Robert's Offer

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"It is nice to see you well my son." Those are the words of my father as we enter his house. I don't know if what would I feel, his condition is terrible. Do I feel pity? With all of the thing he had done to us, I don't know if I can still forgive him. "Good day Mr. Laurel, it's been a while since we first met." JR seems to have a different impression of my father. "Hello, young Jinko, thank you for taking care of my son. When will the two of you will get married then?" Huh? Marriage? "You really are silly Mr. Laurel, did you read my email the other night?" Jinko said. "What are you talking about marriage?" I interfere. "I know right? She is too good for you Kersh, imagine being taking care by a beautiful woman like her everyday, you are lucky to have her." "Let us not talk about marriage stuff okay. Mr. Laurel we are here for a different purpose, so will you please say what you told me before." "Very well then. This thing about going back in time, I haven't experience it but my father told me that he had done it. He once said to me that if he will gonna do it, he will do it again." "Grandfather did but you haven't? I am confuse, is this thing being inherited by our family?" I asked. "Yes, it will be inherited by the eldest son of the Laurel Family, which is why, all of the first born child are male. It is a fate that we cannot escape." My father said. "If that is the case then how come that you haven't experience it yet?" I asked. "I am not sure if I haven't experience it yet or maybe I already did but in a different time." My father said. "In different time?" Jinko asked. "I personally do not know when this time travel thing began, your grandfather once told me before that he, his father, his grandfather, his great-grandfather, others had done it. At first I thought that my father was just making up stories and he is just being crazy. He once said that in a different time we are rich, that we never experience hunger, but then he said that we went on a vacation, and because of that vacation, all of us died yet he survive. He lose one of his arm according to him, but his heart and mind were also broken, he was on a brink of death when he suddenly met a man. He thought that it was a dream, and then the next thing he knows is that he went back in time, but this time we are no longer rich." "This is interesting Mr. Laurel, if that is the case then you may still have the chance of going back in time." "Maybe on this time I haven't experience it, but remember I once said that I may have done it." "What do you mean?" I asked. "You went back in time right? What was I like then? What is the difference between your father on your first time and today?" "When my mother died, after two years, you had a second family." "And I don't have a second family now right? The question to that is if I did travel back in time or not." "I understand, if on Kersh's original time, you may have done it, you may have went back in time but the question to that is when." "You are right about that JR, we can be certain that I did not go back in time during Kersh's younger days because if so, I should have memory of it." "Then when could it be?" JR asked. "I was thinking of what would be the requirements to be able to go back in time, death of your family? on the brink of dying? or the urge to change your fate? I am certain that I still haven't go back in time because if so, I should have known it. I even did not go back in time after my wife's death. Did I really hate her that much? or did I really not able to love her?" "I want to punch your face!" "I understand that you are mad Kersh. I will not ask your forgiveness. But if I really do love her? When you go back in time, what will happen to your body?" "Good question Mr. Laurel! would your body vanish or you will be duplicate and the other will remain while the other will return back in time! Marvelous idea!" "I don't get it." "You see Kersh, you went back in time right?" "Yes, I did." "What happen to the you of that time? Will the you of that time will turn in to dust? or will it move forward? You might as well continued your suicide that time." "What are you saying JR?" "What I was saying is, your physical body did not go back in time, but I do not want to say it but if there is a spiritual body, that thing could have been duplicated itself which allows the real you to go back in time, and the duplicated may remain, or you may be the duplicated spirit." "I was able to think of that." "So there are chance that my father went back in time on my original time." "I had this dreams, seeing scenery that I was thinking that it could possibly true. If what Jinko said is true, I could have back in time and my other self remarried in purpose to continue my life on your original time. I had this dream of having a different life with you, with Jyna and your mother. Having a happy family that felt so true." "Don't be silly father, I do not believe your words, don't lie anymore!" "I understand, but from what Jinko said, you've made a lot of mistake on this time, right?" "I am not certain but if I do not have a memory of going back in time during this time of yours then I still go back in time, I can fix your mistake." "Fix my mistake?" "But the question to that if I am allow to do so, because we do not know if this time travel thing could only allow us once to do it. What I mean is, if I did go back in time during on your original time, then I may not be able to go back in time on this second time of yours, one of the reason to that is your mother's death, because I haven't go back in time when she died." "Don't bring nor use my mother's death like nothing! Let's go JR! I am done speaking with this mad man!" Fixing my mistake? He could not even fix his mistake, How could he fix mine?! "Don't you think that your father's offer are not a good idea?" "Even if that is true, it will not matter, he will be the one to go back in time, not me!" "That might be true, but the thought of possibility that Mary Ann and Edward would be alive should made you happy." "I would be happy of course! But I would not be able to see that!" "Are you crying Kersh?" "I am not!" "Get in to the car, I will drive us back." After that we took the road to go back to our house. "Hey Kersh, I am curious of the origin of your family's ability to go back in time." "I know, if our ancestors have done it, the next question is when did it start, who started it and how?" "Maybe some of your family member had invented a time travel ability?" "Which may turn as a curse then." "Is that where your name came from?" "Don't be silly JR." "Do you believe in multiverse Kersh?" "Multiverse? The one that you made me read before? I guess so, why?" "Your family's strange Phenomenon might prove the existence of Multiverse." "How come?" "Going back in time to recreate your fate, if what your father said is true then the body you left could continue living, meaning the other world would continue to exist." "And then?" "Then it is possible that your family have been creating multiverse as each member go back in time, there could be time in where you did not exist, there is a possibility that one of a member of your family did not remarried the same woman and have a different children." "Just like my father's idea, if he said is true and went back in time then he could save not just Mary Ann and Edward but he could guide me to remarried Sarah and have my children be born again." "We are certain that each member could only go back in their own time and could not exist beyond that." "Then Nicolas and Knyah could have been born?" "Kersh, if it is possible can we examine your body more? Maybe we might get something and could discover the way to time travel, if we become successful then we could help you to redo your fate again." "Thank you Jinko, but my goal is to remarried Sarah and made my children be born again." "Well for the sake of science, I wish you cooperate." "I will." "I still can't believe this, this phenomenon is so hard to believe but if your family existence is true this is a world changing knowledge." "Jinko, I was wondering if the person I met is like a deity who oversee time." "A god? Don't be silly, I think that person could be your ancestor who first used the time travel. As you gain his DNA, there is a possibility that you saw him from having his DNA." "Could be true, so our ability was passed down from our ancestor. Why he did it? Did he also had the same fate as mine, or I had the same fate as his?" "Let us break down this ability of your family. The possibility of activating it is to have traumatic event and on the brink of dying in where you have the strongest desire on changing your fate. But the question is, could it be done once? Do you need to have traumatic even or on the brink of death to activate it? What I am thinking is, you just need to meet a certain level of desire to go back in time, as for now you do not have that level of desire because your goal is to remarried Sarah and bring back Nicolas and Knyah to life." "That could be true as well JR. If it is possible then I could go back in time again right?" "I am just thinking, just like the sci-fi movies with time travel plot, there are time travel guards or a person that would correct the event to its original form." "Yeah those thing exist in movies." "Remember Kersh that your father was almost killed?" "Do you think that some tried to kill him?" "I am not sure, but we should be careful and we should see all of the thing that may happen." "I understand, I will be careful." "This is existing! I feel like a protagonist in a movie." "I thought you would be more pragmatic than being idealistic Jinko." "I think I am more of a realist?" "Anyway it is getting dark, we should stay in on the next hotel we could see." "Sure." After that we booked two rooms to stay in. I'm glad this does not become one of those plot in the movies of not having enough room which force them to share bed and have that short happy ending of that night. But as soon as I attempt to sleep. It felt like I am in the deepest part of ocean, everything seems to be heavy. And as I attempt to open my eyes, there is a man at the ceiling, staring at me. Who is it? He does not do nor say a thing. Is that the man I first saw before? But he seems to wear a formal attire this time. Is he the man I dream back then? Who was it? I don't know, all I could do is to stare back at him back I can only see his silhouette. "Hey Kersh! Wake up! Are you alright?! He seems to be alive, wake up you i***t! Wake up!" I heard a voice. It was Jinko. I woke up as I hear, Jinko's voice. "JR, are you crying? what is going on?" The staff at the front desk is here as well. "You i***t! you scared me! I thought you were dead, you are not responding to my calls. I knocked so many times at your door, I thought something bad happened to you. Don't be like this you i***t!" "I am sorry JR, I will be more careful next time." What?! Over a hundred missed call? The time? What?! Passed 2pm! I slept more than 12 hours?! "Thank you for opening the door, I might had a nightmare, maybe you did not wake me up, I might be dead." "I am glad I was able to help Sir." "Don't say any more word, we will go back immediately and made you rest in our house. Don't try to sleep for now!" "Yes, I will not. I understand. Sorry for making you worried JR." What is this? I'd never see this kind of face and expression of her. This is dangerous, my heart skip a bit earlier. What is this feeling? You can't be serious Kersh! Sarah forgive me!
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