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Chapter 10-the date part 1 Triston Point Of View...     No...no..Ellie..no this can't be true. Ellie why didn't you tell us..why didn't you tell me?! We're your brothers for f*****g sakes, Ellie!! I knew something was wrong but not this. I thought she was feeling guilty about that night at the stadium but now I know the truth..the heartbreaking truth. I try to get my breathing under control before I go into her room. Breath in...and out...breath in...and out...breath in...and out...breath in...and out. I do this until I calm myself down enough that they won't know I heard everything.      "ELLIE JULIETTE HALL!!! HUNTER IS DOWNSTAIRS WAITING FOR YOU!!" Angel shouts from downstairs making me run as fast as I can to my room before they notice me. Good thing I am fast or else this would have ended differently.                                                                 ...Ellie's Point Of View...     I look to Aria and Steph for help and they both get up. Aria goes to the door and I can hear her yelling back to them.             "Ellie needs a few more minutes but she will be down soon!" With that said she comes back to the room where Steph has already gotten started on my hair while I grab some makeup remover. Aria grabs my hands and stares at me for a moment before doing my makeup.      I am left to think about what happened and what I want to do. I know that I need to move forward and this is the first step to do that. It is a fresh start for me and my family and that is who I need right now with the help of my new friends. Maybe I'll tell my brothers or maybe I won't but for right now I have Aria and Steph and I'm okay with that.              "Okay your hair is done and it is looking beautiful," Steph says and Aria nods in agreement. I just give a small smile which automatically brings them closer.             "Ellie please don't do this to yourself okay? Forget about what happened in this room and focus on your date with Hunter. When you get back or when your ready we can talk more. But for now, you need to get yourself together because Ellie your beautiful and that sexy guy is waiting for YOU! So have fun and if you need anything call us and we'll be there" Aria says squeezing my hands.              "Your right..thanks so much! I need to move on and I think Hunter can be someone special to me but I need to give him a shot. I deserve that after all that has happened."              "Now go to your closet and get change. We'll wait for you here." Steph pushes me to the closet and closes the door behind me.     I grab my strapless nude bra and matching nude underwear. Looking at my tops I grab a black off the shoulder crop top, a metallic skirt that reaches my knees, a black clutch, and pair it with my favorite black heels. Looking at my full-length mirror I check my makeup, fix my hair before I go downstairs to see my brothers, my friends, and Hunter waiting for me with a smile on his face.             "I am soo sorry Hunter," I say breathlessly running down the stairs in my high heels.             "No worries beautiful. I would wait an eternity for you" he says staring into my blue eyes. I feel a rush of emotions but the feeling inside my stomach overpowers all of it.              "Where are you guys going?" Angel goes into protective brother mode while Eric stands beside him. Triston comes down the staircase and goes to the right of Eric. They all stare at Hunter and I waiting for his response.             "We are going to an art gallery at downtown then we are going to go to a local restaurant for dinner," Hunter says             Angel nods in approval before speaking again, "okay bring her back at 11:00 pm sharp." Angel stands in front of us like a father would in a moment like this. While his ''sons'' stand behind hi as support.              I give him my signature glare before speaking up, "I will be back before 2:00 am."              "You'll be back home before 12:30, okay? Tris says with authority.              I think it over before replying to them, "I will be back before 1:30 okay? I love you" I hug each of my brothers and friends before walking out the door hand in hand with Hunter.             Walking to his mustang Hunter open my door then moves to his. The car is nice and warm when I got in. "How did you know I like art galleries?"             Hunter smirks and leaves my driveway going to our first destination."I honestly didn't know but I thought it would be a great way to get to know each other."      Nodding my head I reach for his hand which he interlocks our hands together. I go through my phone for the perfect car music. The whole car ride we are singing or getting to know each other more.                                                                 ...Hunter's Point Of View...     The whole ride to the gallery opening Ellie and I couldn't stop laughing. Somehow we found a way to make each other laugh so hard it was difficult to breathe. I couldn't help the smile that made its way on my face whenever I look over and the person I see is Ellie.      It doesn't matter what she is doing she makes me want to hold her and never let go. I go to the back of the building to avoid the flashes from the cameras that are in the front. Plus only a select group of people are allowed back here. Good thing I'm the godson of the famous photographer Benjamin Ross and famous architect Amelia Ross.      I park where I see my name in big letters. I turn off the car and go to open Ellie's door like the gentlemen I am trying to be. The backdoor opens for us and we go hand in hand. Not even a minute in the building I hear his voice that booms over the crowd and the music. Benjamine is dressed in his favorite sapphire color Armani suit and holding the hand of his wife who exudes elegance walk over to us. "Hunter my godson, I'm so happy you could make it tonight!"              "It's been too long Hunter." My godmother softly and playfully scolds me making me laugh.              "Godmother we all know that is a lie. I was over at your house the other night for family dinner. Anyway thank you for the invitation to your gallery opening but I would like to introduce you both to Ellie, my date for tonight. Ellie these are my godparent Benjamin and Amelia Ross."                 "It is a pleasure to meet you both Mr. and Mrs. Ross." She extends her hand to my godmother but instead, she brings her in for a hug which makes my godfather and I laugh.              "Sorry, Ellie but I'm a hugger..well only to those who are family." My godmother winks at me while Ellie has a slight blush on her cheeks.             Getting his laughter under control my godfather brings his wife closer to him before looking at Ellie and me I. "If you don't know by now I'm the husband of this lady and the godfather of your date. Now that formalities are over with why don't you go and enjoy the rest of your night. I'm sure you are tired of us by now and please have fun." With that, they leave us alone to look around.              "Well now, why don't we start by looking at this painting?" I point to a black and white portrait of elderly women who is looking up while smoking. Her hair a little bit of a mess but what captures you is her facia; expression. To me, it looks as if she is wondering what could have happened if this or that happened. I look at Ellie after a moment wanting to know what she thinks about the photo. "What do you like about it?"             "I love how your godfather captured her emotions with such a simple position. There are so many interpretations that I can see. Oh, I love how it is only her and that the background is completely blank. She really is the only one you need to think about."             "Exactly." I go behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I pull her closer to my chest leaving no room between our bodies. I snuggle into her body and lay my head on her neck inhaling her rose perfume. We stay like this for a while until we move to another photo then to another. After looking at the photographer we went back for another round. We stayed there until it was time for our next destination.      It takes a lot of convincing and pulling her to the back doors for her to leave. But not before saying our goodbyes to my godparents who had to take a photo of us. It's not like I mind it was just another excuse to have Ellie closer to me. The doors open for us and I go to security who give me my keys. I open Ellie's door and wait for her to get in before closing it. I jog to my side of the car and start the car for our next destination.                                                                    
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