Make it Stop

3374 Words
Maya doodled on her sketch pad, trying to capture the look on Josh’s face right before he lowered his face to her neck. That look. That was the look she wanted from her mate. She didn’t know how to describe it, other than total desire. His eyes had been so dark blue, his face so serious with his dark hair hanging free around his face, and his muscles slightly tensed, making her want to grab onto his arms. She imagined what it would feel like holding onto his arms as he pounded into her. She felt her n*****s harden again thinking about his body being pressed up against her. Damn, she needed some relief. Josh may not be her mate, but she had to admit he was f*****g sexy. Why hadn’t she noticed before? Has she only looked at him before from the eyes of a little girl? Maya felt her temperature rise and a small pain began to curl into her stomach, similar to period cramps. She checked the time on her phone. Crap. It wasn’t even lunchtime and her heat was getting worse. Maybe she could distract herself. She made a quick stop in the bathroom and hopped down the stairs to make lunch. Chicken lettuce wraps sounded great. Maybe Josh would come down for lunch and she could convince him to change his mind. Josh heard Maya banging around in the kitchen, but it was her scent that had him scared to leave his room. Never in his life did he think he would be propositioned by Mark’s little sister. He damn sure never thought he would be scared of a female in heat, but he did know that he couldn’t give in to her. If he did and Maya's parents found out, he would lose the only family he ever had. Surely she understood that. Maybe he had been too intense with her and should go explain things. With a quick nod to himself, he decided that was the best way to handle this issue. Surely Maya would understand. If not, then he could consider going back to his dorm early. He quietly entered the kitchen and took a bottle of water from the refrigerator. Maya was finishing up lunch and didn’t look at him as she spoke. “Come sit down, lunch is ready.” Josh did as she instructed. They ate in companionable silence for a while. He was glad to see there was no awkwardness between them. He hoped his next words wouldn't ruin that. “Maya about earlier, I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what you’re going through and I know you still have a couple more days to go, but you’re basically family. If I agreed, and your parents found out anything happened between us, I would have no one. That’s not a chance I’m willing to take.” Maya sat back in her chair and listened as he spoke. She didn’t respond right away, but she didn’t seem upset. “I understand, but I don't have a lot of options. Uh, not saying that you're not a good option to, ya know, fool around with or whatever." Maya felt her face heat up in emabassment, she was messing this up. " Ugh, I just know it’s going to get worse, and I’m really worried about it. Right now it’s just uncomfortable, but it’s going to be painful. I don’t want to go through that. How is it fair that I was rejected and I have to endure this? I don't want to be alone. I didn't choose this! There isn’t anyone else I trust, but what if I get desperate enough to just jump on anyone available? I don’t want to do that either!" She turned her face down towards her plate, feeling the blush on her cheeks. “I mean I know I’m not your choice, but I don’t think I would regret anything that we did. Once this weekend is over, we can just act like it never happened and I can figure out how to handle this on my own from now on.” Her voice faded off and he listened to her. He let her words sink in, but didn’t comment. Then her phone rang. He took that opportunity to text Cathy. “Hey, how’s it going?” Adding a few heart emojis, he closed his messages. She was having lunch with her dad and new stepmom, and would probably text back soon. “Oh no Stacy, I’m not feeling very well. I think I’m just going to stay in bed all weekend. Y’all go on and have fun and you can tell me all about it on Monday. No, don’t bother coming over, I wouldn’t be good company anyway and you might get sick too. Okay, I’ll text you later. Bye!” She ended her call and Josh felt a little guilty for her. She couldn’t even invite her best friend over to help her, without everyone knowing she had been rejected. “Hey, why don’t we watch a movie?” Josh went to the living room to find a movie on Vudu. “Okay, maybe it will take my mind off of everything.” Maya joined him on the couch. It was a large sectional and she sat next to him, leaving space so their bodies didn’t touch but close enough that it was clear they were comfortable with each other. Maya felt her temperature slowly rising but tried to ignore it. She unconsciously leaned toward the comfort of Josh’s body. Eventually, they were touching at the hip and shoulder, but neither pulled away. By the middle of the movie, she was cuddled up to his side, with his arm around her. They were completely relaxed but the contact combined with his scent did nothing to ease her heat. In fact, it seemed to be getting worse. She didn’t know what to do, so she pulled back a little, making Josh look at her. Their eyes connected and she gave a little gasp. They were so close she could see the black of his eyes spreading. No doubt his canines were extending. At that moment she wanted to kiss him. Grabbing his shaggy black hair, she pulled his head down and pressed her lips to his. A gentle touch of her lips, a silent invitation for more. He didn’t jerk away as she expected. She felt his arm draw her closer. His lips parted and she welcomed his tongue into her mouth. His tongue caressed hers and she felt it in her core. The pain in her stomach subsided a little as she made little noises of pleasure. Josh’s hand guided her hips, moving her up over him. She had kissed a few boys before, but nothing like this. He pulled back and sucked her lower lip before moving to suck on her earlobe and nipping her neck. Maya had her hands buried in his hair, her head was thrown back and her breath came in shallow pants. She was eagerly directing his face towards her breast when he finally pulled back. “Maya wait.” His head was turned down, resting on her chest and he was breathing heavily. She rested her chin against the top of his head. His hands were still on her hips and they sat there waiting for their breathing to return to normal. “Okay.” Maya didn’t understand. She didn’t say anything. “Okay, Maya. I will help you this weekend, but that’s it. Afterward, we go back to normal and no one ever knows. The only reason I'm changing my mind is that I don't want to leave you alone or with someone who wouldn't respect your choices. I can't leave you here and I can't resist your heat that only leaves us with one option. To do this logically, right?” He looked up into her eyes and waited for her to say something. She sat back on her heels and nodded her head. “Okay. I can do that. Any idea how to handle this?” Josh chuckled and Maya shrugged. “What?!? There has to be a way to make it through the weekend without f*****g each other’s brains out, right?” Josh shook his head, “how am I supposed to know? I don’t get a heat! I know most girls don’t go into heat so early. The idea is to have your mate, fated or chosen, to ease it. So yeah, they basically f**k each other’s brains out for 3 days.” He was full-on laughing at her choice of words. Maya stood up with a little huff. “Well, I’m sure not EVERYONE is eager to jump into it. They must do something to get relief. I’m sure I’m not the only wolf who has been rejected and gone into heat.” Josh thought about it before he answered, “well it’s nature’s way of making sure the species thrives, but we do have some control and choice in the matter. I think you have to decide exactly what you’re comfortable with. You’re right, you can’t be the only one, but trying to hide it is going to make it harder. Why don’t you tell your parents?” Maya sighed as she started cleaning up the table from their lunch. “I’m just not ready for people to know. I mean everyone will just look at me with pity. Most wolves don’t find their mate right away, so they have years of optimism. Even if they get rejected later, they’re established adults, so they look for a chosen. I’m 16 for f***s sake. I have years of knowing I was unwanted. Everyone will be searching for their mate, so they won’t be interested in being my chosen. How long? How long will I suffer alone?” Tears filled her eyes as she put the dishes in the sink and walked out the front door. Maya walked to the tree line and sat in the spot where she met her mate. She let the tears fall as all her thoughts and emotions came rushing forward. This was the place where her hopes of love and happiness had ended. It was the most painful moment of her life. She didn’t want to suffer alone, but she couldn’t stand the thought of the pity she would receive from everyone. A part of her wanted, Josh to choose her, but he was only 19 and still had the opportunity to find his mate. Still she wanted him to be so consumed by lust for her that he couldn’t part from her. It wasn’t fair to Cathy, but at that moment she wanted to take her place. Even if she only had him for 6 months or a year. Wouldn’t it be better than being alone forever? She had said only this weekend, but what if they could be friends with benefits? She shook her head, no. Ending something like that would leave things weird and he was basically family. Her mind wandered to Dustin. She could see his handsome face and her heart hurt. Why? Why didn’t he give her a chance? Maybe he would have chosen her despite being her fated. Surely she wasn’t that ugly or horrible to be friends with. She was loveable right? Her sobs were so strong her body shook. Snot ran down her upper lip and her crying was so gut-wrenching that no sound came out, just croaking squeals. Her heart hurt, her mind raced, and her body burned. It was simply too much for her naive 16-year-old self to handle. Anger began to take over. How dare he! He severed his connection to her, but she had not rejected him. The way the bond worked was strange, his rejection freed pieces of each of them, but neither was completely free unless they both accepted the rejection. She hoped he felt every touch of another on her body, but she knew he didn't. If it worked that way, she would have felt when he was with someone else, and she didn't. She wanted him to hurt too. To cry about the loss of the one who was supposed to be his everything. Of knowing that someone else held the one that should have been his. The more her anger grew, the more her wolf pushed forward. She felt her canines extend and soon she was standing in wolf form. She growled and snarled, thinking of Dustin and how he threw her away. She took off on a run through the woods, trying to burn off everything that consumed her at that moment. At some point, Josh fell asleep on the couch waiting for Maya to come back. It wasn’t until a few hours later that Josh woke up with a jump from the sounds of Myra’s cries. His body jerked awake and he instantly felt her nestled against him. He gently squeezed her, but she didn’t wake up. They were side by side, spooning on the couch, but she was curled around her mid section giving small whimpering sounds of pain. They were both sticky from their body heat and he could smell her arousal through it all. He felt his own arousal stir but ignored it. Sitting up on his elbow, he pushed her long black hair away from her face. Making gentle shushing noises, he tried to soothe her, with no success. She pressed into his body, searching for the solace she needed. Her butt rubbed against his d**k and he held his breath for a moment, hoping she didn’t feel his growing erection. He continued to croon in her ear as he ran his hands down her face, past her arm, and down her hip, then back up again. He trailed little kisses down the side of her face and to her neck, stopping where her mate should have marked her. She pushed her perky breast out as she arched her back with a whimper. She never opened her eyes as a solitary tear squeezed beneath her lashes, “please Josh, make it stop. I can’t take this torture.” Josh let out a sigh and paused, weighing his options. He could ignore her pleas for help and stay in his room, he could just leave, or he could give her what she needed. Ignoring her wasn’t going to work, that much was obvious and would be such an asshole thing to do. Leaving her here alone would put her in danger if an unmated male decided to stop by. The last option was just as risky. Could he spend the weekend giving his best friend's little sister s****l pleasure, then spending every day afterward acting as if nothing happened? What if her parents found out? Would they hate him? Would he lose their trust and respect? Would they think he took advantage of the situation? Maya moaned in pain, clutching her abdomen. “Maya, I will help you, but I will only go so far. You’re only 16. Let’s not do anything you would regret later, yeah?” He waited for an answer, for permission to go ahead. Maya nodded, her eyes still squeezed shut in pain. It wasn’t like she had a choice. She would take whatever comfort he would offer. Josh took that as permission to touch her and resumed his kisses along her face. From her temple to her ear, and down her neck. There he nipped her ear lobe before gently sucking her neck. Not enough to leave a mark, just enough to get a reaction. Maya threw her head back and moaned. Reaching back, she held onto his hair. She arched her back, rubbing her ass into his erection. Josh caressed her arm as he continued his little kisses and reached her perky little breast. Her n*****s were standing at attention and straining against the lace fabric of her bra and thin cotton crop top. Josh gently blew in her ear as he circled and teased her n*****s through the shirt. Her moans grew louder as his hand made its way down between her legs. He caressed her most intimate place, through the fabric of her leggings. “Tell me Maya. You have to tell me what you want. What you need,” he spoke lowly, his voice next to her ear as he buried his face in her neck inhaling her scent. Her hips gave involuntary movements as she rode his hand. “Mmmm, yes, right there. Don’t stop. I’m so close.” His fingers had found her clit through the thin fabric and were doing a torturous dance of tiny circles. As her breathing became more ragged, her moans of pleasure grew a little louder, and he could smell her all around him. He knew she was close. He pressed his fingers at her entrance with each stroke. A teasing reminder of where she really wanted him to touch her. Her hand now grasped his neck as she rolled her hips against his hand and he continued placing tiny kisses along her neck. Finally, he gave her a hard little nip right at her shoulder and the little shot of pain sent her orgasm spiraling. Her legs clamped shut on his hand while her hips continued their assault. He could feel her wetness soaking through the layers of fabric onto his fingers. They stayed in that position for a while, waiting for her body to relax. She slowly loosened her grip on his neck and released his hand from her thighs. He raised his head to look down at her and she turned to face him. Snuggling her body up against him she sighed, not knowing what to say. He watched her face for a few minutes. Then decided it was probably a bad idea to stay entangled. They were not a couple, he was simply giving physical comfort as she needed it. He drew back a little, “are you okay?” She smiled, “actually I’m feeling pretty great right now. My body doesn’t feel as hot and much less tingly. The pain is completely gone.” He winked at her with a smirk, “you're welcome.” They both laughed and he stood up grabbing her hand to pull her into a sitting position. “I really need to get back to work on my paper for a while. What are you going to do?” She shrugged. “I was thinking I would go for a swim, or maybe a run. My friends went to the cabin this weekend so I’m kinda a lone wolf right now.” Josh nodded his head, “okay. Just keep your phone with you and stay close to the house. I don’t want any wolves happening to find you when you smell like that.” Maya’s face turned pink and she ducked her head, peeking up at him from her lashes, “like what exactly?” He gave her shoulder a little shove, a laugh escaping him, “oh come on. You must know wolves in heat give off an arousal aroma. Any male within 500 feet of you will know.” She turned to walk away before answering, “that’s not what I meant. What do I smell like to you? If you were my mate, you wouldn’t be able to resist me, so is it specific to our fated mate, or is it just attractive to all male wolves? Do I even smell good or do I smell like a cheap hooker?” She didn’t even wait for his answer, too embarrassed by her outburst of questions, she started up the stairs to her room. Before she made it to her room, she heard him answer softly, but her werewolf hearing picked it up anyway. “Right now you smell like we just had sex.” Well, that wasn’t the answer she was looking for, but he was right. His scent was mixed with hers plus the scent of their arousal. Anyone that walked into the house would think they were sleeping together. Maya didn’t give it any more thought as she gathered her things to head for the pool.
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