Chapter Ten

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Zariah's POV It has been a crazy end to this month. We worked things out about the earthquake in California. Stowne, Luke, Mistral, Avala, Kalan, Hayze, Lumina, Gavin, Xander, Dusk, and Galen will go and help out with cleaning up the damage and if, by some miracle, anyone possibly still trapped has survived. I haven't finished my training with Galen, but we have been training him harder these past few days. They are leaving tomorrow. Jared is going too, but he has to remain behind for his classes. Kindra sent a ball of her fire and lightning mixed magic at Nite. It's low powered, but I could still hear a slight singe of his fur. Kindra is excited to get to train again freely and took the opportunity to get back control. She has taken over largely training Nite today. I'm having lunch brought for us so I can continue with his weapons training. Today we are working on swords. I am happy about that. I haven't been able to train with my sword for a while and this is the perfect opportunity to do so. "Nite, be mindful of your left hind end. That is twice Kindra has been able to land a strike with her magic." I instructed him. I continued to observe, but something caught my attention in my right peripheral vision. I turned my head slightly to get a better look. I saw Caedan and Kayne coming our way with the twins and Ceraun in their arms. I spun and kicked Nite in his left side. "Nice try." I commended him. I am sure he may find a time he can possibly sneak up on me, but so far he hasn't been able to catch me off guard. I am sure Kindra put him up to it and when I look at her facial expression I can see my thoughts are probably on the right track. Caedan and Kayne reached my side. I kissed Krianna, Caedan, Ziran, and then Ceraun before Caedan handed me Krianna. Soon, Xan was approaching with a table and chair. It was shrunk down. When he got to us, he spoke the spell to enlarge the table and to duplicate chairs for all of us. I was feeling full of milk so I decided to take a seat and see if Krianna would eat now. "Nite, you can change into Galen so we can have lunch." I commanded. He moved to the trees nearby. He changed into Nite behind. I noticed that my family was approaching us. "Looks like I'm going to need to duplicate the table and chairs more." Xander joked. Kayne helped him once Kindra took Ceraun and sat next to me to feed her as well. They had the tables ready and trays of food were being set upon the tables. This will save me a whole lot of time to get to train with swords with Galen after we eat. Aquara took Kindra's other side. She sat there cuddling Darya on her chest, looking so content. They plan to head back to Ciresea for a few more weeks or at least until Christmas. They will leave tomorrow as well. The plates, silverware, and goblets were set around the table for everyone while Kindra and I fed our babies. Avala poured Kindra and me some water, which I was thankful for. Caedan piled my plate with food while Kayne did the same for Kindra. Jarrett took Darya so Aquara could fix her plate for herself. It felt a little like we were having a repeat of the other day and our version of a family Thanksgiving dinner. Not everyone is here, but still. I picked up my napkin and rested across the blanket I was covering Krianna with and then grabbed a dragon berry to eat while she fed. Somehow, my sisters maneuvered Hayze to needing to sit next to Galen. She had an odd look on her face as if she was warring with herself on the inside and trying not to show it, but I saw it. "How have you been?" Galen asked her politely. "Fine." She said a little gruffly. Hayze cleared her throat. "How is training going?" She asked with a more controlled and normal tone to her voice. "It is far more intense than my training with the marines, but I am loving it." He answered her. "I almost caught Zariah off guard a few minutes ago." He added. I began chuckling. "In your dreams. I knew you were coming up on me." I continued to chuckle, which had all of us laughing. It seems like joking around helped to relax Hayze to speak more comfortably with Galen. Hayze has been avoiding him as much as she possibly can since returning to the castle. I smiled on the inside to see Hayze opening up before our eyes. She has always taken just a little extra to get under her defenses, but in a good way. Once you do, you are in with her. I saw her smile and laugh at something Galen and Jared were telling everyone about high school. I switched with Caedan between the twins. He burped Krianna, and then Dusk snatched her little cousin from him. Xan and Dusk are now cooing and playing with Krianna, making me smile. Dusk is telling her something about how she is going to train Krianna to be the toughest and strongest of warriors, even stronger than her daddy. "Hey," Caedan said, sounding offended, though he really isn't. I burst out a small laugh. "What about Ziran?" Caedan complained lightheartedly. "I'll train him too, but Krianna will be stronger so she can kick her brother's *ss too." Dusk said with a completely serious tone as she grinned down at Krianna. "Yes, I will." She told Krianna in a gentler, but she meant it tone that had Krianna making a noise almost like she was agreeing to everything Dusk was telling her. After lunch, I ordered a brief break so Galen could use the powder room if needed, as I do. I needed to change my shirt too because Ziran spit up on me after he finished eating. I think he just ate too much. Plus, I need to get my sword. Kindra offered to continue to train with us because she needed practice with the sword again. Kindra and I showed Galen some of the techniques we had learned even if some of the moves were rusty. We guided him through the training. We did it side by side with him because we needed to stretch those muscles to better control ourselves. We spent the rest of the afternoon training. "When you go back to Earth tomorrow are you going to return after to continue your training?" I asked Galen. "What, why are you asking me this?" He asked, confused. "Earth is your home. No one will stop you if you want to remain there," I explained. "My place and home is by your side, or going where you ask of me. I know I have a ways to go, but life has always made sense when I have a sense of purpose. What more purpose could I ask for than to train to become the best self I can be and protect my queen?" He countered. "If you are sure. Just know you have a choice." I reminded him. ~~~ The castle feels so empty now. All our sisters are away. Aquara is close at hand if needed, but she deserves the time they want to focus on their little family. I offered Kindra to go to Vosan if she wanted, but she said she would after Christmas. She'll head back with mom and dad and spend a little time there. She wants to introduce Char to Ceraun as well. Rai was excited about seeing her. Ceraun may be able to control lightning to some degree as well. It can ripple across her body and not affect her. That makes Kindra happy that she won't hurt Ceraun if she loses control of her lighting for whatever reason. Xander and Luke are taking the lead on Earth with my sisters. I'm not worried about any of them, and definitely don't have to worry about Mistral. She'll help guide our sisters to blend in better with everyone. It's a good thing you get many character types in California and that dyeing hair in different unique colors has become a common place thing as well as unique contact lenses. At least my sisters' appearances won't be out of place. They took many gems, stones, and gold with them to exchange to have money to donate to the fund to help rescue and clean up the damage. We decided to take over the remodeling of the dining hall and kitchen since there isn't much else to do. I set my phone to play and we set out to get this project finished. Kayne extended the twins' bassinet we keep to the side in the throne room so that Ceraun and the twins could nap while we worked in the dining hall. Once we cleared the tables and chairs completely, now we assessed the space to see if we wanted to adjust anything to the original plan. "We should add some powder rooms." Kindra said as she looked around. She's right. "You're right, but where would you suggest we add them? I also think a couple should be considered for the kitchen staff," I added. "How about we move that back entrance towards the middle of the room and we can close that entrance off and put them there." Kayne suggested. I looked at Caedan and Kindra and they nodded their heads in agreement. "Then I think we need to extend the dining room more that way into the courtyard than we originally planned. We can have the floor to ceiling windows go along the sides to add more to the view. That way, too, the powder rooms won't crowd in to the table and chairs," I suggested. We fine tuned the ideas to make things spacious and comfortable. Thorne joined us and he helped Kayne to extend out the space into the courtyard. We are planning to extend the kitchen once we tackle it as well, but at least the dining hall will be done hopefully in a few days. Kindra helped Caedan and I paint. I had a barrier put around the babies to prevent the smell waking them up. We have them as far away as possible, but I am getting a little concerned about them breathing in the paint fumes. As if on cue, Gliss came in with Lily and Alex. "There's my grandbaby." Gliss crooned happily. I set my roller down. I walked over to them. "Would you mind taking the twins and Ceraun out of here? I am concerned about them breathing the paint fumes. I know we are nowhere near them and we are venting the space, but I would rather be safe." I asked. "Do you want to come with grandma?" Gliss continued to croon even though Ceraun was still sound asleep. Venus and Bella were sniffing at the babies. Gliss picked up Ceraun, cuddling her to her left shoulder. Lily picked up Ziran and Alex took Krianna. "Thank you so very much," I said. "You never have to ask for me to want to be with my granddaughter and other honorary granddaughter and grandson." Gliss said and smiled as she turned to leave. We worked well into the evening on painting, cleaning and other things. We need to do another coat of paint tomorrow. I need to go outside tomorrow because I want to add fountains in the corners of the rooms similar to the powder rooms, but as an aesthetic more than for washing hands. I want to find the stones on the grounds of the castle. I think Kindra will enjoy looking for them too. I was smiling as we headed back to our room. It has been a long day, but we got a lot done. I went inside the room and Caedan followed me. I was about to ask him what he thought of the remodel when his mouth descended upon mine. If I was a little worn from today, I just got a jolt of energy from the shocks flowing all over my body. He kissed me almost like we had been apart for a while. I broke the kiss so I could breathe.It didn't deter him. He moved to my neck and licked, sucked, and nipped at any of my skin he could get into his mouth. I moaned deeply. His hands dropped down my body until he could get a grip on my *ss. He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist, locking them at my ankles behind his back. "I need a bath. I am dirty and probably have some paint all over me." I panted in his ear. "Shush." He commanded me. He walked us to our couch which was close by. He lowered me to my feet, still holding me to his body. His eyes were filled with desire. He reached for the bottom of my shirt and yanked it over my head. I didn't care if it was rougher than he probably intended. His desire was fueling mine and I wanted his clothes off too. I yanked at his shirt, struggling a little to get it over his head because he was trying to push my pants down at the same time. He gave up on my pants to yank his shirt the rest of the way off. I took the waistband of my pants and pulled my pants and underwear down my body. "No fair. I wanted to do that." He said with desire dripping from every word he uttered. He let me remove my bra because he knows my br**sts can be sensitive to touch sometimes and not always in a good way. He moved to remove his pants while I removed my bra. I kicked off my shoes and pushed the rest of my pants, underwear, and socks off, completely dropping my bra on top of the pile of clothes at our feet. Before he could attack me again, I pushed him down onto the couch. He grinned up at me and then let his eyes roam slowly down my body. I closed my eyes because I could just feel how appreciative he was to just see me naked before him, ready for him. I felt my skin blush with my desire. I let him enjoy his fill for a moment longer before moving to straddle his legs. I claimed his lips this time. "Your so f*cking beautiful." He said in my mind. He ran his right hand up my back and to my shoulder from the back. His left hand caressed my *ass, griping it tight more than once. I moaned in his mouth. He pulled gently down on my shoulder to arc my back out and so he could feast on my neck again. I rested my hands on his legs near his knees behind me to support myself as I leaned further back to grant him more access. In the next second, Caedan lifted me and turned me around so my back was resting against his front. He pulled my th*ghs apart enough and then he plunged himself deep into me. My head fell back onto his shoulder as he filled and stretched me. I groaned with pleasure at being so full. He used his hands on my hips to rock himself into my body. "You feel so good." He said through gritted teeth in my ear before he let out a groan of his own. My response was to only moan louder because I couldn't find my words enough to create a coherent sentence of any kind. I took over grinding my body on his while he just let me take the lead. His hands were everywhere he could reach, along with his lips searing my flesh all across my shoulders, back, neck. I felt my orgasm coming. I rocked harder and faster on him. All I could do was to pant and moan as I rode him. My body went ridged and I exploded all over him screaming his name as I did. My head fell back on his shoulder again. I felt like jello. He gripped my hips and continued to thrust into me until he found his release a couple of minutes later. He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close to him as he poured himself inside of my body. When Caedan and I had gathered some of our senses, he lifted us and took us to our washing room to bathe us. It was still delayed as he made love to me again before we really got around to washing up. My body felt sated by the time I dried off and had my favorite nightgown on. He kissed me after leaving me on the couch to get the twins. My guess is Kindra and Kayne have them in their room. As I had suspected, Kayne followed him inside the room carrying Ziran. I took Ziran because he was beginning to fuss like he was hungry. Krianna was still sleeping soundly in Caedan's arms. Kayne kissed the side of my head after resting Ziran in my arms. "Thanks," I said.
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