Surprise everyone

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Aurora pov: Soon my car pulls up outside the gates of the weightlifting training facility. I was getting ready to get out of the car and Gabriel was going to follow me. I stopped him: " listen, man, you can't come with me, you wait for me inside here." After all, this was about getting another good job, and it would be bad if he caused me to fail in my job search. Before closing the car door, I again admonished, "Gabriel, listen, absolutely don't just wander off." "If I don't see you when I get back, I'm just going to drive away. I won't wait for you." "Understood?" Gabriel leaned over the car window and nodded earnestly, like a well-behaved golden with just the right amount of blond hair. I stride toward the practice field, intending to go straight to Coach Kevin, but I didn't expect to run into my former track teammates. Although we were all members of the team, I didn't know them very well. In the past, I usually did not train with the track team, but basically applied to train by myself. I would only show up when I needed to compete or train in a group. So, I actually didn't even know the names of the team members. "Hello everyone, long time no see." I greeted them. "Isn't this Aurora, the talented runner on our team? Got kicked off the track team and now she's here on the weightlifting team doing odd jobs?" The person who said this was a pretty lady with muscular arms, long brown hair, nice eyes, and a perfect body underneath her training uniform. But her mockery-filled words completely ruined, my good impression of her. I wouldn't bother with her and continued on my way, looking for Coach Kevin. But the girl stopped me and said, "I'm talking to you, why don't you answer me, you're not a star player anymore, why are you still so arrogant." I looked at her and said seriously, "This ......" As I was talking, I glanced at the nameplate on her chest, which had her name on it, and I said, "So your name is Lisa, what a cheesy name." "The arrogant one is you, not me. Did you deliberately make a sarcastic comment about me being kicked off the track team to show off your status? It doesn't sound like much to be proud of." I continued on my way and suddenly something occurred to me, so I turned around again and said, "By the way, it suddenly occurred to me who you are. You were second on the track team?" "As a second place, you are even less qualified to show off in front of me. Even if I leave the track team, you are still not my opponent now. In front of me, you are a loser!" "You!" Lisa was so exasperated that she stomped her foot, and the way she looked at me with resentful eyes but couldn't defeat me was incomparably pleasant. I added: "Besides, I'm not here to lift weights against odd jobs, I'm here to apply for a job as a professional athlete." After saying that, I took a big step away. All along, I have known the various differences between werewolves and humans, and I have always been willing to respect humans and more willing to help them. In many places, humans were also very worthy of learning from wolves, such as advanced technology and knowledge of various disciplines. But if their knowledge is used to mock people, I will not put up with it, I will definitely fight back. I thought Lisa would just give up and not continue to look for trouble with me, but who knew that she would tell Kevin, the weightlifting coach, that I came to the weightlifting team because I couldn't stay on the track team anymore, and that I never attended practice on time. Lisa's nasty mouth continued: "...... And she's also a very arrogant person who doesn't put anyone in her sights, not even you, the coach. She also said she would definitely make the weightlifting team." When Kevin heard this, he glared at me. I immediately explained myself, "Coach, I never said those words." Lisa continued to frame me, "Don't you admit what you said yourself, when all the other members of our track team heard it." She turned to the team members and said, "Everyone just heard it, right?" "The guys responded together, "Yes that's right. We all heard it." Oh my God, I wanted to rip the mouths off of these accomplices. At this point in time, explanations are useless. I immediately found a solution: "Coach, how about giving me a chance to show what I can do. If I really don't meet the criteria, without you saying a word more, I will leave here immediately." "Good!" The coach continued, "There is a 100 kg barbell there, if you can lift it, you will stay, if you can't, then you will leave here immediately." At these words, Lisa's face showed a smug expression, she looked at me with a tilted head and provocative eyes. Immediately afterwards I also heard the teammates next to Lisa whispering, "100 kg! Oh, she definitely can't lift it, you remember last year we went out to train had to use a bucket of water, and she ended up messing with it for more than half an hour without changing it." "That's right, how can a person who can't even change a bucket of water, how can she lift a 100kg barbell." "I just can't stand the way she looks like she doesn't give a damn about anyone." "Aurora was expelled from the track team first, and now if she gets kicked off the track team again, this is definitely a big story." "I've got a headline for the story, after the talented girl was kicked off the track team, she became mentally deranged and wanted to be a weightlifter. By the way why is she in such a hurry to find a job, is it because she is poor?" "I heard she came out of the slums ......" Almost everyone, was waiting to see my joke. Honestly, I really don't know why, they would have so much animosity towards me. Pulling from the athletic team to the slums? Since they were so unkind to me, then of course, I had to teach these people a lesson. I walked up to the barbell and grabbed and lifted it, purposely not lifting it the first time. This one action made those women even more excited. Their mocking voices got louder. "Look, I told you she wouldn't be able to do it." "She really can't lift it up, that action just now was really too funny, I even took a picture of it." "I'm going to post her ugly face on social media." "My camera is already turned on and ready to go live straight away, it's already pointed at this woman ......" Then after their jeers, I grabbed the lift again, matching the movements and expressions I had practiced at home. "Oh my, how did she ...... she lift." "Am I blind? How is this possible." "Oh my God, how the hell did she do that ......"

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