Travel Plans

1548 Words

Dustin piled Maya's bags into the back of his truck. They were leaving her car at her house for now. If she decided to stay long-term, they would come back for it. He was tired from waking up every time Maya's dreams took over, but it looked like she was even more tired. This morning she had put on much more makeup than she normally did to hide the dark circles under her eyes. She was usually the first one out of bed but this morning he had let her sleep in as long as he could before shaking her awake. Now she sipped coffee from a to-go cup and helped him carry bags out of the house. With everything she had packed, she must be planning to stay. He hadn't thought she would bring so much with her. He checked his phone for the time, "Hey, we need to get a move on. I want to be home by lunchti

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