Chapter four

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~Kiara~ I stormed back to the pack house, more determined in my resolve to get out of this place. I got back to the large room that was set up similar to the dorm we had left behind and flopped onto my bed, holding my sore ribs. "What happened to you?" Evelyn asked as she leaned over me, her face full of concern. "It was nothing. I wanted to test out their fighting skills, get the lay of the land, check out their defences." I groaned as I pushed up to a sitting position. "We have to get out of here before all the other females from the other packs get here." "You will get us all killed." Lucy hissed as she stood up and walked over. "Our pack is gone, we have nowhere to go. What exactly are you trying to run to?" "It is not what I am running to, it is what I am running from. These wolves are not like the ones from our pack, they are not gentile and kind. They will not shower their mate with love and affection, but anger and resentment. You want to end up some lifeless husk on the arm of a monster, go ahead, but I am getting out of here. " " And what about the rest of us? You can't just leave us here. " " The alpha said he would kill us to get you to comply. " I stood up and walked to the centre of the room." Starting tomorrow, if either of you want to get out of here you will come and train with me. I will make you stronger and faster so that we have a better chance of getting out of here and joining any pack that will take us, because trust me, anywhere is better than here. " " And if we don't want to be part of Kiara's angels? " Lucy snarled as she crossed her arms over her chest. " Then stay out of my way, and hope that they will be that desperate for mates that the alpha will not make good on his promise. " my voice laced my words, showing my resolve. I would not be forced to mate with any of these animals. I walked towards the bathroom which was like a communal changing room. I carefully stripped off my clothes and stepped under the spray of one of the showers. The heat of the water eased my aching muscles and washed away the blood that was a mixture of mine and the warriors who I fought. I heard a growl come from behind me. I turned quickly to see that pig Stephan stood learning at my naked body. "Can I help you?" I gritted out, refusing to try and hide my modesty from this ass hole. When his eyes continued to roam my body I sighed and continued with my shower. "Whenever you feel like getting whatever it is off your chest, let me know." I quipped as I finished cleaning myself. I stepped out, only to have Stephan back me back into the stall. I felt my skin heat as his large hand grabbed my waist and pushed me against the cool tiles of the shower. Despite being a bastard, Stephan was a hot bastard. He had short spiky brown hair that matched his eyes. He had a small amount of stubble on his sharp jaw and he had ripped muscles that bulged with every movement he made. His large stature impressed my wolf as much as his attitude repulsed her. I would never let him know of my physical attraction to him, especially not after catching him with one of his, I am sure many, whores. Zad on the other hand seemed like a sweetheart. He had short hair like Stephan but instead of being brown it was ash blonde and his eyes were crystal blue. He had the same physical attributed as Stephan but was a few inches shorter. Now him, I would not mind sharing this intimate moment with, but this ass hole, no thank you. "What do you think you are doing?" I growled as his hand moved from my waist and up my side. "Why do you tempt me so?" he growled. "You are the one who came in to the bathroom while I was showering, not the other way round." I spat as I pushed him from me. I grabbed a towel and went to wrap it around myself when he snatched it from my grip. Just then Lucy came in, stripped down like she was oblivious and hopped in the shower closest to where Stephan now stood. I turned to grab another towel when I was pushed me hard against the wall. "You will show me respect Kiara." he growled against my ear as one hand grabbed my breast hard and the other travelled to between my thighs. "This will earn you no respect. Get off me!" I growled as I tried to kick back to dislodge myself from him. As my legs flailed, Stephan took the opportunity to get a firmer grasp of my exposed p***y. "Don't do this!" I yelled as I carried on trying to fight. He began to pull and squeeze at my n****e as he thrust a finger into my opening. "You have to be punished." he nipped my ear as he continued his assault. "Stephan stop." I yelled as I finally managed to throw my head back and hit him in the nose. He did not loose his grip, but flew back with me tow. When he landed on the floor he hit his head against the side of a shower giving me the opportunity to get free. I grabbed a towel from the now tussled pile, before turning around and kicking him in the face. "You stay the hell away from me!" I yelled as I stormed back to the dorm room. On my bed was a box with a card. Wear this to dinner tonight. It will bring out your eyes. Remember our deal. Alpha Ralpheal. I huffed as I lifted the lid on the box to reveal an emerald green dress with matching underwear. My agreement with the alpha to do as he requested was not supposed to be for things like this. But my agreement that if it did not harm me I would do it had to stand as well. I sighed as I sat down, waiting for my damp skin to dry before putting on the dress. As I sat there, I saw Stephan storm out of the bathroom and back to the main pack house without looking back. That man was a monster and I would not be trapped here with him. ~Stephan~ I threw my chair at the wall, splintering it into pieces. I was angry at myself again with how I handled Kiara. I knew I should not have touched her, my wolf was growling at me to stop, sensing that she did not welcome it, but I was possessed. When I dropped off the package from my father and heard that she was in the shower, I could not resist the urge to see her naked form again. Despite the few bruises that marred her skin, she was still just as alluring as she was before. The water caressed over her delicious curves, she did not even try to hide. She told me to stop, my wolf told me to stop, but I was lost in my lust for her. I smashed the mirror that hung over my dresser, sending shards of glass to join the splinters of wood on the floor. My door opened and I whirled on the intruder. It was Eben who looked around the room and sighed. "What happened now?" "Nothing." I growled. "Something has got you trashing your own room. Is it a certain red head?" I huffed and turned away from him. "I don't understand. You could have claimed her as your own straight away." "She is not an alpha." I yell, shaking the walls. "If that is what hold you back, then you don't deserve her." Eben grunted. If only he knew what I had done, practically forced myself on her, he would know how true he was. That Lucy was all too willing to try and comfort my bruised ego after Kiara left, the mere thought of touching her made me sick." Hey, cheer up. There are bound to be more appealing females in the other three packs. Just wait and see." I had to hope so, as right now Kiara is driving me mad. "I came to say your father wants you down for dinner." "I'll be there in a second." I grunt. Eben leaves me, knowing better than to push me when I am in this mood. I took a few minutes to compose myself before linking a pack member to clean up the mess I had made. I stormed down to the dining room, not really having an appetite but not wanting to piss off my father more than I already had. I took my usual spot next to father. "Eat." my father ordered. "I am not hungry." I grit out, giving my father a look that displayed my low mood. "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar son. If Kiara ends up being the strongest female we find, it will be a challenge for her to accept you at this rate." "She will never accept me." My father's face set like thunder. "What have you done now?" he ordered. Luckily just then, the girls started to filter in. When Kiara came in, my mouth dropped. She had on a gorgeous emerald green dress that hugged her figure, showing off her ample breasts and delectable ass, as well as making her eyes look like they were glowing and her hair vibrant. She sat down next to Jackson who looked like he had just won the lottery. I growled possessively just as my father boomed. "Kiara, would you please join us." I saw her eyes roll as she excused herself, walking to the table. Even with the bruises on her skin still apparent, she was breath taking "Alpha Ralpheal, I should thank you for this beautiful dress. It is not really my style though." "Well I must assure you that it certainly is your style." "But maybe next time you should think about the other 'guests' you have here. You do want all the females to find mates after all." "Yes. I will Kiara. Will you join us?" Her eyes cut to me with a hate filled look. "In present company, I am afraid I would have no appetite alpha." His eyes then cut back to me. "What did you do?" I watched as her eyes looked away, a hint of vulnerability in them that I had not seen before. It was only there for a second but I had not missed it, and it made me hate myself more. "I…" I sighed, not sure how to say what I did. "What is the matter? Is that shame I actually see on your face?" Kiara growled. "You didn't seem to mind earlier when you tried to force yourself on me." "I did not." I yelled as Zad stood up and growled at me and father looked ready to chop my d**k off. "I just touched you." "Naked, and against my wishes. I would call that molestation!" "Well you shouldn't have teased me!" "Teased you! I was in the f*****g shower and you came in you f*****g perv!" "Enough!" Father shouted, causing us both to glare at each other. "You can sit next to me Kiara." Zad growled still looking ready to rip my throat out. She turned to him with a sweet smile that I wish was aimed at me. "Thank you Zad." and then she moved to his side. I went to stop this madness, as she was meant to be by my side but father stopped me. "I think you have done enough!" he whispered forcefully, making my wolf back away. I huffed and retook my seat, having completely no wish to even see food at the moment. ~Zadock~ I could not help but take a deep whiff of Kiara's scent. It was intoxicating, but I could smell the faint smell of Stephan on her that made my wolf growl. How could he do what he did? We may be brutal, but rape was still looked down on in our pack. Kiara took the seat next to me and gave me a genuine smile. "How was training?" "Good. We usually do it just after lunch but most missed lunch today." "Do you eat lunch as a pack as well as dinner?" "No, usually we just grab bits from the kitchen. May I?" I ask, picking up her plate. She seems to deliberate for a few seconds, biting down on her luscious lip before giving me a brief nod. It is an intimate act to fill up another's plate and I was honoured to do it for her. I heard Stephan growl at my action, as well as a few other wolves around the room. I did not let it phase me as I made sure she had a bit of everything spread out on the table. "You expect me to eat all this?" she asks as I sit the plate back in front of her. I scratch the back of my neck as I see the enormous amount of food I gave her. "I may have gone a little over the top." "A little." she laughed and it was like an angel. I could not help but laugh as well at my own expense. Before she tucked in, her eyes rolled as a small moan escaped her lips, making my c**k harder than it already was. "I may have spoke too soon, this food is delicious." she said as she took another bite. She laughed to herself. "Bet you won't all want me when I have to roll around as my main mode of transport." "I would want you no matter what." I answered honestly, she gave me a shy smile and her cheeks tinged the same colour as her hair. My wolf was puffing up his chest at her reaction, so please with me for making the mighty she wolf before us blush. Just as I was patting myself on the back, Stephan let out a menacing growl. Before I knew it he was out on his chair and trying to grab for Kiara, she was fast through and dodged his advance while jumping back from the table. "What do you think you are doing?" she growled as she landed elegantly a few meters away. "Me? You are the one provoking me." "What is that supposed to mean?" "He is flirting with you and you are letting him." she looked at him perplexed before he pushed. "You don't let me flirt with you." "Because you disgust me. You go to bed with whores and attack those that dare to speak their mind without a solid foundation on which to argue your stand point. You are rude and a pervert, who thinks that he can just grab women at will, and you want me to flirt with you? " "Yes!" Stephan growled. "You are mine!" That made the room erupt into possessive growls. "I am not yours! I am merely the most appetizing thing on the menu at the moment. Once you have finished with the other packs, you will not think twice about me. " Well I am going to get the second pack sorted tomorrow because the sooner you are gone from my sight the better!" "I don't want to be in your sight, full stop. Zad, would you mind walking me back to my room?" she growled. I did not answer, I just shot to my feet and ran to her side. We turned together and walked out of the room, hearing Stephan's angered growl fade away behind us. As we approached the stairs, Kiara grabbed my hand and led me out of the pack house. Once outside, she faced away and took a deep breath, before turning back to me. "Sorry, I just needed a bit of fresh air." "Don't worry I understand." I smirked as her face and body language relaxed slightly. "Why is he like that?" she asked, looking almost sad. "He is the future alpha, I think that weighs on him." "So why does he act like a petulant child?" "I don't know." I chuckle. "What's so funny?" she asked, looking at me confused. "Not many here dare to speak their mind about him." "What is he going to do, kill me?" she said turning back away. "I would rather be dead than stuck here." she added, in little more than a whisper. "Don't say that." I said, going to her side. She gave me an apologetic smile before turning back and looking over the pack land. After a few minutes of silence she turned to me. "I want to ask for a favour." With my attention focused on her, she continued. "I would like work out gear, for me and the other girls." "Why?" "Your father will not let them mate the higher wolves because he thinks they are too weak. I need to make them strong." she said, turning back to landscape before us. The way the moon hit her fair skin made her almost seem magical, her eyes reflecting the luminous orb. I could not help but admire her for a moment before I answered." I will get these for you, if you do something for me." her gaze came back on me. I stepped forward so my body was pushed up against hers. Her eyes searched mine before my eyes travelled to her lips. She licked them expectantly before giving me a small nod. I leant forward and pressed my lips to hers, her soft flesh against mine sending my wolf wild. I pushed forward, deepening the kiss. Her lips opened invitingly and I did not hesitate to explore her mouth. My hands grabbed her waist as her legs wrapped around me, my painfully hard c**k pushing against her warm core. I started to grind against her, eliciting whimpering moans from her. "Zad, we should stop." she panted as my lips moved from her lips to her neck, kissing and sucking on her soft skin. "Zad?" she pushed, but my wolf was enjoying this too much, he never wanted to let her go. He wanted her to be his, to claim her. I started to nip the skin, leaving a trail of small bruises on her neck. "Zad!" she yelped, her moans long ceasing. My teeth elongated, my wolf pushing to mark what was his. I reared back ready to lay my claiming mark on her neck. "ZAD NO!" she screamed, as my head moved towards its goal. Just as I was about to sink my teeth into her tender flesh, a strong force pulled me back. "No!" My wolf yelled through me. I thrashed against what was holding me until I saw Kiara stood looking at me with fear. I looked to my side to see Stephan holding me back, as my wolf reseeded. "Kiara I'm…" She held up her hand to silence me, just pain etched into her face. She moved back towards the pack house, but stopped and turned to Stephan. "Thank you." she whispered, before she disappeared out of sight. I sagged against the wall. "Looks like you f****d up too." Stephan said with a sly smile before leaning into me. "Try and claim what is mine again and I will kill you, brother or not." he said in a menacing voice before letting me go. "Come, we have a meeting with father." We walked back into the pack house in silence, I knew what my brother said was true, he would kill me if I tried to take Kiara from him, but my wolf did not care for his threats, he wanted Kiara as a mate and nothing Stephan did would dissuade him. We went to our father's office where he was already stood with a glass of Amber liquid in hand. "So, you are going to attack the Full Moon pack tomorrow now are you?" he said, taking a large gulp of his drink. "Yes father, I think it is for the best." Stephan said with conviction. "Very well." he sighed as he sat back in his chair. He threw a file across the table. "This is the Intel that we have gathered on them. Ensure that you read it thoroughly before you act." "Of course father." Stephan said, picking up the file. "Let's just hope that there are more suitable female wolves in this pack. Bring back the three highest ranks at least this time, as well as any suitable warriors." "Yes father." me and Stephan said in unison. Before exiting his office to see to readying the warriors.
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