Chapter 1

937 Words
My name is Freya Thompson, my parents are in jail. Because of first degree murder, I know crazy is true, but it's true. When I was looking for some answers, I had l looked them up online and they'd been arrested. I obviously didn't have any remorse. Because I haven't ever met them. They were taken away a month after my birth. If your wondering, that would've made me 1 month old. Growing up, I lived with my first foster home, Miss Lindless, for about 3 years. Then it was Mr. Peacock. I stayed with him for just about 2 months. He had his problems. Then it was a married couple that couldn't have kids named Miss and Mr. Vera. I stayed with them for about 1 year. Now my last one will always be my favorite foster parent, Miss Benson. She was the best out of all them. She fostered me for at least 7 years. But sadly she died not too long ago. She died of Alzheimer's Disease, also known as Senile dementia. She lost a little bit of her memory every day. After child services dropped me off at the orphanage, one of the older girls gave me an orphanage tour, about the where-a-bouts of my room, my classes, and the cafeteria. After the tour, she took me back to my room to get settled in. My official first day starts tomorrow. Scary. I started to check out my room. " Most have a roommate", I said to myself. "Sure do, I am Emily Flores". reaches for a handshake. "Hi, which bed is yours? Pink or green?" I asked. There are 2 beds in the room, but this room isn't like the others. Some rooms weren't as colorful as Emily's room. Some rooms had bunk beds and just plain. "Green. I am not a pink person. I hate the color pink." She starts helping me started unpack my things. "Oh, I mean if you get a good shade of light pink, it's not a bad color." "No, I just don't like the color pink. It isn't me, never have been. So, how old are you? You look at least 15/" Well, she guessed it right. I turned 15 like a month ago (December 18). It wasn't the best birthday. I mean I never really had a good birthday party. It was always just people around. I never really had any friends, but what's the point? I was just going to move. "Yeah Im 15. Turned last month. How about you? What's your age" I asked. "Oh I am 16. Turned 4 days ago ( January 19)" For the rest of the night, I tried to finish packing before I took a shower. I needed to wash off some stress. Emily had already fallen asleep. I tried my hardest not to wake her, but I had dropped my snowglobe, and it broke. "Your still unpacking things. Jeez you are sleeping now. Just to let you know, if you don't wake up tomorrow for your classes on your first day, you're going to be in trouble. They don't like it when you're late for class." "Okay, I will clean this up and take a shower." I went to the cafeteria to go grab a broom, but I wasn't the only one awake in the orphanage.I turned around and I saw a boy who was also looking for the broom. "Are you going to use it?". The boy asked "Uh yeah" I headed back to my room, but the boy followed me. "Are you new or something?" the boy asked. "Why" This boy wouldn't let me go back to my room in peace. "Because I've never seen you around here before? So you must be new." Once I reached my room, I opened the door. I swept up the glass and gave the boy the broom. "Here. Leave me alone please." "Thanks. You share a room with Emily Flores?" This nosy boy and his questions are going to be the death of me. "Yeah, stop asking so much and go away and clean up whatever you need to clean." The boy finally left and now I can take my shower and sleep. I got everything I needed for a shower, and started bathing. The next morning, I was waken by Emily telling me we had 30 minutes to get ready for school. I had picked out some clothes I was going to wear. It was a nice black crop top and some plain blue skinny jeans. Then I had to go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Then I put my hair in a messy ponytail. Then I was ready to go to my first class, which was Science. I never liked science. When I arrived at my class, I only recognized 1 person. The boy from last night. The one who asked too many questions. The class tables were organized into groups of 4. Only 3 tables were opened. everyone had opened an assigned chair, so I was hoping that I wouldn't have a seat next to the nosy boy. "Everyone this is, Freya Thompson. She will be joining us. Freya tells the class about yourself." "Uh, no thanks." I didn't know what I needed to say about myself. That my parents are in jail for first degree murder and that my foster parents died "Well, your decision. You will be sitting with group 3." Well, I was placed with the nosy boy. Maybe I should give him a chance. Maybe he was just asking lots of questions to get to know me.

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