1722 Words

CLAIRE “It’s just a phone call, Claire. Calm down. ” I’m the type that starts talking to myself whenever I get too nervous. I didn’t even notice it until Khalil pointed it out to tease me. Not that it matters right now, but I really needed a distraction. I took a deep breath and started calling Killian. It was my only opportunity while Calum was in Victor’s studio. I asked him if he could let Calum hang out in his studio for an hour or two so I could talk to Killian. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but I don’t want him to hear us if we fight, which I don’t want to happen either. It took three rings before he answered. I suddenly felt totally speechless and didn’t know how to start. What should I say? Should I really be calling him right now? “Claire, is there something wrong? Claire, ple

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