Chapter 8 - A shocking murder

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Alicia’s POV I seriously didn’t like the fact that he already had a bank account with the card ready for me. He could have gotten my information from my dad or from my pack records, but how the hell did they give him an account in my name? That gave him access to all my expenses. I had a little money saved up in an account I hoped he didn’t know about, and I received my salary … Did this mean he knew about my job? My mind started racing and I wondered how much he knew. “You are some kind of special stalker, aren’t you?” I sighed and closed my eyes. My damn mouth was going to get me into such big trouble one of these days! His glare told me that he heard me, but since we were out in public, he probably wouldn’t do anything. Oh, goddess, how did I end up in this mess?! He took me to two other clothing stores, and then a shoe store, and every time I refused to buy something, he would pick something out. Lastly, he took me to a jewellery store. When he picked out a ring, it felt as if he had gone too far. I really couldn’t accept something like that from him when all of this was fake! The man simply grabbed my hand and stuck the ring on my finger. “I can’t wear this! Especially not in public! What if someone tries to steal it from me?” The damn thing was so huge, it would probably break my finger in half if I had to type with it! “You are a wolf, aren’t you?” He looked amused. “Besides, you are no longer in the city where criminals live everywhere.” He rolled his eyes as he was guiding me back to the car. His phone started ringing on the way back and he stepped away to take the call. “Wait, what happened?” He sounded furious as he softly growled and my heart skipped a beat. He turned to look at me as he placed the phone back in his pocket. “We are going back home.” He grabbed the back of my elbow, and no matter how much I wanted to ask him what was going on, I knew better. If it was something I did, he would have already told me. I started to wonder if it had something to do with my father. If he didn’t want to tell me until we were back at the packhouse. As soon as we pulled up in front of the packhouse, my brother was there to greet Caspian and I could see that whatever it was … It was serious. “Take her up to our floor and don’t let her leave the room.” Caspian ordered one of the Gamma wolves and he disappeared upstairs with my brother. I could see from all the people standing around the foyer that something happened in the main house while we were out, and some of the younger people were crying. As we walked past the Beta floor, I saw Caspian walk into my dad’s old room and wondered who was staying there. I wondered out loud and the Gamma beside me sighed and pointed to me to take the last set of stairs up to the Alpha floor. “Please don’t tell Alpha that I told you, but someone murdered his parents.” I gasped. I guess since my brother was the new Beta, they decided that Caspian’s parents could share the floor with him. I hadn’t been in the main house long enough to figure out who was staying where! Oh,! Were Caspian's parents killed? I was so shocked that I wanted to go to my father’s room to check on him. “I NEED TO SEE MY FATHER!” I shouted at the Gamma who was giving me a hard time, and my Beta voice kicked in, forcing him to do what I said. My father was just as shocked when I told him what was going on. “Please Luna,” The Gamma kept checking the door as if waiting for someone. “I need to get you back to your room.” The poor guy looked as if he needed something to calm his nerves and after I was happy that my dad was okay, I gave in and went to my room. The Gamma checked my room to make sure it was safe, and told me that he would be right outside the door if I needed anything. I heard a commotion outside my door and the moment I ripped it open, I breathed a sigh of relief to see Marcus fighting with the Gamma. “HEY!” I shouted to get their attention and told the Gamma that it was okay and that Marcus could come in, but he point blank refused. I mean, I could understand why, but I knew Marcus. He wouldn’t hurt a fly, and in the end, we convinced him to let Marcus come into my room as long as the door stayed open. “I was so relieved when I heard you were out.” Marcus’s face was telling me everything I needed to know. He had probably been worried out of his mind. Without thinking, I rushed into his arms and tears started rolling down my cheeks. As if my life wasn’t complicated enough, all the images of what happened one floor down, rushed into my thoughts. I had so many questions and he didn’t have a lot of the details or a lot of answers for me, but my main question was how the hell someone got up to the Beta floor and killed two of the most important people in our pack without being seen? “Wait …” I pulled away from Marcus and started pacing. “Did they catch the killer?” I stopped pacing and looked at him with wide eyes as he shook his head. Suddenly, it made sense why Caspian wanted me in my room under guard. I realized that if he found Marcus in my room, even with the door open, he would flip out and I would probably pay the price. I thanked Marcus for coming to check on me and waved as he walked down the stairs. Why did I have to be the Beta’s daughter? Why couldn’t I just have been born an omega or something? Then at least I would be able to date whoever I wanted. Life was what it was. Caspian’s POV Walking into the room, I was shocked. My parents weren’t just murdered. They were slaughtered! This was a message. One I couldn’t take lightly. I couldn’t stand around their room with their bodies just lying there. We might not be the cuddliest of packs, but they were my parents! No matter what happened in my life, they were always there for me. Whether it was to get me back on track or to remind me who I would become one day. They were my damn parents! I stormed out of the room and started barking orders. I wanted the surveillance footage. I wanted to see who would be so bold as to walk into my house and kill my parents! But whoever it was, they knew how to get into our security room, because the footage wasn’t just erased … The hard drives were all cleared out. There were cut wires everywhere. It was just one big mess, and would take a while to sort out. They were clever, and I believed it was more than one person because my parents might have been older, but one person wouldn’t have been able to kill both of them. I needed this mess cleaned up and sorted as fast as possible. While we didn’t have cameras, that person could be walking around our pack house and we wouldn’t even know! My next step was to get the warriors together to check every person on our territory for any kind of marks or scratches of any kind. We healed fast, but not that fast. Not if the previous Alpha and Luna got a bite or a scratch. I could just hope that we found someone because, at that very moment, I had no idea who could have done something like that. Who could hate my parents so much that they would kill them? The only thing that made any sense was that it was someone who had a grudge against my parents. If it was anything else, they would have attacked the pack and not just them. I was pacing the floor in the foyer waiting for the warriors to let me know if they had found anybody when Marcus came walking down the stairs. He wasn’t supposed to be there! Before I knew what I was doing, I had him pinned up against the wall with my fingers around his throat, demanding to know what the hell he was doing! He mumbled something about wanting to check if Alicia was okay, but I was seeing red. If my Beta didn’t step in, I would have snapped Marcus’s neck without a second thought. Marcus told me that nothing happened and he just wanted to check on her, and with the cameras being out, I had no other choice but to believe him. I ordered him out of the main house and, since we were already on lockdown, I had one of the warriors escort Marcus to his room. I wasn’t going to take any chances, but the fact that he would be moving around the main house while we were on lockdown was what concerned me most. Which sent me into a flying rage. I thought I had a handle on this damn place and people were just walking around doing whatever the hell they wanted to! It was time things changed around here! My parents were taken away, and I finally got around to checking on Alicia. Alicia’s POV I was trying to convince the Gamma to let me go and check on my father when Caspian came walking down the hallway. He looked grey, as if he had aged ten years in ten minutes. He had no colour in his face. Werewolf attacks were usually brutal, but from the look of him, it had to have been horrifying. He walked me to my father’s room without saying anything and I had so many questions, but as soon as we were in my dad’s room, he gave us a quick explanation. It was strange seeing him this way. Dishevelled and he almost looked confused. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him and what he was going through. My father asked him a couple of questions and they agreed that it had to have been someone who had a grudge against Caspian’s parents. It was so weird and almost awkward to watch them talking like that. As if they were a father and son discussing just a normal subject. We were all silent for a moment, just processing it all, when my father looked at me. “Alicia, this will mean that you two have to mate as soon as possible.” WHAT THE FU.CK?!!! WHY?!!! As if reading my thoughts, my father explained that we had to show strength right now. Just putting a ring on my finger wasn’t enough to show outsiders that we were strong. We had to actually go through a mating ceremony and, according to my father, produce an heir as soon as possible to show our strength. Without an heir, Caspian and the pack would look weak and it would almost be an open invite for anybody out there to just walk in and challenge Caspian. An Alpha with an heir wasn’t challenged as easily, since his child would be viewed as a future threat. Don’t get me wrong, challenges still happen even when there is an heir, but most wolves thought twice about just challenging someone who had a child. After our talk with my dad, Caspian escorted me back to my room where a new Gamma was stationed at my door. Caspian explained that the Gammas would be working in shifts to make sure they were at their strongest when protecting me. He also arranged that someone he trusted made sure my father and I had our meals up on the Alpha floor for the time being. It was the first time I saw him as something other than a bully. He was an Alpha who was taking care of his pack. He was taking care of me and my dad.
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