CH.1 New Chapter

1403 Words
The rays of the sun hit my face as I slowly flutter my eyes open. There seems to be a glow in the air today. Especially today. I roll over to find my 4-year high school sweetheart asleep in my bed. I know what you are thinking, and the answer is NO! We did not do the deed. He has been nothing but a gentleman understanding my wish to stay pure. Now he is here, and I am wrapped around his arms ready to spend the rest of our lives together. Yesterday we graduated from high school and when we all mingled with our family and friends after the ceremony Greg went down on one knee and asked me to marry him. In front of all our family and friends I said yes and cried tears of joy. He is my everything now. We have been with each other through thick and thin. We survived the high school drama since he was the football star and I was the nerdy soccer player. He was with me when my parents died and I went to live with Ms. Betty, my mom’s great aunt.  I was with him when his mom died, recently, might I add. We became each other’s rock. Now, today marks a new day, a new chapter in our lives. I gave him my heart and I know I have his. We plan on going to the same college up north in Humboldt, California. A change of scenery from the city. As I stare at his gorgeous face, memorizing all his features, he stirs awake I see him flutter his deep blue eyes open. I knew why all the girls at school wanted to tare me and Greg apart, he was a ken doll. Glistening blonde hair, blue eyes, and a square jaw you want to pepper kiss along all day. I on the other hand looked completely opposite. Besides my unique emerald eyes, I was a lean simple girl with long black hair. Other guys called me a temptress stating that I was an exotic beauty, but I thought other wise with the remarks from the gossip girls whispered in the halls. Soccer made my body lean. I had some curves and a round butt, but I had muscle. Soccer was my love and outlet through my frustrations when I didn’t have Greg. Now all the drama is in the past and I am staring at my soon to be husband. “Good morning, my beautiful fiancé.” Greg said with a raspy voice. Then he gave me his million-dollar smile which made me gleam. “God morning, handsome.” I saw back and raise me hand to cup his face. He turns his face into my hand and kisses my palm taking a deep breath. “So what would you like to do today?” He turns to look at me and asks. “Maybe we should go for a hike? Maybe close to our new college to get to know the area?” I say. “That sounds like a great idea.” He says. We both get out of bed and freshen up. We had to stop by his house to change cloths and gear up before we hopped in his jeep and drove to a hiking trail near campus. We live in Chico which makes the commute short, but the campus is far enough away for Greg and me to get an apartment together. I blast the radio up as it plays all our favorite songs as Greg’s hand take mine and occasionally kisses my knuckles. We turn onto a dirt path that lead to a dirt parking lot with a couple cars parked already. We get out of his jeep and pull out back packs on. “Ready to go fiancé” I say with a smirk on my face. “Lead the way love.” He said and motions towards the entrance to the 5-mile trail through the forest. We walk for 45 minutes talking about our wedding and our future when we heard a loud twig break and growling. Immediately Greg takes a defensive stance with me behind him as we walk backwards towards a large tree. We hear more rustling and growling coming closer almost surrounding us. Greg turns his head slightly to motion to stay quiet. I nod and grip onto his arm. Then we turn to hear a sickening cracking sound like some bones were breaking. My stomach was turning hearing it. Then out of the blue a man walks from behind the tree in front of us. He was only wearing basketball short reveling his bare chest. He was lean with small muscles, nappy brown hair, like he hasn’t brushed it in months. Fear struck me when I notice his red eyes and sinister smile. I gripped Greg tighter when a few more men came out into our line of sight also wearing nothing but shorts on and had the same red eyes.  “Well boys… look what we have here…” He begins to say before the other men begin to hoot and whistle. “It seems that we are in luck today, so this is how it is going to go, we are going to kill you and take the delicious beauty behind you with us.” I start shaking in fear know that we were outnumbered. “You will not take her.” Says Greg through gritted teeth. The first man grins even wider before he motions his men to attack. Greg meets them part way and starts fighting them. I look to my sides and notice more men approach me. I was so glade that I had several years of mix martial arts training to help me fight them off. I sidestep the first guy and elbow him behind his head. I turn and palm the second guy on the throat and kick him on the stomach when he was down. I turn again and punch the next man on the nose. Another guy came behind me wrapping up in his tight grasp. I stomp on his foot hard with my heel breaking from his loose restraint and elbow him in the gut before elbowing him in the head. I look in front to see Greg on his knees in a chock hold by the first man. I look to Greg then I look to the first man before my arms are grabbed by two men holding me back. I fidget to loosen their grip to no avail. I look to my captor and then to the scene in front of me. I look at the first man with pleading eyes seeing his sinister grin grow, then I look to Greg. He says “I love you” before I see his neck twist to the side and a crack echo. His body falls limp to the ground. “NOOOOOOOOO!” With all the strength I could muster I pulled away from my captors and rush to Greg’s side. I grab his bod and rock it. I hug him to me trying desperately to wake him up, holding onto our last moment. This can not be happening! The man I love and was going to start my future with is dead in my arms. I sob loud and hard. My heart shattering to pieces. I was suddenly pulled by the hair into a standing position facing the first man. I am gripping his hand that is gripping my hair to try and loosen his grip. “My, my, my, … you are definitely a prize here. But I am afraid that I can not enjoy you just yet. You need to be punished for all the damage you did to my men.” He scans me with his lustful eyes up and down my body. I feel disgusted with his stare and even more afraid for my life. “I think I might have you all to myself instead of selling you. Goodnight darling mate.” I then felt a needle prick my neck and darkness begin to consume me. I began to hope and pray that this was all just a bad dream and when I woke up, it would be in my bed and back in Greg’s arms. 
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