Break me

3378 Words
Nandi’s POV The month of July has gone by like a haze, Audrey left for Malaysia and I have missed her so much. We have been chatting daily since she left but in the past week I have only spoken to her twice. We cannot keep up with the time difference of six hours. She is always asleep by the time I got off work and settled to call her. Wiza has also been busy with his rugby games always training and going out to play. We rarely speak on the phone because he is either playing, training, or resting. This Saturday he has a local game and I plan to surprise him by showing up to support him. I asked Brian if he was going to watch the game and he said he had not thought about it earlier and would now go with me. I feel so bad I have been so busy with my own things lately, Brian is good and always there for me when I need him. I have been so busy with Wiza I have neglected him. I should be ashamed. After breakfast mom asks me to accompany her to the Saturday market at Arcades shopping mall. She needs to get a few things from there that she wants to gift one of her colleagues who is returning to the united states. “What kind of gifts are we looking for?” I ask my mom. There is so much to pick from, fabric, crafts of all kinds including jewelry. I told myself to get something for myself. They always have nice things at the Saturday market. “Well, she likes crafts that is for sure but there is so much to choose from.” Mom agrees with me. “How about some Jewelry, does she like jewelry?” I ask. “Oh yes she does. Let’s see what they have on that table.” mom points at jewelry four tables away from where we are standing.  “Good morning ma’am what can I pack for you?” the kind lady at the table asks. “Well, we are looking for something to gift a parting colleague.” mom starts browsing through the many earrings, bracelets, and necklaces.   “I think these are cute.” I pick a set of unique handcrafted wooden earrings, a bracelet and necklace. “Oh, wow yes. This is beautiful, you have a good eye Nandi.” mom loves the set too. The lady selling thee jewelry offered to add a carved wooden jewelry box if we get the handcraft set of jewelry. “We should get it, I bet she will love it.” I say. “She definitely will baby.” my mom says and pays for the set. We go on buying a few other things and I manage to get myself a few things too. Just as we are about to leave, as I am putting the grocery bags in the boot. I spot Wiza from a distance. Even if I call out his name from this distance he will not hear me. Wiza is wearing a white plain t-shirt, blue shorts, and slippers. Who girl he has his arm around the neck is wearing a short red dress with a sling bag and black slippers. Who is the girl and why is he walking around with her like she is someone important to him? I pull my phone out of my back pocket and dial his number. He pulls his phone out of his back pocket and cuts my call before sliding the phone back in his pocket. Is Wiza cheating on me or something? Why did he cut my call? “Honey hurry up we need to get a few more things before we get home.” my mom calls me from inside the car. I close the boot which is still open and hop into the front seat.   The rest of the day goes on and I cannot help but wonder who the girl Wiza was with is and why he declined my call. We delayed finishing our errands and so mom suggested we eat out. She asked my dad to pick my sister and aunt from home and meet us at Polo grill for lunch. Lunch with family is great but not much of a distraction for me as I wonder my mind away. When we got home, we found Brian about to leave our premises.  Oh s**t, I forgot about the game. I asked Brian to pick me up at 3pm sharp and it is now 30 minutes after 3pm. I am sure he tried calling me so many times and my stupid battery drained. The game is starting in a few minutes. I am sure if I still want to go after seeing Wiza with another girl. Is she his sister, cousin or something, perhaps I am overreacting, but it does not make sense why he declined my call when I called him? “Good afternoon mom and dad.” Brian greets my parents as they step out of their cars. “Hello Brian, how are you?” my mom greets him with a smile. “I am well thank you.” He responds. “Hello young man. It’s good to see you after a while.” my dad greets him. “What brings you here?” “Good to see you too. Nandi and I are going to watch a rugby game and she asked me to pick her.” he says to my dad. “Oh, that’s nice, you kids have fun and take care.” Says mom as she enters the house. “Why don’t you take your car instead of troubling Brian to pick you up whenever you need to go somewhere?” dad asks me. My parents bought me a car on my 18th birthday. I am still not yet confident to drive on my own and whenever I do, I always preferred to drive with Aunt Miriam because she is not too controlling when I am driving. When I have no one to give me a lift I just call ulendo to get to wherever I need to be. I already got my driving license after I passed my driving test, but I am too scared to be on the busy roads of Lusaka. “Dad c’mon not now, I am already late.” “Fine, maybe I will just sell it.” he says, then I sent him a look that can kill. “Dad!!” “Okay fine.” he rolls his eyes skywards “We shall just wait until her royal highness decides to man up and drive herself. Brian, bring her back by 8pm.” he says then heads into the house. “8pm it is sir.” Says Brian then he looks at me “Hey, I have been calling you?” “I am sorry my battery died, and I completely forgot about the game.” I say. “Do you still want to go?” he asks. “Sure, let me just change my top really quickly.” I say. “You don’t look that enthusiastic about going, is everything okay?” he asks. “I had an eventful day with my family so don’t mind me.” I lie, I am not sure if I want to face Wiza after what I saw earlier “I will be quick.” “Five minutes.” he says, and I dashed into the house.                                                   ************************************************** Author’s POV Brian and Nandi managed to get to show grounds before the games started but they were late to find good seats. All the front seats were taken so they sat in the back. The game was going well and Wiza’s team was leading. Like the first game she attended, Wiza was distracted the whole time. Not because of her but because of someone else this time around. He had someone else’s attention. Who was this someone if not Nandi? He kept blowing kisses and winking at someone in the front seats. Nandi was puzzled and wondering who had his attention. She kept looking at the front seats until she saw her. It was the girl from before, the one she saw Wiza with at the mall earlier that day. She was all smiles and cheering on him. Had Wiza moved on and found himself another girl to toy with. The game came to an end and Nandi battled within herself to confront Wiza or not. She was heading for the outlet when Brian stopped her and asked her If they were just going to leave without saying hello to Wiza and a few of his friends. “I am sure Wiza will be happy to see you.” Says Brian as they make their way through the crowd. Wiza is going to be shocked to see her, he did not tell her about this game or asked her to come watch him play. “They won the game and the only thing left is to see his babe, right?” Brian says and Nandi stays quiet giving him a fake crocodile smile. When they get to the middle of the pitch where all the players are with their fans, Brian makes his way through to congratulate the guys after telling Nandi he will come find her in a few minutes. “Hey.” Nandi says standing in front of him. Wiza looks like he has seen a ghost. He was not expecting to see her. “What are you doing here?” he asks, sounding a little upset. “I came to support you.” she says wondering why he is not thrilled to see her or at least pretend he is. “But I did not invite you or tell you about this game.” He says harshly. How could he say that to her? “I did not know I had to get invited to watch you play.” Nandi’s voice is sad and shakily. She might break down into tears any time now. “What I mean is, you did not mention it to me that you would come.” He tries to sound nicer after realizing his words have struck a nerve. “Did I have too?” she asks. “No, I mean……” he fails to give her a proper answer and just wiped his face with his hand. “Is there something wrong with me being here?” she asks with tears in her eyes. she knows why but she needs to hear it from his mouth. He stays quiet not saying anything. “Wiza you have been acting weird the past week. You do not come to see me anymore, you do not text me and when I call you, you are always busy.” Nandi says. “Hey boo, well played.” The girl comes between Wiza and Nandi and plants a deep kiss on his lips. Wiza reciprocates the kiss. Nandi is startled watching Wiza embrace whoever this girl is. “Congratulations, sorry I could not find you earlier the crowd is just too much.” the girl says after pulling away. “Oh, pardon me. Where are my manners? Hi I am Gi…….” She starts talking to Nandi, but she has seen enough. She turns and starts walking away heading to the car park. A pair of hands stopped Nandi. As she turns to face whoever has stopped her she finds herself looking up into Martin’s eyes. “Hey princess, we did not expect you to grace us with your presence today.” he smiles. Why is he mocking her. How dare he. “Let me go Martin!” Nandi tries to get passed him. Martin is Wiza and Brian’s friend. She met Martin many years ago when she and Brian were just getting to know each other. Martin liked Nandi but she never paid much attention to him because he was always annoying and still is. “Are you sad that your boy got himself a new toy?” These words hurt Nandi so bad. So, all this while she thought she and Wiza had something going on, it was all just a game to him. Nandi manages to get away from Martin and make her way to where Brian had parked the car. Tears roll down her beautiful face. She fails to hold them back. She really likes Wiza and hoped their little something would grow into something more defined. She feels strong hands hold her, thinking Martin has caught up with her to continue mocking her. “Hey what’s wrong?” Brian asks her. he gets concerned when he sees the tears. She was okay when he left her, what just happened? Nandi is not saying anything but keeps crying, letting all the pain out. He pulls her into his arms and holds her close to his chest. That is all he could do for her now, just hold her until she calms down. “Gigibonta has opened a new joint, wanna go check it out?” he asks her. Brian knows Nandi loves ice cream and it has always been their thing to have ice cream together. They both get into the car and drives off to get her some ice cream. Brian starts playing Nandi’s favorite songs and soon enough she starts singing along after trying so hard not to. Withing a few minutes Nandi is back to her normal self. But deep down she is hurt and broken. “Brian can I ask you something?” she asks after eating halfway through her ice cream. “Sure.” They were at the new Gigibonta place having ice cream. “Who was that girl with Wiza?” she asks. Brian fights with everything within himself wondering if he should tell her or not. He knows exactly who Nandi is referring too. After seeing her cry, he does not want to cause her any more pain than she is already feeling. Good friends do not do that. “Brian you can tell me, I will not break down. I promise.” after saying this, he decides to tell her, keeping the information away from her will still hurt her even if she finds out later. “That was Gina his high school girlfriend. She was his first real love, and they were always on and off until finally when she left him for a college guy. Wiza was shuttered and it took a lot for him to get back to his feet.” Brian squeezes Nandi’s hand. “I thought when you guys got together that he had moved on and forgotten about her. I am sorry.” “It’s not your fault Brian, it would have happened either way. I will get passed it.” She says. A small smile makes its way across her face. They finish their ice cream then leave just in time for the curfew her father gave her. “Thanks for the afternoon Brian.” Nandi tells Brian as she hugs him goodnight outside the front door after he has given his regards to her parents who are sitting in the living room with Nandi’s little sister. “You are welcome.  Call me if you need to talk.” he lets go of her and smiles. She returns his smile then heads inside the house. “How was rugby?” Her dad asks. “It was nice.” She gives him a fake smile. Her parents try to make small talk about rugby while her mom teases her about her sudden interest in rugby. If only they knew a boy had swept her off her feet and has now broken her heart.   “Let me take a shower, I feel filthy.” “Alright baby.”   “Hey babe.” Audrey greets Nandi when the video call connects. Audrey called Nandi while she was in the shower. “Hey love, how are you?” Nandi asks.   “I am okay just a bit tired” she says. “What has made you so tired?” Nandi asks Audrey. “Hello, it’s passed my bedtime. It’s 3am.” Comes Audrey’s dramatic response. “Oh yeah I forgot you are 6hrs ahead” she says. “I will let you rest then.” “Noooooooooooo.” Audrey cuts her off before Nandi suggests they both sleep “Gal I have not spoken to you in forever, I will hang in there for you. I miss you Nandi.” “I miss you too babe” says Nandi “How’s Malaysia, anything interesting I am missing out on?” “Babe the men here are………beautifulllll.” says Audrey and Nandi rolls her eyes at her. “You need to get over here ASAP. I bet you would even forget about Wiza.” both girls burst out laughing. “So, tell me about you and your boo.” Audrey smiles. “I do not have a boo anymore.” Nandi says with a little sad face. “What! What happened to Wiza?” she asks shocked. “His been acting all weird the past week and today I saw him being intimate with another girl at the mall.” “Shut up!” Audrey cuts Nandi off, “You are kidding right?” “Nope, then later I went to watch him play with Brian and when I went to congratulate him for winning the game, he seemed like he did not want me there and was not happy to see me. While I was confronting him, the same girl came and shoved her tongue down his throat in my face.” Audrey gasps “You are lying!” Nandi gets emotional almost breaking down into tears again. “I just could not stand and watch him and this girl. I walked away and bumped into Martin, that other rugby player I told you abou.t” “The one that’s both Brian and Wiza’s friend, right?” Audrey asks. “Yes, the very one. He said some stupid things and I just had to get away from him while he run his mouth. I eventually managed to get away from him and met up Brian.” Nandi explains. “I am sorry babe. You had an awful day.” Audrey tries to comfort Nandi. “You can say that again.” Nandi goes on telling Audrey about the rest of her evening, how Brian had taken her for ice cream at a new place Gigibonta that was recently opened. Audrey teases Nandi about Brian, he obviously likes her and would want another chance to date her. Nandi does not like the idea of getting back with ex boyfriends. She is not going to ever date Brian again. Brian and Nandi dated years ago while Nandi and Audrey were in boarding school. They were good friends before they decided to date. After their relationship failed to work, they decided to stay friends. It was difficult being friends with your ex-boyfriend but eventually they both figured it out. After Nandi finished high school and started her internship at Mart speedy, they become even closer and spent so much time together. Getting back with Wiza is something that keeps lingering on her mind. She promises Audrey she will not get back or give him another chance but who is Audrey to decide her best friends fate. What if Wiza is her soul mate. Nandi has strong feelings for Wiza and is certain she will forgive him if he apologizes to her. Wiza on the other hand is so in love with his ex-girlfriend Gina. Whenever she comes back, he gets confused. He had something great going on with Nandi and after Gina started talking to him a week ago, he forgot Nandi and ran back into Gina’s arms like a fool. He has not yet learnt his lesson, she always comes when she is bored and leaves him hanging whenever she gets the attention of someone new and the stupid mistake he makes is letting her crawl back into his life whenever she wants. How long will he keep doing this with her? 
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