Agree to Disagree

1221 Words

Dustin lay in the sun for a while, listening to Maya's breathing as she slept. He was so relaxed around her and it surprised him that he wasn't thinking about work. His thoughts wandered to her reaction to him in the water earlier. He knew she felt the same sparks when they touched and it was a delicious feeling, so it couldn't be that she didn't enjoy it. He didn't sense a lie when she said that she wasn't scared, so what was he missing? Maybe she was telling the truth and was just being cautious until they had more of an idea of what their future would be, but there was a nagging in the back of his mind about that. Mates were drawn to each other and craved each other's touch. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and decided to wake her up. "Hey sleeping beauty, I think it's time to go

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