Chapter 10-2

2023 Words

“Iron in molten rocks holds the magnetic signature of the era when they solidified and captures the pattern of reversals. Is that what you mean?” One knock. Two knocks. One knock. *Picture of east coast and ocean and west coast of Europe, from very high up. Picture of same, but the continents visibly closer. Question?* “You’re asking about continental drift? Plate tectonics? You know about that?” *Excited. Yes. No. Want. Question?* Oh my, he thought. I might be a little late to dinner. As the after-dinner guests continued to drift in, George let himself slump comfortably in his chair along the outer edge, keeping Mag company with a mug of warm cider in his hand. The fire in the conservatory warded off the outdoor chill, and George relaxed, looking forward to his bed in his usual gues

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