Chapter 52

3387 Words

Come on,” Matthew said, letting me go at last. Once again, my body decided that the best place for me was in a wobbly heap on the ground, but he grabbed my hand just in time. And pulled me, along with my case, toward the exit. Into the waiting—oh f**k—limo. And onto his lap. Where we kissed again. Again. And. Again. As the streets of London unraveled around us in ribbons of gold. Finally, we stopped. Mainly, I think, for breathing purposes, rather than any particular desire to separate our mouths. “I’m going to put a collar round your neck,” Matthew murmured, “and chain you to my bed.” Thankfully I knew how to interpret this. “I missed you too.” I thought he might laugh. But, instead, he pulled me against him so tightly that I flailed and squeaked like a squeezy toy. “Oh Niel.” “I

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