fairy tale tellers

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(Anand's VOC) "Surprise!" I yelled as soon as Indhu opened the door. "I've been expecting you. How can you call it a surprise?" She asked. "Yes, but you weren't expecting this guest." I said moving away from hiding mom. "Mom!" She shrieked like a small girl and both the women got engrossed in a huge. "It's been ages since you showed up so I thought, how would it be to give my daughter a surprise inspection?" "I really can't believe you said that mom!" I tried to fake an astonished face. "Oh, drama queen!" My sister smacked my arm playfully. "Let's get in." She added. We walked into the living space and I spotted Dhinnu sitting on the couch. He got up from his place as he saw mom with Indhu. "Hello mom, what a pleasant surprise?" He asked. "I've heard your album the other day Dhinnu, Absolutely amazing." Dhinnu owns forty per cent shares of The Karthikeya group. The rest forty by his father, Mr Karthikeya. Her father-in-law trusts Indhu with his entire life that in those forty per cent shares Dhinnu owns, twenty per cent belongs to her but she never accepted it for god knows why reason. After my sister's wedding. Most of the transactions of the Bhatia and Karthikeya group in the hotel and hospitality sector is merged. The joint venture did fetch us profit in a lot of issues. Dhinnu is quite different from me. He is not the serious bussiness man type. He is this Mr. Cool who takes everything on a smooth drive. I never liked smooth drives to be precise. You can't always go in a smooth drive. Bussiness is never one and he never gets it. Whenever I try to talk to him, he'd say some bullshit about life and enjoying. I think that's the reason why his dad loathes him. His dad Mr. Karthekeya took care of our bussiness along with my sister after dad passed away. It was there that my sister fell in love with Dhinnu. I wouldn't agree anymore, he's indeed a charmer. Always the gentleman. Unlike me. He also has his hand in all the fields. He's not much of an athlete but I wouldn't say he's not talented. He takes a three months break every year to do things he want to do other than bussiness. He either writes a book, compose an album, paint canvas or travel to places I've never heard of. He sometimes plays golf or polo too. Whatever he does all the money he makes is given off to charity. Yes, he's known for his charity works too. "Thank you mom, it sound amazing to hear that from you." He replied. "Where are you sending that money this time?" I asked him. "To the victims of bussiness addiction like you and your sister." He joked and his joke earned fits of laughter from mom. If only mom wasn't there........ "I'm Sorry, it'll go straight to Karthikeya foundation." He answered still laughing. "Mom, come along with me. I need to tell you a lot of things." Indhu interfered. "Escapism." He muttered. "Make sure that I get to talk to you after dinner." She eyed him with a death glare but he winked at her. "Indhu where is Neelu?" My mother asked "Upstairs, let me take you there." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Mom, I'm not eating this!" My seven-year-old niece complained. "Why is that so?" Her mother asked. "I don't like it!" "Even I don't like many things you do Neelu. Stop complaining and complete your food." Her mother answered sternly. "Gran, please!" She's pleading mom now. "Sweetheart, you have to understand one thing. Your mother is not an easy women to impress." Her eyes fell on me. "Neelu, listen to your mother. It's for your own good." Dhinnu replied. She held her head down and all the curse words she uttered became too audible to me. I wish I didn't sit beside her. "Stop cursing, show some mercy," I whispered into her ears. "Anand, your too depressing!" She yelled. "How many times did I ask you to call him uncle, Neelu?" She asked "Sorry, Anand uncle." She corrected. "It's okay Indhu, I prefer Anand from my cute little niece." I pinched her cheek which is storing the food she must chew on one side. "Your the one who is spoiling her Anand." My sister protested and I simply smiled at her. "Anyways, I think I'm done." "Me too." Dhinnu said after me. We walked to his office together "Mind for a drink?" Dhinnu asked stopping near the bar in his office "Yup, I'd love that." "Alright." He took out a new bottle and filled a glass with scotch and I drained it in one gulp. "Oh God, that was fast. You look too stressed." "Ya, too much work. My assistant was too bad. Curse you for selecting her." I answered. "What can I do? She was fine when she walked into the interview and she is hot too." He winked. "I hate women who try to flirt me. Anyways, she is my ex-assistant. I fired her." His eyes widened in surprise. "You fired her?" He asked and I simply nodded. "Firing anyone just because you have the authority is not good Anand." "Okay, if I keep all that junk in my company then, one day I need to sell it to someone," I replied "It's just been a week since she's appointed for god sake Anand! You just fired her. She's not the flirt kind for sure." He said filling my glass "How can you say that?" I asked gulping. "Because she's my assistant's sister." "Okay I know that Mrs Solomon is hard working but her sister is not." I replied. "You didn't give her the time to get habituated too. An employer must always look after his employees, not a success." "For god sake Dhinnu. Spare me your lecture. I'm not doing some sort of charity, I'm doing business." I replied. "Your dad would never fire someone just like that Anand." "That's the reason why people tried to snatch away what is his." "Why do you always think of it in the wrong way? You father is remembered even now. Your father was a man of values." He sounds too emotional. "I never forget my values too." "Then why did you fire that innocent lady?" He asked. "She's not innocent Dhinnu. She doesn't do any s**t. I need to teach her to make a schedule. Like how does she expect me to reach city outskirts within fifteen minutes? Besides, she also flirts with me" Ya she does. Oh really? Screw you inner voice! "Every lady who smiles at you is a flirt. Am I correct?" Wow, how do you answer this now? " I'm not fickle to think that way, Dhinnu." "This is the forty-ninth assistant your firing. I can't find anyone for you Anand. Find the perfect assistant yourself." He said filling my glass. "That is the reason why I asked Jain to fetch me one." "That nerd?" I nodded. "How will he fetch someone better than all your ex-assistants?" I laughed. "Maybe because I offered him a promotion?" He laughed. "You're despicable! Promotion for finding a new assistant?" He laughed much louder. "That kid deserves it anyways." He added. "Ya, he does. He's too talented, he's just twenty-three. He excelled his senior in a span of one year. Need to appreciate that." "Hmmm, still sounds like a nerd to me." "Whatever you think of Dhinnu. He's a very good employee better than everyone." "Are you gay?" I chocked as I heard his question. "What?!?" I asked and he continued laughing. "You sound as if you have a thing for him." Stupid him. "I don't have a thing for him. I'm still interested in only women. I assure you that he's not gay too." Funny how I let him tease me. "Yeah, heard about your bed partner too. That new model?" O right, it's the biggest news now. People wanted to know if I'm gay. I simply let my ego slide and made it a little public. The media caught it and the rumours changed to my possible girlfriends. "Just a one night stand." I assured him "Why did you make it public? I very well know you're talented in shutting them down. Is it because people started thinking your gay?" I laughed. "You always get me at the right point." "What will you do to shut this girl?" He asked "Let her stay a little longer. She's good in bed." I replied "Does mom know about it?" "Yup but I assured her that they are rumours. Guess what, she started searching for girls just because she's frightened." "Mothers are mothers always. Let it slide anyways. Why don't you join me for my three months break this year?" You need a break, don't deny it! "I have a company to run." "Me too." "But I don't think I have a father who would look after it when I'm not present." I countered. "Yea, that's the reason why you're a perfectionist. Not a rich spoilt brat like me." He countered. "Your hell right." "Oy! I thought you'd deny the fact that I'm a rich spoilt brat!" He exclaimed. "How could he when your obviously one." I turned to look at Indhu moving to the bottle in his hands. "Indhu sweetheart, when did you come?" He asked but she turned her head to me. "How many glasses did he have till now?" She asked me. "I think eight." I answered "No I didn't!" He protested. "I didn't ask you!" She yelled at him. "And how many did you have?" Wow, she really is a nightmare. "Three." "One. additional. than. the. prescribed. number!" She stretched each word. "He had six additional." I reminded her. "I know math Anand, you don't need to give me answers to unasked questions." She asked in a dangerously soft voice. "Honey, I'm sorry." Dhinnu begged. "I don't need your stupid apologies Mr. Dinesh Karthikeya! Tomorrow morning this bar will be removed and in it's place we'd let another shelf of books be placed." O no, Dhinnu is in big trouble. "That's insane!" He protested. "No it's not, you have an awful habit of over drinking. We have a daughter too and I'm doing this for my husband's good." "You can let a warning be replaced this time?" He asked. "A let a thousand warnings slide. You can't fool me." "No one can ever fool you Indhu." I said getting up from my chair. "Atleast let him keep the wine collection." "Okay, but I'd exercise control over it." She agreed, thank goodness. "Why is that so?" Dhinnu asked. "Because these are the exotic ones you bought. A memory of your every travel. You won't gulp them within a few seconds." She answered. "What if I finish them in no time?" He asked. "You never touched them too Dhinnu. They are somethings which you never want to vanish. Isn't it obvious that Indhu would know it too?" I winked. "You better get to bed. We need to go to the office tomorrow just because you insisted. I need to have a little talk with him anyway." She eyed him in an all knowing look. "Okay, good night Indhu, good night Dhinnu." Dhinnu is so dead today. Indhu isn't going to spare him at any cost. I hope I don't find him dead in the morning. I opened my room door to find Neelu seating on the couch with a book in her hands. "What are you doing here princess?" Her eyes lit up as she raised her eyes to me. "You always read to me whenever your here." Oh yeah, That's the only sanest thing I do in my life. "What will you do when you get married? Will you still ask me to read when your husband is beside you?" I expected her to laugh but she held her mother's death glare. I don't think my humour will work on her anymore. "Will you read it to me?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest. I kept staring at her, she's looking like my sister in disguise. "Yes or no Anand? Make it quick! I don't have time for your amused stare!" Is she seven or twenty? "Fine, I will." I went and sat beside her. "What should I read?" She took the book in her hands and gave it to me. "Beauty and the beast? Didn't I read it last time?" I asked her. "I like it too well. Will you stop complaining and read it Anand?" I smiled and opened the book. "Can I ask you a question?" She nodded. "Why do you ask me too read when you know how to read?" "I like the way you read in a dramatic way as if your seeing it right then." She answered and I couldn't stop laughing. "Anand read it now!" She yelled "Yes ma'am." I said. I kept reading and she listened to every word of it leaning onto my arm. She barely reached my shoulder. "And they lived happily ever after." I concluded and a yawn escaped her mouth. "Again." She said in her sleepy voice. "Let me tell you one thing, don't believe in fairy tales." "Why?" She jolted upright. "Because none of them come true. A beast can't change into a prince charming just for a beautiful girl." "That's magic Anand." Stubborn girl. "Magic doesn't exist, Harry Potter is not true." I told her. "Maybe, but the friendship and love is true?" Kids are kids. "No Neelu, people try to crush you. You have to be strong to overcome it. You have to be your own prince charming at those moments." I answered. "Okay, read it again." ****************************************************************************************** (Akshaya's VOC) "Akki, is Cinderella true?" I smiled at the two year old girl sitting along with the other kids who are listening to me. "Anything is true if you believe, sweetheart." I told her. "I wish a prince charming comes and rescues me from here." Another girl spoke. How I wish they all have parents. "Yes he will give you all the love you've missed." I kissed her forehead and she blushed. How can god be soo cruel to these cute little girls? "Do you have a prince charming in your life?" Someone asked. "No honey, I don't." I answered "Then how will we have a prince charming?" She asked. "Well, everyone will surely have a prince charming in their life. He may not look too handsome but he will give you all the love that you want." I told her and everyone hugged me at once. "Now everyone get back to bed, it's too late." Sister Lisa just entered the hall. "Yes everyone, get to bed." I said "No we want another story!" Everyone pouted. "I will come back tomorrow night and tell another great story. Till then keep dreaming about the story I told." Everyone stood up and I kissed all the twelve girls in a row. "Everyone, to the washroom. Brush your teeth and change into your pyjamas." Sister said and they all rushed to the washroom. "In a line everyone!" She yelled and they followed her. "Akshaya stay back today. It's too late, I don't want to send you all alone." She's too generous to offer. She's such a sweet lady. "No sister, I'll leave. I'll have trouble until I find some bus and after I did, nothing to worry." I tried to assure her. "No Akshaya! You're staying back! You were my responsibility when you were a kid and your my responsibility even now!" She said sternly. "Okay, as you insist." I replied. "Get to your usual room now." I nodded and I went back to the room which use to be mine. Sister still kept it vacant, just incase if I want. I love this place soo much. It's much better than many places on this planet. All the kids, sister Lisa along with sister Jennifer and sister Ana took good care of me when I was a kid. They always said I was their favourite although I was too rebellious. They are such generous ladies. I wish I could find someone like them one day. Someone who'd like me just the way they did. I feel on the bed to feel it's warmth. It's the best bed in the entire planet. I can't compaire it with anything. ****************************************************************************************** (Anand's VOC) I picked Neelu from the couch and I walked to her room. She slept calmly. Maybe purity in a person stays until they are kids. I think it'll vanish as a person grows up. Whatever, I have more things to think about. I'm going to close three important deals by any cost tomorrow. Nothing should go wrong with it. I fixed two already but I kept it a secret to surprise Indhu. I hope she'd not open her mouth widely when we're in the meeting. With this we'll reach to number one in India and probably around twenty-five around the world. I hate two digits but still, I'll try to push it to the single digit somehow. I placed her on her bed and walked out to find my sister. "Thanks for reading to her. She said as I closed the door slowly. "You don't need to thank me Indhu." I smiled at her. "You know, you still have a soft side inside you." She said. "I don't." I replied sternly. "Keep denying, you wouldn't act soo sweetly with her or any one of us if you don't have it." She pointed. "Maybe that's because I don't want to disappoint any of you?" I suggested "That's called caring, young man." She replied. "I'm a monster Indhu and monster's don't have a heart." I told her. "Everyone has a heart Anand. It takes time for them to realise it." She smiled. "It wouldn't work for me." "Maybe you need the right person to tell it to you." She said and I know where this leads. "And let me guess........ that right person is Rupa?" I asked. "Fine, I'm coming straight. Why didn't you like her?" She asked. "She's too arrogant, a spoilt rich brat and a pampered girl who thinks of herself as a Barbie." Indhu laughed at my choice of words. "She's dependant on everyone as well and not to forget, very poor IQ." "So you want a down to earth, simple, independent, intelligent and humble girl?" Not this s**t again. "I'd prefer staying alone if you ask me. I don't like any distraction in my way and wedding will be the first distraction." "That doesn't answer my question." She said. "Okay, maybe I would prefer that type and I'd include another, a heart which is of the size of a planet." I know she can't find anyone of that type. She'll take forever in the search anyways. "That's a lot to wish for but your sister is desperate in finding one." Yea, I'll watch when you get tired. "Fine, I'll take a nap. We have a big day ahead." "Goodnight then." She said. "Goodnight." I said and I walked to my room
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