Chapter one "The Betrayal"

1259 Words
That night, "hey yuuji can you fix this for me please" yuki ask. "what now yuki?" yuuji answer. "I don't how do I do after this ?" looking confusedly. "Help me please my best childhood friend" begging yuuji with smile and her big eyes. "Fine let me see" yuuji sighing. "Thank you my best childhood friend" yuki giggling. "Here you do this in here and copy this in here" yuuji fixing her task. "hehe....I am sorry yuuji it's too complicated for me" yuki giggling awkwardly. "how can IT support senior like you doesn't know how to coding ?" Yuuji joking. "I am sorry yuuji..." yuki answered. "I will treat you some yakiniku tonight okay" yuki answered. "you better buy the expensive one for me okay" yuuji answer it with smirk in his face. "okay,sighhh.." answer yuki sighing. "I am kidding, just the regular is okay"yuuji replied giggling. "You are so mean yuuji" answer yuki while pouting. Later that night, "and done, this should be okay now" yuuji says. "thanks yuuji,now how about we get going my stomach already bark at me ready to eat me"replied yuki while grabbing her stomach. "okay okay but let me check my computer first you can go first" answer yuuji. "oh okay I will wait you in the lobby yuuji" answer yuki while grabbing her stuff in her desk. "okay" says yuuji. Yuuki goes first to lobby while yuuji still checking his computer. "Ahh Im so tired and hungry, yuki give me her works to fix it luckily she will treat me yakiniku tonight" says yuuji while stretching his arms. "now I can't wait to goobly that meat". "Man i better fast yuki wait me at the lobby" say yuuji I hurry. as he run in the hallway to the stairs his vision got wobbly, he pass something yellow that standing beside the stairs and out of nowhere he got slipped. He fall into the stairs, his heads hurts and he can't feel his leg nor his hand. "Aww my heads" say yuuji in hurts. He no longer have a strength to stand his vision is spinning. As he close his eyes, he hears yuuki voice calling his name's. "YUUJI !! YUUJIII !!" Shout yuki. "Someone calling me, is it yuki ?" yuuji replied in his head. He feel tired and gradually lost his strength. As yuki voice goes distance, he fall a sleep. Suddenly, his eyes open in the big room with a bunch of people that he doesn't even know. "Sir your child has born" says a person who holding me. Now he knows the situation now he is a baby,he reincarnated to this world with his memory still intact.even he is a baby, he conscious about what happen situation around him. "It's a boy, what great news Sir" "thank god doctor may I see my son" "here sir" say the doctor. "how about my wife doctor ?" "She sleeping in the bed sir" replied to him. "Is she okay doctor ?" "She will be fine sir,she just exhausted cause of birth" "Thank god" say my father while holding me in his hand. Suddenly, the door knock "May I come in sir" say someone behind the door. "Come in please" replied my father. The doors open and a man with a big staff who looks like a religious man come closer to me and my father. "Wow it's a boy, what a great news sir" say that man. "Yes great father, it's really a great news to me" says father with a big smile. "may check your son's sir" ask the priest. "please great father" my father replied. and the priest check on me by pointing a big jewel in his staff to my forehead and he got shock. "what happen great father" ask my father shock. "I am sorry sir to tell you this"replied him. "But your son has a taboo skill that f*******n in this city" replied him again. "what is it great father?" My father shouted while shock. "Skill : stealing" answer the priest with afraid face. "whattt !!!?" Say my father confusedly. "Yes sir, your son has a taboo skill" replied him with fear. "The believer of light god will never accept this child" "They will kill this child and will sue you sir" "This child skill is own by dark god who sealed by our believer in death forest with bunch of sealed monster" Suddenly his father looks him disgustedly while carrying him in his hand.he put him back to the bed and back off. "no no this not gonna happen" my father say while grabbing his head with shocked in his face. "I am hero, I am the kings how can my son have this skill, this is disgraceful !" "my wife must be cheating on me with someone while I'm gone !!" say my father. "Get everyone out !!!" shout my father. "This can't be happening, this is a curse" "call my elite guard" "Call Gerald to me now...!!!" Shout my father. after that a one guard shows up with full body armor. "you call me Sir?" ask the guard. "Gerald I order you to throw my wife and my son's to the death forest and make sure no one knows about this I don't want to see them again they're disgrace for me" shout my father to the guard. "But why sir ?" Ask Gerald. "Don't ask why just do it, or you and your family will end up like both of them" "As you command sir" Gerald replied. After that me and my mom got carried by a wagon with by a him, he face tells me this is wrong but if he disobey my i knew he will done for. he knew my mother never cheating on my father. he drives us to death forest to put us to death in there. in the halfway to there, suddenly my mother wokes up and say to him. "I never cheating on him and this child has done nothin feel death like this" my mom saying while crying and sobbing to him. "Please just save this child alone please" after that my passed away. Because of birth she lose so much blood and passed away in the carriage.the guard drives us and when we came to death forest he buried my mom properly and say "I will save this son of your maria I promise" Say the guard in front of my mom grave. so after that he drive me so far from the capital city to remote village. "It should be faraway from the capital"he says. He drives around the village to find the orphanage .He look a building not faraway from the center of village.he knock the building door and nuns open it. "Yes can I help you sir ?" Ask the nun. "please sister take of this child I'm begging you"replied Gerald. "What happen ?" Ask the nun confused "Her mother got killed near death forest, I only found him next to her" "Please take care of him sister" The she the takes him and say while smiling to Gerald and says "okay sir I will take and treat him like family in here so don't worry about it". He thanked her with cry and then he parted away from there to the capital city again. "oh I forgot to ask this child names, okay since you have a white eyes I will names you hvitt". "hvitt argia that's your names now" and that's when my life begin. =TO BE CONTINUED=
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