Episode 10

2465 Words
I stayed in school for a while after school to avoid going home with the Smiths, and when I got home I was damn tired, I decided to avoid Adrian for a while. I spend my weekend with my mom at the store, I was happy to be Adrian-free, though I couldn't help but worry about how he was doing. Mom's store is always open even on Sundays but she didn't stay long on Sunday though, we were coming back from the store on Sunday when we met Adrian coming out from our compound, I got down from the car carrying groceries we bought when I saw him. "Adrian!" My mom called out in excitement. "Hi Mrs Howard" He greeted with a wry smile. "Hello there, how are you?" my mom cheerfully asked. "I'm fine Mrs Howard, and how are you?" He asked back warmly. "Except for Natalie's trouble I'm good," She said winking at me. "Mom!" I called out in irritation. "Give me the groceries dear, I'm sure Adrian has a lot to talk to you about" She requested but I dodged as she try collecting the groceries which were in the grocery bag. "I promise to do the cooking on weekends, didn't I?" I asked with an arched brow. "Come on darling, I'll do the cooking, you can join me later," She said softly trying to give me her cautioned look which I totally ignored. "No, mom I'll do the cooking" I insisted. "It's alright Mrs Howard, I'll just talk to her later" Adrian spoke trying not to make the hurt in his voice so evident, even if I felt bad...I didn't show it. "Oh, dear...alright," My mom said giving up before glaring at me. "Bye, Mrs Howard...bye Nat," He said after glancing at me for a while, and then he finally left. "Believe me Natalie...that was rude of you" My mom pointed out in annoyance as we made our way into the house, on getting to the porch he checked for the keys in her bag, after some seconds the door was opened. "I did nothing wrong mom" I shrugged as I walked in. "He came here for you Natalie," my mom said following behind me closely. "Yeah...but I...am busy," I said heading to the kitchen. "I'm mad at you Natalie" My mom declared heading inside her room, I only scoffed, my mom isn't mad, she just feels bad for hurting Adrian...whatever, I thought as I continue sorting out the groceries. *** Monday...another week of school, getting closer to my final exams, I thought as I get into my school uniform, I adjusted my tie at the mirror and smile at myself as I stare into the mirror looking at my well-ironed cloth, our school uniform was red and white, my school skirt was plaited red and my shirt is plain white, in our school senior girls are known with ties, and belted skirt, while juniors use bow tie. I grab my bag which my mom just finish filling with my stuff, I pecked her bye and peck my dad too as I met him outside fixing my mom's car, I used a pink hooded sweater with my headset on as I made for school I was early so I didn't go with Mrs Smith, well...things was going out smoothly for me until the end of classes, I followed Nicole and Melanie after classes. I saw them join Hanna in her environmental services, I only watched, just a little after that Hanna left and take a seat, that was really annoying, I could hear the girl's inner voice complaining about how she took a seat instead of them working together. 'What are we? Her slaves?' Melanie's inner voice questioned, but what irritated me most and cause my interference was Hanna's inner voice statement. 'Damn they work like a snail...too slow, can't they work any bit faster' it had said, I left where I was hiding and walked to her dropping the yoghurt wrap I was consuming on the floor just in front of her, she stood furiously. "Isn't that too unfair?" I asked and her mind whirled in confusion trying to get what I meant by unfair, she was suddenly wishing I had a mishap, which irritated me even more. "Your friends are supposed to be helping you...they are not your slaves, how could you talk to them like that?" I asked turning to face her completely. "Talk to them like what?" She asked completely clueless about what I inferred. "You called them a snail Hanna?" I heard when you called them too slow. How could you say such a thing?" I asked and she was suddenly so confused, 'Have she said it that loud?' her inner voice asked, Melanie's anger vibrate in my brain. "Hold on a second! You called us slow Hanna?" Melanie queried. She was frowning now. "I didn't say it out loud,... I didn't even say it out at all" Hanna replied and I shook my head in disapproval. "What the heck Hanna! You know what!...solve your s**t yourself" Melanie said dropping the cleaning rag by her feet "What!? You're just gonna leave?" She asked hoping she wouldn't leave. "Yeah... I'm just gonna leave" Melanie replied with a roll of her eyes. "You can't do that" Hanna's voice cracked and her confidence and pride shattered. "Trust me I can do just that" Melanie replied and left then Hanna faced Nicole. "Are you also gonna believe this piece of s**t over me?" She asked indifferently. "I wish I wouldn't Hanna, but you didn't even deny it or give any damn apology, that was rude Hanna," Nicole said dropping the rubbish bag she was holding at Hannah's feet and then turned to leave. "You know what! I don't give a damn and I give no damn apology...I'm not gonna do that and I definitely won't, so f**k off if you want" She shouted after them, Nicole only sighed and took the alleyway that lead to the class blocks. "Got what you want?" Hanna turned to me and asked. "This isn't what I wanted Hanna, yeah...hell yes I hate you but I hate you to be suffocated, life ain't fun without friends but learn to treat them well, all this would have turned out perfect if you had offered them just 'sorry' but your freaking pride wouldn't let you... Now! Solve your s**t yourself" I spat at her and left I was walking to the Karate training arena when I heard someone calling me, that voice is what I couldn't mistake anyone for...Adrian. I turned to see him running after me, he suddenly hug me squeezing me so tight that I could hardly breathe, then he finally released me. "I misunderstood you, Nat, I'm sorry" He timidly apologized holding my hands in his "What!?" I asked clueless about what he was talking about. "I saw everything, I'm really sorry for misunderstanding you" He apologized again and I suddenly jack his hands off mine. "What the hell is your problem Adrian?" I fumed. "You are Natalie" His reply was blunt. "I know I did wrong, I misunderstood you, I hurt you and I've done things wrongly ever since we met but Nat, please give me a chance" He responded despondently but calmly, his voice rough yet timid. "What chance?" I asked and at first, he was quiet. "Just leave me alone" I pushed past him and started walking away. "I love you Natalie" He confessed despondently facing down, then I saw students holding up their phones through the net-fenced basketball court to get a grasp of what was happening. "Natalie I love you...I might not know how to express myself much, but I know this Natalie, I love you" he confessed finally facing me and moving slowly towards me. "But...I hardly know you Adrian" my voice came out soft, as my heart thumped hard against my ribs. "Then know me...I want to date you, Natalie, I don't ask you to decide quickly, but I'm gonna do everything to make you say yes" He replied throatily, suddenly tensed as if trying to fight something. "Say something" He requested, he was sweating now, making me realise how many people had gathered around us. "Please!" He pleaded, I know I can't turn away...not now, he was fighting his phobia. "Okay...I'm gonna give you that chance, let's see if you can get me to say yes" I replied with a smile and he suddenly brightened up, he run up to me and give me a tight hug. "Um...I can't breathe" I let out as I felt my lungs running out of air and he released me smiling, and he did the most surprising and stupid thing ever, he kissed me but as he raised his head to face me I couldn't talk, I could only feel my self blushing so hard, I felt hot too as if the breeze wasn't enough, I could hear claps that makes me bit down on my lower lip. The guy had stolen my concentration right that instant, the memory kept me smiling and grinning foolishly, even during Karate training, he keeps getting me on my back, I was asked to focus by our instructor after three falls, so I decided to pair him up instead and as I was trying to teach them new moves he winked at me, that makes me forget what I was saying, so I excused myself, and here I am staring at the bathroom mirror, I had the door closed and I looked back to see Sandra. "Hi" I greeted nicely but she only hissed then I heard her inner voice say. 'I'm not going to let him off so easily, especially not to you b***h' that was all I heard before she left. "Let him off?" I asked myself out loud, what the heck does she mean by that? I thought as I finally head back into the training arena, I joined the senior in training to improve myself. I was packing my stuff from my locker when I saw countless notifications on my phone, I took it out, it was from the students' platform in school blog and there...lies the video of Adrian's confession to me and tons of comments. 'Not bad' 'So romantic' 'I love him' 'Wow' 'Are you kidding?' 'So they just hooked?' 'what the hell?' 'He's handsome' the comments kept me blushing hard. "Hey" Kate called, I don't really like the girl she's my classmate but with a gossiper's mind. "I'm Kate," she said issuing a handshake, I took it warmly trying to stay cool as her thoughts rushed into my head. "I'm Natalie," I said almost gritty. "I know you...you're the talk of the school," she said sounding a little envious. Then I heard her inner voice. 'I wonder why Adrian chooses you, I try to all I could to get his attention, why exactly does he choose you, maybe-' "You okay?" She asked and I was immediately forced out of her mind as her unruly thoughts were giving me a headache. "Yeah...yeah...sure, so what do you...want?" I asked trying to keep cool. "Well... I was hoping if I could be your friend, you know like hang out in a while" she asked, that really irritated me but I had to play along. "Yeah...sure, why not," I said locking my locker, then I saw some group of girls heading towards me, all thinking of becoming my friend to get noticed by Adrian, that really was giving me a headache or their crowded thoughts, I was feeling so dizzy when I felt someone hand covered my face I could never mistake those warm hands. "Adrian!" I practically squeaked leaving me embarrassed. "How did you know?" He asked slipping down his hands from my face and resting it on my shoulders. "I couldn't have been mistaken" I replied proudly looking at him, I was trying as much to get my eyes off his pink lips, he held my hand and lead me out from the group of girls, I was glad. "Time to go home" He announced as we climb down the stairs. "Is Mrs Smith still around?" I asked as he head towards the car pack. "Yeah... She's taking up recreational studies for students and Ashley also signed up for basketball so...she's around" He explained briefly. "Does that mean she'll always be around now?" I asked hoping she'll not, don't ask why. "Hmm nope, just when Ashley is having practice and when she's having training" he answered. "Okay," we got to the car still holding hands and I try to get my hands off him as Mrs Smith appeared but he held on tightly, I looked at him, but he was indifferent about his action. Mrs Smith stopped for a while to look at us which makes me bite down on my lower lip in embarrassment, but Mrs Smith just give a funny expression and entered the car, we were on the way when she talked, "I'll take it as you guys are a couple now, right?" She asked but before I could talk Adrian answered. "Yes," He answered hands akimbo as he watched through the window, "Well...it's okay...it's just, I want you guys to take your studies seriously since your finals are approaching" She advised earnestly though happy we finally sort things out. "We will mom" Adrian put in softly. "I knew it!" Ashley shouted that we all jumped "Knew what?" Mrs Smith asked surprised at Ashley's outburst. "Knew they were going to get together...I guess Ann owes me ten bucks" She croaked smiling confidently. "You bet on us?" Adrian asked as shocked just as much as I was. "Kinda," Ashley said going back to the grape which she was eating, Mrs Smith only smiled, I got down at my stop and I was surprised to see Adrian getting down as well, then Mrs Smith left. "What?" I asked eyes bulging in surprise. "Just wanna say goodbye," He said shyly hands rubbing the back of his head. "Are you kidding?" I asked and started sauntering towards our driveway and he trailed behind me. "No," he said and I smirked. "You shouldn't have," I said blushing hard. "You can say...that's just my way of courting a lady...Bye" he said pecking me after we both got to our front door "Come on go on in" He urged and I walked in brainwashed on what to say, as I got In I closed the door then I remembered I haven't told him goodbye, I opened it quickly to see him just turning to go. "Bye" I returned loudly and he turned, smiled and finally left, I couldn't believe this. I'm gonna have a boyfriend! That reality is too hard to believe. -----------------------
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