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Brandon This is the first time I gets to see George's house in this lifetime. I had not seen it in his past life. Jaw dropping at the humongous size of the house, I could not help but giggle thinking weird thoughts about over compensation at what not. I mean, why else would a single man in his thirties feel the need to get such a big house? I any one asked for my opinion I say it was uneconomical, wastage of money and too much space. Lost in thought I am startled when a proud looking George taps my shoulder to help me get out of the car. I am not sure whether the look in his face is from how proud he is of his house (who would not be) or because of the fact that finally I agree to come see his place. “Why the smug look?” I question obviously trying to knock him down a peg or two. Being practically a loner sacarsm was always my cocoon but even this simple question answer me a funny look. “If I go back to being quiet like the original Brandon was I would feel like I was betraying my own self but if I am as direct as I was when I was Tony then George would have more questions so The big issue was what should I do?" I was basically stuck in a dilemma. “Should I just be myself as Tony and blame everything on a near death experience after all no one would question the credibility” From George's smile I could guess that he did not mind the character change, in fact he actually looked like he likedd me being like this more. This was a relief to me as changing myself overnight after 32 years of doing one thing would have been very difficult. I am helped in to the house and somewhere deep inside of me I feel like there should be made in a line in uniform ready to welcome back the young master just to s**t on George. Imagine my shock when I realised that there is no one else apart from the two of us and the guard who is carrying our luggage. I am surprised that a man like George doesn't have people running around in his house tending to him. This actually helps confirm how little Brandon knew about George he practically misjudged him took him for an asshole just because he felt like George colluded with his stepfather to shortchange him. “Did you think I am some sort of pompous Prince? I can see the judgemental look in your face Brandy” says George. I am not sure if he is actually offended or not. I quickly deny, “No! No no, that's...that is not what i meant. I did not even say anything though” Ignoring my attempts at make myself look good I am ushered into a room on the ground floor. “Is this mine?” my voice sounded filled with uncertainty. “What? Disappointed you will not get to enjoy all of this.” said George gesturing to his body while winking. What an asshole! why is he so full of himself? and here I was thinking he is a gentleman look how long that lasted. Pretending to be disgusted I show of George aside and walk into the room, jaw dropped almost drooling. Wow this is so spacious my house would literally fit into this room two times. The lines between the poor and the rich, a poor part-time student just trying to get by and a rich CEO. I guess I may be becoming Cinderella, happily ever after with Prince charming and all those shenanigans except in this case my step parents sold me off instead they did not let their own child becomes a 'princess' they got rid of the one that was mooching from them the extra baggage they did not need anymore. No sane parent wanted a gay son, right? Let the one with the dead parents big a while reap from him, smart business might I say. I became the biblical Isaac, a sacrificial lamb except i was forsaken this time. I wasn't a test of faith, a test of loyalty. I was really being sacrificed. Enough of the whining I mean look at all this I could finally live in luxury. There was no need pretending to have great morals and acting like I did not like the feeling of being rich. Crying that this wasn't right blah blah blah. This was the first time I was living in a house that looks like this I got high products. I would not want for anything living with George, if being sacrificed lead to such good results then who am I to complain in fact maybe I should write a message to my stepfather telling him thank you maybe that message could be accompanied by a couple of pictures to show him what I have now. I'm kind of a b***h, I know. Looking around got me thinking maybe someone knew about this, maybe someone knew what George was like just maybe someone else wanted this kind of life and that is what led to Brandon, poor little naive Brandon getting drowned just like that having indirectly offended someone. normal people would think my train of thought was weird but having been murdered once because of wealth made me realise that the world was such a dark place and people would do anything to get money. realising that I had been lost in thought I find George still staring at me the weird looking has been giving me since that night when I woke up at the hospital. Let us face it he and I both know that something has changed something is different, I know the specifics but he would never guess that Brandon actually died and the one living in his body right now is me. Who in their right mind would believe in reincarnation there is stuff for the books things like that don't happen in real life. But here I was, against all odds. He did make a joke but maybe I did want him I mean technically we were engaged to be married and I am a man I have my needs and there was literally a good looking warm body trying to entice me but for the sake of being Brandon I would say no, but who knows maybe next time I'll take him on that offer. Looking around with a sigh i realize that this is my life now. No more Tony, no more rich trust fund baby. This is my life. I am Brandon and I will make every one who has ever hurt me in both my lives pay even if I have to die again trying
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