
455 Words
Blurb “And what do you want from me?”She narrowed her eyes. “Your breasts.’ That took her by surprise. Her body jerked as though he had struck her. She blinked at him and said nothing. “Pardon, madam. Let me be clear. I need your services as a wet nurse to my daughter. One year of service, you walk away a free woman.” Liam felt the need to pace, but he couldn’t safely stretch his legs in the confines of her cell. Her stony silence was making him nervous. “You will live in comfort in the castle. You will be served three meals a day, you will have a private room with a maid, and you will receive a salary as befits a wet-nurse to a Lady.” “So, I will trade prison... for another...” she said with a dry, humorless laugh. He was unaccountably offended by her response. He straightened himself and squared his shoulders. “Well,” Liam refused to beg. He took a step back. “If this is the prison you prefer, madam,” He started to turn as if to leave, though he had no intention of leaving the woman there in the cell. Even if she refused his offer, he wouldn’t leave her in this place. It was not fit for an animal, leave alone a woman. He was not a monster, not intentionally anyway. However, he needed her to agree to the position. His daughter’s life depended on it. “Fine,” the woman croaked, and took a staggering step. ------ The Duke's wife leaves after giving birth to their first and only child. The child is allergic to cow's and goat's milk, and requires a wet-nurse if she is going to survive. The physician recommends finding a woman who has recently delivered immediately to save the child's life. The guard reports that he knows of a woman in the dungeons who has just delivered. Willow Newhart is a woman from the village. Known as an herbalist and a healer, she was captured by the Priesthood and tried by the Bishop for witchcraft. The King has outlawed execution for witchcraft, but there is no law to prevent the Bishop from having her thrown into the dungeons. She has been in the dungeons for almost a year, where she has been repeatedly raped, impregnated and brutalized by the guards. She gives birth in the dungeons, but the guards kill the baby immediately. The Duke is totally unaware of the circumstances of Willow's imprisonment, and is only concerned that she accept his offer - a full pardon in exchange for one year of her service as a wet-nurse to his infant daughter.
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