The wolf has arisen

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Freya POV As the pack house finally came into view I couldn’t help stare up at its extravagance, the beige stone walls were decorated with intricate carvings of the lunar phases around every window. A massive carving of two wolves facing each other, howling at the moon that had been etched above them decorated the wall above the door that was guarded by two enormous stone pillars. The closer to the house we got, the stranger the feeling became. My wolf was stirring, I had felt her a few times before, far in the back of my mind, but this time my mind was practically vibrating by all the fussing she was doing. I halted, holding my head as I could finally hear her, something I had never been able to do before. Nick turned me by my shoulders and lowered his head to look at me as the noises she was making became overwhelming. “Are you ok? What’s wrong?” The concern in his voice was evident. “ My wolf.” I gasped out. My father turned with wide eyes, looking at me. “She’s coming forward.” I screwed my eyes up tightly. “She’s so loud.” “Shit.” My father cursed loudly. “I need to go. You can have her if you want her, but I need to go.” My wolf was howling and yipping in excitement, knowing she could finally be heard. “What’s wrong with her?” I looked up to come face to face with a huge man, a sexy huge man at that. My wolf began to calm as I breathed in his citrusy scent. His eyes whipped away from mine after a second and I couldn’t help but feel hurt, my wolf huffing at the loss of his attention. Isn’t he so dreamy? The disembodied female voice sounded like a lovestruck teen. My head darted around, searching for who may have said the words, but all around me, all I could see were males. I felt all of their eyes on me as I frantically searched, my hair whipping behind me as my head violently darted in all directions. “Really, what is wrong with her?” The sexy stranger added. “Her wolf is just appearing to her, Alpha.” Nick said, beginning to rub my back with his hand in comfort, before it was aggressively swiped away by the Alpha. “Hands to yourself Nicholas.” The large man growled, authoritatively and Nick hung his head.   “Yes Alpha. I apologise Alpha. Freya.” I’m in your head you i***t. Now stop looking like you’ve lost your mind, you’re ruining my chances with the Alpha. Are you my… my wolf? I questioned the new found voice in my mind. Who else is it going to be, moron? Well you’re just charming. I took my hands away from my head and looked up to find all five men and the two wolves staring at me. “Um…Hi?” Suddenly I felt more confident, knowing that I was no longer alone. My wolf was sighing to herself as she realised the alpha was once again looking at us, but like most things in our life, her happiness was short lived by the alpha’s loud outburst. “Her wolf’s only just appearing to her? A thirteen year old? The moon goddess has paired me with a f*****g thirteen year old? What am I supposed to do with a child as a mate?” I wasn’t the only one to be shocked with his sudden exclamation as all the men’s eyes shot open as wide as they could possibly open without dropping out. “Mate?” My father said to himself with a sly smile. “Freya?” Si looked at me. “What is your wolf telling you?” “That I look like I’ve lost my mind and that I’m a moron.” I cringed at the words that I was replaying. “About the Alpha, what’s she telling you about the Alpha?” “She hasn’t said a lot, I think she’s too busy drooling.” The guys laughed at what I said. Oh that’s right, it’s not enough to make yourself look like one, you need to make me look like an i***t too! Well, they did ask. What do you have to say about the Alpha anyway? I asked her. Well, I’m definitely attracted to him and he does smell exceptionally yummy. I liked Alex, but this hunk of a man is on a whole other level. Hell, this man could f**k me into next week and I would have no complaints! Ok, a little less crude thanks. Is he really our mate? I believe he is. His wolf has been trying to talk to me, but I’ve been trying to calm you down. So I’ve had to ignore him. Well we’re mates, I’m sure you’ll have ample opportunities to make it up to him. Um, I wouldn’t count on it. Her voice went quiet and I could feel her sadness. Freya, there’s something wrong with the bond. There’s no doubt in my mind that we are mates, but the bond is weaker. It’s as if he’s… Everything went silent, I waited for what seemed like hours for her to finish, but I don’t think she can quite say the words. What is it? I think he’s mated someone else. Not marked her, we would feel the rejection if he had, but he has chosen another to mate. Of course he had, I thought to myself, my life would never have any happiness, I should know that by now. I looked at him through confused, glassy eyes. How could he not wait for his true mate? “You already have a chosen mate?” I didn’t quite know whether it was a statement or a question. “I do.” He said simply. “But the moon Goddess has given you to me for some unknown reason, so you will stay here with me from now on.” The Alpha’s eyes glazed over, I looked around us and noticed that Si’s and Nick’s eyes had also changed. “You.” The alpha looked at my father in anger. “You have brought pain and mistreatment upon my mate!” He exclaimed. My father raised his head and squared his shoulders, looking at the alpha with a raised eyebrow. “And? The girl needed punishment if she disobeyed me. She was under my care, I did what I saw fit at the time.” “There is no excuse for such mistreatment on a defenceless young girl.” The alpha looked at my father in confusion as he scoffed. “Do you think she is a child? The girl is twenty years of age. She should know her place by now. Worthless little runt.” He spat the last three words, looking at me. “You lie. She can’t be any older than a teen, a young one at that.” The alpha looked me up and down with disbelieving eyes. “I turned twenty three months ago alpha.” I nodded at him, confirming what was said was the truth. “Tell me man, why I shouldn’t just rip your throat out here and now?” The alpha growled. “Because killing me would cause a war. The free moon pack would certainly take revenge on the person who killed their alpha.” I looked at my father and then at the alpha, who had paled at the words. “The alpha? Of the largest rogue pack in the world?” “Don’t forget the deadliest pack also. Your pack would be obliterated in a matter of minutes” My father sneered. He’s lying. He has to be lying. His aura definitely screams alpha. No wonder he hates us so much, he would have wanted an heir for his pack. A son, who was strong, not a feeble girl like us. I could have been strong. If he had trained me to be strong. You still don’t know a lot about werewolves. Rogues may not live by pack rules, but they are very traditional in their beliefs, the main one being that there is no such thing as a female alpha. They believe that only males should be in charge of packs. “The girl will stay here.” The alpha said, power emanating from his voice. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. Goddess knows, if I had any money I would pay you to take the useless b***h off my hands.” My father laughed as the alpha let out a loud snarl. “Careful what you say alpha Jeffrey, the moon Goddess paired us together. Insulting my mate is insulting me. Maybe I should get in touch with the royal family, they have wanted you for years for your crimes.” The alpha smirked as my father narrowed his eyes. “That my dear alpha, would still cause you a war.” “Go. Get off my land.” The alpha’s voice boomed. With that my father turned and left without so much as a goodbye, I stood in silence as my father’s figure grew smaller as he walked further into the distance. I was alone in a strange pack, with strange people and in a very strange situation. “Follow me.” The alpha strode towards the pack house. I followed, with Nick by my side, his hand was reaching out to touch my shoulder when he was stopped by the alpha. “Careful Nicholas. I may not have any intention on marking her, but she is still my mate. Don’t forget that.” He said without turning. “Sorry alpha Zachary.” The two men behind us let out gruff laughs as Nick dropped his head in obedience. So much for the love of your mate.      
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