Chapter 77: Gorgeous

1625 Words

Kyle scooped me up and was about to throw me on the waters. I screamed so hard and held on him so tight that he couldn’t throw me without including himself so we both fall on the water. I laughed hard when he glared at me. “It was your fault! I wouldn’t let you throw me alone, you know.” I said and laughed. I got him! “Whatever,” He said and dove deeper under me. I screamed when he pulled my foot from under. He let go of it and emerged in front of me. “Got you!” We were at our first stop of the island hopping and we decided to take a dip and enjoy. Marga and Markus were on the island while we stayed on the boat to dive for the deeper part of the sea. We saw Marga and Markus taking pictures on the sand and the rock formations so we decided to join them. “Hey, Marga, can you please tak

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