Chapter 1

1276 Words
Chapter 1 I am furious, enraged, betrayed, hurt, and beyond the range of pure negative emotion. I just caught my 2 year old boyfriend in bed with another woman naked. I don’t want to have this disgusting image ingrained into my mind, but it keeps repeating like a broken record over and over again. It sends cold chills down my spine every time. How could he do this to me? I have been nothing but dotting and faithful to him? f*****g ass!  My name is Aria Winters and I am the soul heiress to the Winters Oil Industries in Alaska. I am 21 years old and an intern at my fathers company. My father, Clinton Winters, is priming me to be his successor as the next CEO. We are the wealthiest family on this side of the hemisphere. Unlike other spoiled heiresses, I was a good girl with sensibility and class. I focused on my studies and athletics. I had men drooling at my feet that I ignored. They wanted me not only for my wealth but my looks. I had curves in all the right places, a flat tummy, light brown hair and clear blue eyes. It was hard to make friends that were truly genuine. Luckily I managed to make a few. Katie and Trish were my longest friends that I met during high school and managed to attend the same college together, and there we met Angie and Lily. The five of us made a wonderful team and for once I didn’t feel the weight of the world on me. They laughed, cried, sweated, and studied right next to me. We even took long vacations together to see the world. It was during our third year that we managed to get ourselves some boyfriends. That is where I met Jake Thomas, my cheating ex. I gave him my first everything, even my virtue. I thought we were in love. I was driving in my yellow Ferrari to Katie’s house. I called Katie through the Bluetooth and had her assemble the girls because I needed support and I knew I wasn’t getting any from my parents. They were mostly distant with me and currently in Ireland visiting a friend. Plus they hated Jake.  I pull up into her driveway and park my car. She lives in a small mansion in a gated community with her boyfriend Matt. I, on the other hand, live in a condo downtown overlooking the city. I walk into her home and all four of my best friends are waiting for me in the sitting room with ice cream and other junk on the coffee table.  “Caught him cheating when I went to surprise him.” I sighed and was ready to let go and talk about it. I plumped myself on the couch next to Katie and Lily. I grabbed an ice cream filled bowl and poured some chocolate syrup on top. I took a huge bite and giggled to myself. “I got off early like I said I would. I know how much he missed me since I started working for Dad. And when I went in I heard some ruckus down the hall in his room. I walked over and opened the door to find them both naked with her on top of him.” I ate some more while I watched everyone take a few bites of their snack of preference. “I can’t believe that I was planning a future with him. I can’t believe that the same guy that was trying to convince me to move in with him was doing it with another woman. Now I feel shitty for ever giving into him.” I sigh and groan.  “He is a f*****g bastard that deserves to rot in hell.” Trish was the first to comment. She was the rebel of the group. She designs skateboards and owns her own business. She also is a professional skateboard rider competing in all the XXX games. She was taller than us and with multicolored hair and a few more piercings and tattoos than the rest of us.  “Honestly, what more did he want? You are the whole package and successful in your own right.” Angie said. She was our feisty latina with dark brown hair and big brown eyes. She was a beautician and owned her chain of spa and salons. I have helped finance all of my friends' endeavors and am proud of how successful their ventures have been. Not only do I have a small share in their businesses, but I also got really good in the stock market. I really didn’t need daddy's money.   “I know I am a catch. It just hurts. He could have had the decency to break up with me first. If I wasn’t cutting it for him enough he could have dumped me. This is far more painful.” I said I was still eating my ice cream. I was surprised that I wasn’t crying like a drama queen right now, instead I was more enraged than anything.  “Do you want to hack him and… you know… retaliate.” Lily said which shocked me. She was normally the nice one. She was angelic looking with her blonde hair and hazel eyes. She remains single. No boyfriend ever. Yet one of the best computer wiz I know. Together her and I can hack pretty much anything. We are known as ‘the collective’. Our only rivals were ‘TJmix’ and ‘One’. Pretty stupid names if you ask me. She also is a health coach catering to the upper echelons of society.  “Well we are here for you Aria. That i***t doesn’t know what he lost. I think it might be time to plan another girls trip to lift your spirits up.” Katie said. She was the mother hen of the group. Always making sure everyone had what they needed. She is a wedding coordinator, and one of the biggest names in the state. She was regal and classy. She was more slender with long burgundy curly hair and brown eyes.  “Yes lets, I need a getaway now more than ever.” I said and finally finished my ice cream and felt better. I know it’s going to take time but I will get over this. I am a strong, successful, independent Woman and one heart-break isn’t going to keep me down. Too many people depend on me.  “Oooo, let's go to Rio! It is going to be a carnival soon!” Angie said. That perked me up instantly. Nothing better than shaking your tush in revealing clothes to some good samba.  “I like that.” I said pointing at her and smiling.  “Ok then it’s settled. I will plan everything. I’ll send you the timeline and you just need to be ready. Aria can we use your plan again?” They asked. Yes I own my own plane, even though my parents own one too.  “Sure, when you book everything, tell me and I'll message it to my pilot.” I said. We all nodded and began to leave. We all hugged each other goodnight and continued to pay more endearments. I could not thank them enough for being there for me on such short notice. They were more than best friends for me, they were my sisters.
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