Chapter 31

3761 Words

Despite our eagerness, it actually took a while to get on the road because Mum made us breakfast. And s*x was all very well but come on who wouldn't want pancakes. Matthew went for the lightest sprinkling of sugar and a twist of lemon juice. While I went for syrup. And cream. And strawberries. And chocolate. And—okay, yes. Everything. I went for everything. I couldn’t help but notice the way he was watching my lips. It’s possible they were a little bit glisteny. And sticky. He was looking all tormented by the time I was chasing the last swirl of syrup from my plate with a fingertip. And I seriously hoped I was going to pay for this later. It didn’t take me too long to pack on account of the fact I’d been living out of my suitcase since I got home. Then we said our goodbyes to my fol

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