but he quickly closed his thighs together to cover that shameful bit, not really minding if his flower bud was exposed for Syris to play with. There was still sticky fluid running in between his thighs but now that the pants and underwear were gone, Floopy wasn’t so embarrassed about wetting anything. Syris didn’t move to Floopy’s nether regions immediately. The hat was only beginning and they would have plenty of time to explore. Instead, he chose to pepper his lover in kisses from his forehead, tip of his nose to the neckline. Floopy squirmed from the feather-light touches and laughed when Syris trailed his finger up his sides, tickling him in the process. “That tickles!” the musician grinned and Syris smiled. Finally, his lover was relaxing. “How are you feeling now? Is your head fuzzy yet?” Floopy shook his head. “No, I’m still here. The fever is building up and liquid wouldn’t stop flowing out from down there… is this… is this really how it’s meant to be?” The merman nodded. “Have you ever touched yourself behind before?” Shocked, Floopy shook his head. “I was a beta, this was something only omegas did. Ringo said that you’re going to stick your thing in there… i-is it going to fit?” Syris blinked. “I suppose it should. Omegas somehow manage to take in their partners no matter how big they are. I guess they have rather special bodies but just in case it starts to hurt, stop me immediately. Your safety and health is more important than my needs, do you understand?” Touched, Floopy nodded. Then, Syris turned mischievous. “I can understand that you haven’t touched yourself in the back. But have you ever touched yourself in front?” Stunned by the dirty talk, Floopy turned so red that Syris had to apologise before his lover passed out from an embarrassed rage. Whatever Floopy thought he knew about Syris just went right out the window with how pushy Syris was when it came to the bedroom. It wasn’t just touching, Floopy was practically a puddle of good in Syris’ arms. How the alpha managed to find out all the places that felt good to him made Floopy confused. He never knew that being licked at the heel could make him feel so good that his first climax was only a matter of time. Satisfied that his foreplay brought his lover over the edge, Syris started to get down to serious business. He took a small n****e in his mouth and rolled it while fisting his lover’s c**k to hardness again. Floopy screamed and didn’t know what to hold onto as Syris took him higher. Usually, he was satisfied with climaxing once but tonight, he was insatiable. “More!” Obliging to his lover’s rare request, Syris moved lower to where he knew would effectively divert his lover’s attention. Even if the back entrance was slick enough for him to enter, Syris didn’t want to take any risks. He might be aching wth how arousing the scent of Floopy’s heat was becoming but he held onto his rationality with firm control. The musician wasn’t expecting for Syris to swallow him fully. The inside of his mouth was a huge contrast to the cold hands that normally touched him. Floopy watched with disbelief as his alpha deep-throated him and sucked hard as if eating the most delicious candy in the world. Floopy cried and tried to stop Syris but the man was simply too stubborn and skilful that he was left with no choice but to claw at the pillows. Satisfied that Floopy was now pliant and unresisting, Syris took it slow and circled Floopy’s back entrance, prodding at the pink puckered flesh before easing in one digit, joint by joint until he was all the way in. Stilling for a while and releasing Floopy’s hardened member with an audible pop, Syris looked up. Floopy was completely flush, a sign that the heat was in full swing. The musician’s eyes were clouded over and he was no longer in control of his thoughts. The only thing that remained was the need for his alpha to love him. Seeing that his lover was becoming impatient, Syris moved that finger in and out slowly so that Floopy would get accustomed to something going up that entrance. With Syris’ skills and patience, it wasn’t difficult for Floopy to quickly become impatient while the mer-prince took his time to stretch Floopy out until he was ready. Two fingers were introduced and Syris made sure to scissor them wide while searching for the pleasure spot. He hoped that it wouldn’t be difficult to find Floopy’s special spot because things would be very difficult if he couldn’t find it before the main action. Floopy panted hard with Syris twisting around inside of him. His body heated up and he just wanted to take everything in. Fingers weren’t enough, there was something else his body wanted but Syris was very serious about preparation so Floopy only moaned. “Hurry up! I can’t take it anymore, it’s driving me crazy…” Syris shook his head. “Not until I know where that is. Also, you’re taking in four fingers now. Do you feel any pain?” Floopy shook his head and urged his boyfriend to hurry but Syris was determined not to give in until he knew how to drive Floopy absolutely insane, not that his stubbornness was doing it already. It took Syris a good five more minutes to finally slide his fingers with more pressure upwards and prod deeper before Floopy screamed in shock and erupted once more. Panting profusely and sweating, Floopy didn’t register that they were getting ready for the main action until Syris placed a pillow underneath Floopy to support his hips. The kiss distracted Floopy from realising what was going on until Syris was completely sheathed inside. The siren took time to turn the water sprinkler system on as well. Now that Floopy was ready, it was time to get serious. He was closer to a dolphin and carp mix breed type of merman and that meant he couldn’t come unless there was water present. It was also incredibly difficult for him to get an erection without the presence of water simply because it took too much effort to bring his d**k out of his body and inflate it for the purpose of s*x before shooting his load and bringing it back in after it deflated. Floopy didn’t know any better now that Syris was inside him. All he could think of was the fullness and the satisfaction of finally becoming one with Syris. He wrapped his legs around Syris and locked his arms behind his boyfriend’s neck. “Are you going to mark me like this?” Syris shook his head. “It’s only the first wave, I will mark you once your body is more accustomed to the heat. Probably closer to the last day of your heat. The marking process is a lot more tiring than the mating process from what I heard. How are you feeling now? Any pain or discomfort?” Floopy squirmed a little and Syris hissed, glaring at Floopy and warning him not to move unnecessary. The musician was really testing the limits of his patience and Syris didn’t like it. “It’s very full in here,” he said and brought a webbed hand down to his navel teasingly. “You reach all the way till here, can you feel it?” Giving up on patience, Syris hoisted his small lover into his lap in a sitting position. If Floopy didn’t know how to behave, Syris wasn’t going to be the only one suffering here. Ever since the start, Syris hadn’t taken his pleasure even though Floopy had already come undone twice. “If you can tease me like this, you’re more than ready to handle something a little rougher,” he growled and slammed home, using gravity to his advantage, penetrating deep into his lover’s virgin hole. “Ahh! Sy-Syris! There… it feels weird!” The prince smirked and kissed Floopy into silence while he thrust harder at the spot that Floopy claimed was weird. “By weird, you mean it feels good, right? Every time I hit that spot,” he emphasized with a hard upward thrust, “you tighten around me. Look, your head is already leaking. You like me crushing your prostate, right?” With his brain gone from the pleasure, Syris was giving him and the heat overtaking his body, Floopy returned the kiss twice as passionately and agreed. “It feels good… do it to me more. Let’s make many babies together.” Although he knew that this was the heat talking, Syris couldn’t help but feel overjoyed that his lover was thinking so far ahead to want a family with him. “Yes, let’s make many babies together. You can teach them how to sing and I will teach them how to swim. Uh! I’m close, Floopy.” Clinging onto his alpha tighter, Floopy bounced his legs to connect them faster. “Inside me… do it inside me!” he urged with urgency as he approached his newest high. Syris didn’t resist and let the pleasure take over, holding onto Floopy’s hips tightly as he let out a strangled groan. Floopy screamed when his insides were coated in Syris’ colour. He shuddered and arched his back, letting his eyes roll back while letting the climax rule his body once more. Once the moment was over, Floopy slumped in Syria' arms, unmoving and exhausted from the intense first wave of his long heat. Syris panicked for a moment after coming down from his high, worried that he might have overdone it. Then, he heard a soft snore from his unconscious lover and relaxed a little. His erection was long gone and now that logic was back online, the prince looked around at the mess in the room. Not wanting Floopy to catch a cold, he turned the sprinklers off and carried Floopy to the bath, preparing hot water for the unconscious panotti. At this rate, he only had a few hours before the next wave started. Making full use of the time, Syris got to work quickly, cleaning up the things that had to be cleaned and heating up the food Michael brought them. Syris: The first wave is finally over, it was intense. He passed out, should be a few hours before the next wave. Can you help me get some sweets? Bruce: What kind? Syris: Anything with sugar. Lemon? Strawberry? Bruce: Got it. Also, please don’t tell me the details of your love-making, my prince. I don’t really want to imagine how you’re able to get erect. Syris: Don’t act like you don’t know how it works. I had the sprinklers on. Bruce: … Bruce: I have a feeling this is going to be tougher on you than on him. Good luck getting it up for the next few days when he demands more of it. Syris sighed. He didn’t want to think about it. It wasn’t his fault that he was part dolphin and part carp with a romantic heart. Besides, there really isn't anything he wouldn’t do for Floopy. With that, Syris returned to the bathroom to help Floopy soak in the herbal infused water that Ruo Han claimed would help calm the heat down. After that, the alpha took a quick shower before cleaning up the mess they made in the bedroom. “One down, three more to go for today.”
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