Episode 8

2492 Words
The atmosphere between Adrian and I was a little bit tense after what happened, we all had dinner together and immediately after we finish doing that I heard Mr Smith's car pull by. "Looks like your parents are here," my mom said wrapping some pie in the kitchen serviette, she packed it up with two bottles of juice and handed them the basket. "Thanks, Mrs. Howard" They spoke at the same time but my mom just shrugged it off with a wave of her hand. "Don't mention darling" My mom said, then we heard a knock and I quickly get the door. "Hi Mrs Smith" I greeted and let her in. "Thank you so much, Mrs Howard, I'm really grateful for allowing my babies to stay with you," she said shaking my mom's hand. "You don't have to mention, I'm always available...anytime" My mom replied nicely, that was all that was said before Goodnight, I really couldn't make the rest out cause I had my headset on, then but I had to hold it down as I saw Adrian waving me goodnight so I waved back. "You know...I like the guy, I really do" My dad said and I heard what was coming next from his Thoughts. "No way, dad," I said locking the door as my mom went back to the kitchen "Oh come on, it wouldn't be such a bad idea- "Dad!" I called abruptly. "I really have to concentrate on my studies, just...not now please" I spoke as I head back into my room. I sighed as I took my phone, I wouldn't say it's mine really, it's my brother's but he's now in school and he's got a new phone but whenever he called and I ask him if I could take possession of it but he just wouldn't let me and mom, she just wasn't ready to get me one. *** I got up very early to do my morning chores which include clearing and sweeping, I dust the TV and I smile at my work, I got into the kitchen washed the plates and clear the kitchen, I took some fruits in the kitchen and wrap up some leftover pie, then freshen up and get into my school uniform I got into the sitting room to see my mom set to make breakfast. "Where are you going?" She asked surprised at how early I was. "I have something to take care of in school mom...gotta go" I replied after I finished tying up my shoelace, then I give her a peck, I checked my wristwatch and it was 6:30 am. I was glad, I had to leave so early for two reasons. One, I had to whoop someone's ass, two I didn't want to go with Mrs Smith this morning, I have to sort myself out I have to know what exactly my feelings are...but I can't with Adrian around me, I got to school at 6:45, satisfied with the time, I head for class and the next minute I was smiling at the board glad how my handwriting makes a big deal out of it, then I left to read some books in my favourite spot, I couldn't help but remember when Adrian collected my book to help me with it, I shove away the thoughts and concentrate, 30 minutes later I decided to go back to class, then I bumped into Adrian, goodness why wouldn't this guy leave me alone. "Hey" He greeted casually. "Hey" I replied and started walking away. "Wait!" He halted me by holding my arm which was rude actually. "What?" I asked and he held up my lunch box. "I was asked to check on you, to see if you're ready for school but you weren't in, your mom said you left early, and she asked me to help bring your lunch- "oh...thanks" I replied shyly, smiling at him as I took my lunch box and then resumed walking but he joined me. "It was because of what's on the board, isn't it? you wrote it didn't you?" He inquired and I stopped to look at him, he was upset. "And what if I did...can't I?" I asked rhetorically literally giving him a scornful look. "I know you hate that girl Nat, but she wasn't behind the attack on us," He said firmly. "And how would you know that?" I asked getting pissed myself. "But you don't also have a clue either" He argued back. "I do...I know it's her" I sharply retorted and started walking again, he can never believe me if I told him I sniff it out of Hanna's thoughts and I wasn't even ready to tell him. "Tell me how you know Natalie" He demanded and I looked him straight in the eyes. "Can you just...leave me alone right now, please" I pleaded, trying to stay away. "Nat...I need to know how you suddenly came to that conclusion and decided to hurt her back" He insisted sounding really pissed now. "You know what Adrian, everything I did to her, she deserves it" I insisted and hasten my steps. "Why are you so cold?" He asked with a furious expression. "And why the hell are you defending her...why?! Adrian why do you have to defend her after seeing what she did to me, why wouldn't you believe me when I told you what happened yesterday was all on her" I queried with a pained expression, the hurt obvious in my voice "What!? I am not defending anybody" He immediately denied it, I wish I could believe that. "Yes, you are Adrian, yes you are...you know that's the truth but you refuse to accept it" I spat at him and ran. "Natalie" I heard him call behind me in frustration but I was hurt, I was...really, and I couldn't guess why. I entered the class to hear them murmuring, all contemplating what the meaning of the statement on the board was, I look over at Hannah and she was boiling, I know she felt like strangling me, and so do I, I gave her a mocking stare and took my seat. "Guess who the illegitimate heiress is? wow... It's the same person who stole Miss Michelle's gold wristwatch" Gregor read out loud "Damn man, I really want to know who the hell that is?" He added and the murmurs continue, many were starting to stare at Hanna and with their mind guessing it was her, I could see she was uncomfortable, she stood and walk out in anger and that makes her even more suspicious as people look at her while she walks out, of cause she's the no 1 on their suspect list. One, she never brought her mom to parents' day or Parents' meetings, two... Only her bag wasn't searched during the search for Miss Michelle's gold wristwatch. Eventually, her two associates followed her giving me killer glares but I didn't mind, my head was already getting crowded when I put on my headset, throughout class I didn't talk to Adrian and I didn't care, well matters got worse when Miss Michelle comes in to take us that morning, she was furious, I could make out from her thoughts that she loved and cherish that gold wristwatch since she was given by her fiance, that hurts her. "Who wrote this?" She yelled her question but nobody answered because no one knew except Adrian who of course wasn't even in class. Hanna didn't want to stand and tell despite knowing for sure it was me, she knew that will be like admitting to what was written on the board, I smirked at her and I can swear she wanted to burst, Miss Michelle didn't have a choice than to teach us in a broken heart. During recess I took my lunch and left for my favourite spot in school then I met Adrian already there, but I didn't say a word I only sat at my corner and started eating, I remembered the last time I ate here, Adrian had picked on me, even if it makes me starve, I was suddenly hoping he'll do that again, I wanted to go to him and apologise, but I can't I was not happy, devastated would have been the right word for the situation I was in. "You're not gonna stop avoiding me, are you?" He asked making me turn to him with so much gratitude for that. He stood and move to my side me. "Or is it because you don't want to share that?" He asked and I smile then I pass it to him. "I'm not stingy, you know" I huffed as I expand the lunch box which was in layers, he smiled and took a spoonful. "Well it's hard to say, you like food, a lot" He teased. "Come on" I snapped, laughing. "I like your mom's cooking... really " he revealed and I smiled proudly. "Well it's hard not to, my mom's cooking is enchanting" I had a proud look on my face as I watch him take another spoonful. "Come on...you're giving me a killer stare" He laughed and I chuckled softly, then he handed me back the spoon. "So...how was your...I mean-" I stuttered indicating his mouth with my finger. "You were a little hard on me" He shrugged touching the corner of his mouth. "It's fine now" He added with a sigh. "I'm sorry" I apologised. "Hey it's nothing, at least I learned something" He muttered and there was silence afterwards. "And I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have judged you without knowing your reasons" He apologised for the earlier situation. It made me smile but I didn't like him staring at me, I lowered my gaze and take some water but he was just there, staring at me, it was making me rather uncomfortable. I looked up to see him still staring then I tried to take my eyes off him but he wouldn't let me, he turned my face to him and slowly put his lips on mine, I wanted to push him, I wanted to yell at him but I couldn't do anything then I finally give in, I relaxed and let him have his way, then the most strange thing happened his thoughts almost explode my brain, I could hear it loud and clear now. 'I love you Natalie right from the first day I met you, every day the feelings grow I just couldn't take my eyes off you, and I want to always be with you' damn, I thought as I heard his silent confession which I wish he had said out loud instead of saying it with his thoughts, the shutter of a phone camera makes me tear my mouth gently from him, I swallowed my breath "I... I...have to go" I stuttered, quickly packing my stuff and finally leaving, he was calling me to wait but he didn't dare run after me, we both needed time to admit whatever it is we were feeling for each other. I left for the back of the sports arena to finish my lunch, but I couldn't take a spoon without recalling what just happened, I sighed as I finally finish up and went back to class, and then eyes were on me. I knew something was wrong, I take a glimpse of a girl's thoughts and all I could hear was her asking if I was the one in the picture damn, damn you Hanna I thought and make my way into class I could feel eyes glued on me, I didn't mind, I took out my phone and check on my new notification or I was about to when Adrian came in, he looked at me but I tore my eyes away and concentrate on what I was about doing. The school's blog was updated I checked to see my kissing scene with Adrian, wide and clear with a caption, 'guess who was making out on the last floor' I felt a rage of anger and resentment well up in me, then a student came by, Mrs Smith had called on us, why did I suddenly have a bad feeling about this, Adrian looked at me with a questioning expression, and I returned the look 'I dunno kinda look' before we stood almost at the same time and walk out but not without checking the comments on the image, 'Wow' 'Not bad' 'Are they dating?' 'Well... It's not bad 'OMG, Adrian's taken' 'Why did he have to choose her' 'He deserves better' the comments were irritating, as we pass the eyes were pressing me down and the thoughts clouded in my head wave after wave, I raised my headset, then when we were about to get in I removed it, I could see the worried look on Adrian's face but we entered after all "Hi, mom- "Hi Mrs Smith" we greeted as we got to her, she was arranging some files but stopped immediately after we entered. "Seriously?" Her face contorted into a frown and I could hear what was coming next after that, I was feeling so bad for disappointing her. "What is it, mom?" Adrian asked completely clueless about what was going on. "Don't play dumb with me Adrian?" She said in annoyance. "Mom I don't know what you're talking about, what is it?" He asked still clueless "Why don't you see for yourself," she said handing him the phone, he suddenly looked at me, with so many emotions visible, regret? Sadness? Worry? I could only guess, I was trying hard to hold it in. "When did this start?" Mrs Smith asked now calm with the look on our faces, all she felt now wasn't anger but pity and worry. "It was an accident" Adrian declared finding it hard to admit it to his mom and that hurt me even more. "I'm sorry Mrs Smith...but I have to go" I rasped all teary-eyed and left in haste, knowing Adrian will follow I didn't go to our spot but to the sports locker room, I wanted to cry my heart out, I slipped to my knees eyes brimming with tears then Hanna and her associates came, I wasn't surprised to see them, they've been stalking me. "Oh...what's wrong? Hanna said with mockery visible in her tone. "Did something happen? Oh so sorry! Can you tell me what that is?" She jeered and the other girls laughed. "I wouldn't know you were seeing our class handsome, the whole class was surprised you know, and the girls, oh they were so disappointed. This is just the beginning, nobody mess with me" She taunted harshly and finally left. I fought back the tears, I sighed as I walked into the bathroom to clean my face, "Then I'll show you what the real b***h I can be" I gritted harshly staring at my reflection in the restroom mirror. ---------------------
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