The end of the first part of the book

221 Words

Hello everybody. As you can see, there is a lot of time that I do not publish a chapter. I have big news in my real life and, consequently, I cannot write like before. The second part of the book is still incomplete and in my mother tongue, but I will publish new chapters in a few days. I still know the full plot of the book, but I need to write. Unfortunately, I have only time to write 10/15 pages a week, but I'm sure I can publish 2 chapters every week on this app. Sometimes, I will publish bonus chapters that speak about a few characters, principal or secondary, like the last 2 bonus chapters. There are some characters you like that you want to know about their history? Write to me and I will try to publish the story in a few days. In the second part of this book, there is a big cliff

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