Witches Of Norme, Magic Will Let You Pass

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"I still don't understand why you are taking me with you, but I'm glad that you are." Felix mumbled next to her. Debora offered him a faint smile to hide the disgust she was feeling for the woman on the front seat. Semira didn't get to spend the night at her home as she would have liked, Debora was quick to get her a cheap room in a faraway hotel so her presence was nowhere near them for more than a minute necessary. However, the old witch showed up at their door as the sun rose to shower the first days of sunshine. Debora was wearing her occasional scowl and looking away to hide it from Felix. Her Jean clad legs were folded under her criss cross and were now starting to cramp. Debora rarely wore jeans as she wasn't used to the tight fitting it had but it was necessary today keeping in mind where she was going. Back at Norme no one wore anything that stuck to the body. The ladies hung their loose gowns and dresses over their frame to cover themselves and for some reason Debora followed their example even after coming to Siren City. She had learnt from Cornelia to never stick to one thing for life and that change was necessary. Debora wanted to simply show them she wasn't their part anymore. Her mother's disapproving glance was burning her hair from the rare view mirror which she pretended to ignore. "It will take us few more hours at best to reach, why don't we stop somewhere to have lunch?" Semira suggested to which Debora's eyes snapped up. "No, I've packed our lunch and we can have it in the car. No need to stop anywhere." She directed the last part to the driver who nodded. The atmosphere had gone from warm ignorant one to a cold dagger throwing contest between her mother and Debora. "I understand you must be feeling anxious Debora, I do. But your behaviour towards me and the coven is getting unacceptable." "You should expect it to get worse as we near your home. If you must know I don't like travelling to unknown places. I don't like leaving my home." Debora bore her message loud and clear that Norme wasn't her home anymore. It hasn't been for many years. Semira clenched her teeth and conveyed her message through her eyes and so did Debora. Felix sat quietly on his side watching the two ladies try to freeze and burn each other at the same time. He had yet to witness the limit they held for each other. Debora wasn't showing the extent of her hate towards her mother and the latter was clearly holding back for the disrespect Debora was showing her. He then understood that his mate had taken on her mother for her personality. They were both stubborn and liked to give him a hard time. --------------- Debora wanted to puncher the wheels of their car so they won't reach Norme. But that would only be a useless waste of her magic as Felix had a few spare tires in the trunk and not to mention her mother could fix the tire just as fast as she ruined it. The outline of the prime house could be seen from miles away. Hidden between the thick skyhigh trees and the shadow of clouds the prime house appeared to be haunted by the spirits of good and evil witches of old time. It was Debora's favourite place to play hide and seek when she was a child. She spoke to witches she didn't know and later found out they had been dead even before her coven was born. It didn't stop her then, it excited her enough to go back again and again back then and even now when she saw the familiar black walls growing up on the horizon her heart sped up faster than a bullet train. She felt a gentle squeeze on her shoulder, "Is that it?" Debora nodded without words, her eyes fixed on the prime house. The very heart of Norme. Norme, that was the core of reasons she developed the emotion called hate and fear for the first time. Their car came to a stop at the sigh board that read something in a strange language. Debora's eyes flashed in realisation that she was indeed back to her hell after successfully hiding from it for many years. She was back in Norme. "What is written there?" Felix asked leaning towards her to have a better look at the board from her window. "Witches of Norme, magic will let you pass." She repeated what was written. She didn't have to look at him to feel the emotions he was harbouring. Excitement and anticipation were evident more of all. She gently laid a hand on his chest and pushed him back on his seat, "We have to leave the car soon. A three mile walk after that." "Of course, she told us that before, didn't she?" Felix discreetly pointed to Semira. They passed the sign and soon the car broke down into a hiccup and stopped. "You will be able to go reverse from here but not forward." Semira said to the driver. "We will go on foot from here. You can go back." They were aware of that and that's why Felix didn't bring his car to drive them. Felix didn't want to leave the car at the border and find it ruined when they left Norme. A cab service was more convenient. One by one the three of them exited   and watched the car reverse it's way back until it disappeared out of their view. Debora looked ahead towards the thick road before her. It was impossibly similar to the forest in Siren realm. From the road to the trees bordering it on either sides. It was one of the reasons Debora liked staying in the woods, it gave her a sense of familiarity and security because she felt she was in Norme. As much as she hated the residents of the witch city, she was happy to have a home similar to the place she grew up in. Forests were better than cities in her opinion. Trees were better than people. Living in a hut was better than facing her fear towards others. Being alone was far, far better than having a family that hated. On foot they started their three mile journey towards the gates of Norme. Felix trailed behind Debora as she followed her mother. Her boots made a soft sound with every step she took towards her past, every thud of her step gave her an awakening jab on the side that she was indeed back. Or maybe it was the pain from her tight jeans. Debora was so conflicted at the time that her hand was almost reaching back towards Felix to run back to Siren City but her feet were non stop moving deeper into the forest. The prime house became clear in the afternoon sun. It's black walls were mocking her for showing her face again, at the high tower she saw the familiar golden tip of a crescent moon. The solar. The worshiping moon of witches of coven one. On every tower she saw the worship symbols of covens in resident. From one to thirteen each one of thirteen towers had a golden tip that signified their identity. Her tower was to the west of the prime house. Tower thirteen. A single star stood proud at the high tip and shone in her eyes painfully. She was indeed back.
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