Chapter 5 - A proposal?

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Alicia’s POV As if dealing with my father’s illness wasn’t enough, that bastard had to go and poke his nose into my damn business! My dad had been sick for who knows how long, and it was clear that nobody really cared, and now all of the sudden, now that it was too late … NOW he wanted to get involved and involve all sorts of specialists! I was pacing my father’s small room while explaining what was going on and realized that I was probably looking a little crazy, but I couldn’t help it. This entire situation was ridiculous! “What the hell is he thinking?!” I flopped down on my father’s chair feeling utterly exasperated. “Oh, and that’s not even all of it. When I went out for a run, I got cramped out because I didn’t inform him I was going out!” I jumped out of the chair feeling trapped in this small space all of a sudden. My dad tried to reason with me, but I was on a downward spiral and fast. I couldn’t for the life of me think that things mattered to Caspian all of a sudden and I stormed out of my father’s room only to hit a brick wall on my way out! My first thought was that it was Caspian, but as I looked up, my eyes met with the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen in my entire life. “Hey, slow down there, tiger.” He laughed and I felt my knees slightly buckle. His smile was just so damn gorgeous! “I’m sorry.” I mumbled, not wanting to pull from his grip and instantly feeling empty when he let me go. “You must be Alicia, I’m Marcus. Pleased to meet you.” He smiled and I frowned. “Hi, are you new here?” I knew I had been gone for a long time, but I would have recognized him if he was from our pack. Surely, people haven’t changed that much over the years … Did they? “I guess from your point of view, yeah, I would be new. Alpha Caspian was nice enough to give me a place to stay when I got kicked out of my pack.” He grinned and it was so damn refreshing to talk to someone who clearly didn’t hide things. Marcus seemed open and honest. No wolf I knew would ever admit to being thrown out by their pack! I was really curious to find out more about this very gorgeous man, but I still hadn’t done any work and Caspian had that ridiculously early appointment … I thanked Marcus for “saving” me from my little temper tantrum and we each went our own way. Working, of course, was nearly impossible for a little while, but it didn’t take long for the words to flow. It felt as if Marcus had unblocked whatever it was that was blocking me earlier. Or did the run do that? I took care of dinner for me and my dad and was pretty surprised to find that Caspian wasn’t in the dining room. I have to admit that I was relieved, but when I looked around and didn’t see Marcus, I felt a little let down for a moment, but it gave me the perfect opportunity to have dinner with my dad. After dinner, I helped my dad clean up a little. It seemed as if the new medication was helping because he seemed a little stronger. It could also be the fact that he was actually eating. Once he was neatly tucked into bed, I went to my room to get a little more work done and for once there was no man in my damn way! Since we had that very early appointment, I decided to go to bed early, but my dreams were haunted by a mash-up of Caspian and my brother bullying me and a pair of dreamy green eyes coming to my rescue. By the time my alarm started screaming, I felt light as a feather, but I was dead tired and I just knew it was going to be a tough day. I rushed to get ready and get my dad ready and was just about to help him into the wheelchair when Caspian and my brother showed up. “You are late.” Caspian sounded impatient. “What? No good morning, how are you?” It slipped out before I could even think and the room went silent. I was half expecting him to do something, but he just helped my brother and my dad. Did he not hear me? Was that it? Was he ignoring my sarcasm for once? I was still wondering about it when he opened the door of the car for me. The drive to the doctor took us a full hour and by the time we had my dad settled back in the wheelchair and were walking into the doctor’s room, we were fifteen minutes late for the appointment. I handed the doctor all the reports on the recent tests, and this time it seemed as if the boys weren’t leaving, and my dad wasn’t telling them to go. So, we all patiently waited while the doctor studied through the paperwork. When he was done, he wanted to do some more tests and sent us to the reception area where they booked my father in for the day. The hospital was a lot more modern than the one we went to before, and all I could do was hope that there would be a light at the end of the tunnel this time around. If not, I would probably have to think of making some serious life changes. With my bad luck, they probably wouldn’t be able to help my father, but I couldn’t help the small part of me that was hoping. It was only human after all, and well, I had been living my life the past six years as a human. After all the tests had been done, we were waiting in my father’s room for the doctor and all my hopes and dreams were running through my mind. If I had to stay to help my father get better, would I be able to convince my boss that I needed more time to work remotely? He really didn’t like his staff out of the office, especially when we had a deadline, unless we were doing some serious research … The doctor walked in and I couldn’t make out his facial expression at all! Wow, he had a great poker face! “Okay,” He sighed and my heart just felt crushed. “We have a couple of options here. I agree with some of what your other doctor has told you, but his methods are a little outdated.” My ears perked up at the slight sound of hope in his voice as he explained three options. The first one was to go ahead and operate, but it was too risky and not only could it worsen my father’s condition, but he could die on the table, so we all agreed that we wouldn’t choose that one. Secondly, was to continue with the treatment the previous doctor prescribed, but he had some other medications he wanted to add to make my dad a little more comfortable. We would basically be sending my dad home to die a slow damn death, so that wasn’t an option, and all of us agreed again. It was starting to feel a little weird, all this agreeing, and we listened to the third option, which was a combination of medication and some physical therapy, with the possibility of an operation once my father was a little stronger. I looked at my father, who looked a little defeated. I realized that he had probably hoped for more than just possibilities. It was sad to see my big strong dad this way, and I could just imagine how it must have made him feel. We told the doctor that we would think about it, and on the drive home, everybody was silent. It had been a long morning for my father, so as soon as he was back in his bed, he was fast asleep. I couldn’t help but feel that it had a little more to do with the news we got than being tired, but he didn’t say much. The fact that he was sleeping meant I could have a little more time to work on my article, but my mind and honestly my heart just wasn’t in it. I considered going for a run, but it had started to rain as if even mother nature knew how we were all feeling, so running was out. Deciding to rather go for a walk around the packhouse, I found myself on the front porch and sat down on one of the benches looking out at the rain. “Penny for your thoughts.” Marcus’s voice interrupted my thoughts and as I looked up, I knew my eyes were filled with tears. He moved fast to sit down beside me and I could feel that he wanted to comfort me, but he didn’t move. “That bad, huh?” He asked when I didn’t say anything and I nodded. It felt so natural to lean in when he put his arm around me and I just let out all of the emotions I had been clinging so tightly to since the day I arrived. Marcus didn’t say a word and just held me until I cried my last tear and I immediately started to apologize. I mean, here I was … Ugly crying on this poor stranger’s shoulder, and he was so kind that he just let me. Nobody besides my mother had ever done something like that for me and for a split-second the thought crossed my mind that I could actually fall in love with this man. “GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF HER!” Of course, my bad luck had to step in and Caspian’s roar shuddered the windows behind us as we jumped apart. Marcus started to apologize, but I could hear him softly growling and I had to stifle a giggle that was threatening to pop out as Caspian glared at the man until he disappeared. “I leave you alone for a little while and you turn into the world’s biggest slut!” Caspian stormed over to where I was standing and gripped my damn elbow. I knew it wouldn’t help to try and explain what really happened as he dragged me inside and almost shoved me into his office, forcing me to take a seat opposite his ridiculously large, black, leather office chair. “I have been calling you through the pack link, but it seems you didn’t listen when I warned you before about going anywhere without telling me!” Caspian growled and I opened my mouth to say something, immediately closing it because I knew it would just be fuel to the damn fire. “I know that you are worried about the cost of your father’s treatment, so I’ve decided to help. I will pay for everything …” He leaned forward and I really didn’t like the way he looked at me. “If you agree to become my Luna.” He sat back as I looked at him in utter shock! “I need someone who is of good breeding to satisfy my parents, and our heir would of course be the strongest in the pack since you were Beta born.” I was literally dumb struck! Sell myself to pay for my father’s treatment? Was he fu.cking nuts?!!! I wanted to get out of here, not be bound to this place for the rest of my damn life! I didn’t even want children! I think … Caspian stood up and walked over and I ripped my arm from his iron grip this time as he walked me out. “Think about it. I will expect your answer first thing in the morning.” He smiled as I stepped through the door and slammed the door in my face. I was at a complete and utter loss for words …
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