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I sat down on my bed to relax myself. It's Sunday and we have no school, means it is boring. I don't really know where to go even though I wanted to go, I wanted to enjoy myself, I just don't know how. I got my phone when it vibrated, someone's calling me. I look to who that was and I saw Katharina's name on my phone, means, she is the one who is calling me. I answered her call and greeted her nicely. "Hi! How are you." I greeted her back and she responded. "I'm fine, thanks. How about you? I heard what happened yesterday. It feels like there is something strange going on around you, a lot of happened to you, around you since Chase body has been found." She, she is right. It all started when I faked founding Chase body on the woods near at my house. Maybe this is the after effect,, maybe this is the results of aall of my lies, maybe Chase is really haunting me, but why does he have to go far and kill my cousin? Wait... What if... C is equal to Chase? What does this supposed to mean? Chase is alive? Then who did I kill? "Hello? Are you still there?" I went back to my senses when Katharina talk. "Yeah I am. Sorry I just have to process everything. But yes, I am fine too. And thanks for your concern." What am I thinking. How could Chase be alive when his dead body is with me for almost 2 weeks. Enough proof that he is dead. But who really is C? What is his game? I just don't understand, I really couldn't understand what is happening. And what is the connection of these haunting? The red hair lady, Chase ghost, and the hallucination that I am having, that now happened to Austin. I know there is something happening here, I can feel it, I can sense it. But I just don't get the right measurement of the answers, because I don't really know what are the questions to answer. Everything is so complicated and so broken. Everything is just perfectly doesn't make sense. And to that, I am scared and afraid at the same time. No one knows, I don't know, what will happen next, what kind of crazy story has to go and to happen, just to answer these craziness question, these complicated happenings. "Why did you clal by the way?" I ask her. Katharina never calls me, except if we have an appointment to do our projects or assignment, but not with random hours and random reason, except if it is important, because I can feel that it is important. "Oh yeah... About that. Have you heard about Chase murder case?" She asks. I almost got out of tongue after hearing Chase murder case. "What about it?" I asks. "They found a new lead to his death." She said that makes me nervous. "New lead? And... What does it has to do with me?" I ask her. "They found a ring inside Chase cars that has blood on it. And they identified that the blood belongs to Chase." She said. "But I still don't get why you called me to tell me that they found a new lead about his death." I said confusedly. "The ring... It is familiar, I saw you wearing it the day of the game night..." She said. Ring? What ring? Until I remembered what ring is she talking about. I am sitting on his bed preparing all the materials he needed for this science project. I don't know and get why I have to do his project when he is the one passing it, when his grade depend on it. I am just a tutor, not a helper of whatever the hell is this. And the fact that he is late makes me go sick. I have a lot of things to focus on, to do, but instead, I am here stuck with him again to teach him lessons that I know but never really my lesson. It's like I ma taking his course. And I don't know why I have to know this. He is older than me, his topic is much advance than ours and mine, but I still get it. And he couldn't Is it possible? Like really? But the last thing I asks to myself is why a junior like me become a tutor to a senior like Chase? "Hey, sorry for letting you wait." The door opened and Chase went inside with his bag on his shoulder. He just got home. He pput his bag on the floor and immediately got a shirt for him to change. "What the hell are you doing?" I asks him when I saw him unbuttoning his polo in front of me. "Changing clothes?" He said and he drop his polo on the ground and took of his clothes. "And why does it have to be in front of me? Do you know privacy and respect? Jeez Chase, I think you have a lot to learn." I said. I saw his scar on his back, it's a big one actually. "Why can't I? We're both boys, we have the same body, you have what I have, and I have what you have, so basically, we see each other's body." He said and face me that makes me see his sweating body and his freaking abs. "You're changing clothes while your sweating your body?" I asks him in confusion and he nodded as his answer. But just before he put his clothes on, I stop him and quickly get the polo on the floor and use it to wipe his body. "You should never do that because changing new clothes with sweat on your body is like you never change your clothes. You are just collecting bacteria and dirts not just only to your shirt, but to your body to." I said while wiping his sweat off of his body. I can feel his breath towards me, I can feel his warm breathe on my neck.... And I got goosebumps because of it. I never felt this before, like, my heart is pounding so fast like any matter of time I'm gonne collapse. I've never been so nervous like this before.. Never. "Done." I said and put his polo on the basket where all of his dirty shirts are. "You know that you can just tell me that right?' He asks me back. "I could, but you are so stubborn that you won't listen to me, so I had to do it myself, I don't want my student to get sick, I''m gonna be aa teacher because of that." I answered. "Thanks.." EH said. I took a sigh and asks him a question about his scar on his back. "How did you get your scar on your back?" I asks him. I heard him sigh. "No one really knows aboiut my scar on my back, even my friends, except of course to my family." He said. And why does he have to explain that to me? All I want is answer, not some explanations... Well, how dumb I am... Of course you have to explain first oa have an answer, or you can do it the opposite way. "7 years ago, me, my brother and my dad are going home from school, when a truck hit us that makes me have this scar on my back and makes my brother in coma." HE has a brother? How come I've never heard about him? Oh now I know why, because he is in coma. "Oh... Sorry to hear about that." I apologize. No wonder why his dad sits in a wheelchair. "Where's your brother now?" I asks him. "In Thailand. Thailand has the best doctor there so that's where my brother is right now. He is being treated there." He answered. I just kept myself silent aafter hearing his story. I never imagined that a popular guy like him, has an unpopular past life. "Hey Jackson." He called my name. "Yeah?" I asks him while preparing his material, because I wanted his project ot be done before 10. "Wear this." I turned around to see what is he talking about. I saw a ring on his hands. "A ring?" I asks him and he nodded. "This ring symbolizes our friendship from now on, and once I saw you not wearing it, I'll kill you." He said and laugh. He held my hands and put it on his hands. I can feel the warm feeling of his hands, of his skin. He slowly put the ring on my finger. "I have the same one as you. So if someone sees us wearing this rings, it means you are my friend, and no one, will mess with you." He said and showed me the same ring on his finger. I just smiled at him. "You know that we're never really close right?" I said. "I know, but we can be... Soon." HE said and smiled. The ring I am wearing the day of the game night, is the same ring that Cahse gave to me. But it is impossible for my ring to be at his car, because I can remember wearing it while I am putting his body on my closet. Maybe the ring they saw is from Chase... But what if not? What if I am hallucinating? "It cannot be from Chase." I heard KAthairna said. "Why was that?" I asks him. "Because he is wearing the same ring on his finger." I almost drop my phone when I heard her saying that. I immediately run towards my drawer where I keep all of my accessories at once. I dig and dig and dig until I find the ring that Chase gave me, but the ring is gone.. It is not my drawer... IS it possible that I accidentaly took the ring off of my finger while I am fighting with Chase? But it is impossible to happen, because that ring suits and fits me at all. It cannot be took off if you don't want it to took off. Something's off about it, I just couldn't know what it is. "He Katharina... How did you know all of these information?" I asks her. "On news? It's all over WestHood town news, even to our school page. You should see it by now." She said. Ah shit... Someone will know what happened that night... And if that happened, I am done forever... Unless... Unless make myself done first before I get done? I just have to know how.
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