Chapter 1 Wake-up Call

1933 Words
Raine's POV Knock Knock Knock I groan out, not wanting to wake up but knowing I have to.. It was a long night and for some reason I wasn't sleeping for any of it. I sit up feeling my bundled up hair flopping around on top of my head, falling out of it's tight bun and elastic hold.. I'm sure looking like a complete mess because believe me, that's what I feel like at the moment. I let out a defeated huff before hearing the thundering knocking on the outside of the bedroom door again. "Raine? Orion?? You need to get up.. I know it's earlier than usual.. But we have had some reports about trespassers, so Dawn and Clayton are on their way over to help with the searching. I have breakfast cooking as we speak.. So make your way down and we will discuss everything." Shayne instructs through the door, making me wake up more than I ever thought I would right now.. Coffee and breakfast will help of course, but just knowing we have an actual mission to keep up with, is already making things exciting. I look across the room at a half awake, wide-eyed Orion still laying in his bed, with a rats nest upon his head.. His curly hair knows no bounds as it stretches just as high as his arms do in the bed.. When the information really clicks in his head, his eyes get wider at the realization.. So without hesitation, he jumps out of bed in his normal long basketball shorts and tank. He tries to turn to the closet in a haste, slipping on the floor in his socks, making him fall flat to his face, causing a louder than expected reverberating bang to the hardwood floor! I know I should be getting ready with haste as well, but it's hard to move from this spot when I'm holding my sides, laughing hysterically, about the sight before me. I snort and gasp for air as I point and laugh at Orion who is pushing himself off of the floor, sending a glare my way. "Maybe instead of watching me like a creeper, how about you get up and start getting ready yourself princess Raine." He demands of me with a half red face that makes me stifle my laugh as I snicker under my breath at his now bright red blushing cheeks to accompany the already red nose and forehead.. He is just a tomato at this point. "Don't call me that Ry.. I have told you that a thousand times.. How many more times do I have to ask you that?" I groan out at him as I turn to hang my legs off of the side of the bed, to hop off to my feet. I prance across the floor and to the closet, slipping past him as I grab my button up and slacks to put on. "Well at least one more time.. Because I won't ever stop respecting you, no matter how many times you ask me to.. So I guess you will just have to keep asking me over and over princess." Orion responds without hesitation as he strips off his shirt and exposing his tight muscles and huge body standing at 6'5 and completely towering over me. "It's not disrespecting if I'm asking you to stop, right?!" I ask him with annoyance in my tone making sure he knows how much this subject actually annoys me. "It IS disrespecting if I'm not referring to you by your proper title.. That's how I was raised and even trained before I took this position." he states to me the same old explanation that gets old every time I hear it. I roll my eyes as I say in a sassy tone. "Yeah, but the people here don't know that and can't know that.. Besides.. Do titles really matter when everyone else is dead? Who is going to hold you to being proper when no one really knows?" "Well that's why I only say it when it's just the two of us, and who cares if anyone around here hears it anyways.. They all think I'm your big brother, so I bet they would think that it's some dumb nickname I gave you or something." Orion explains to me, grabbing the rest of his clothes to change, as I nod knowing he is probably right. "Yeah, but they probably already think we are weird being 'siblings' and sleeping in the same room.. thinking were imbred or something.. Why couldn't we just lie and say you were my husband, boyfriend or something like that? You know, since you insist on staying right next to me no matter what we do." I groan out hating our latest lie to have to stick up with. "Well that would be all well and good until I get caught making out with the hottie down the street.. He is all man and I want a taste.. I saw him staring at me yesterday too, I think he likes what he see's." Orion states as I roll my eyes again. "Of course he likes what he see's, everyone who see's you likes what they have to see.. But yeah.. That probably would look bad and get the wrong idea.. but that could give me some fun stories to work with.. like.. Oh my gosh you saw my husband doing what? With who? I knew I should have thought it was suspicious when he called me Ryan in bed last night!" I spat playfully as he groans out now rolling his eyes causing a face-splitting smile to emerge across my face. "Well as much fun as you would have making jokes about my sexuality, I would hate to look like the asshole for literally no reason.. So let's not do that but say we did in private as a personal joke..ok? Oh and just a warning.. I was thinking of asking Mr.Sexy Clayton out when he gets here, that is if we have a chance to be alone together. But I'm going to throw out some signals first to see if I catch his eye before I make that leap." Orion explains about his next target.. He is looking for love but always gets the sexy booty calls instead.. I wish I had his luck sometimes.. It's so hard having a huge, muscled-up, gorgeous gay bodyguard with me at all times, because no men are willing to give me a chance thinking I'm taken.. So I'm just alone all the time, when I'm not working and with him. "Well good luck with that.. and don't worry, I will just be here alone.. again." I say with more jealousy than irritation than I even thought.. It's been a long time building up for this subject. I feel him pat my back as I take the rest of my lovely lady garments, that no one can see, out of my drawers and into my arms. "I'm sorry.. I swear I'm not trying to make you feel bad at all.. but you will find someone.. one day.. when all this blows over." He states in the most unconvincing tone I have ever heard. I don't know who he is trying to convince, but it's not me. I roll my eyes again, letting out a deep breath I never knew I was holding in. "Well that's reassuring Ry, I will just keep waiting until my family problems just blow over which should be sometime soon right?? I mean come on, it's only been what... 13 years.. so how many more years could this take really?" I say with so much sarcasm laced through every single word, so he knows his reassuring is not working. "Ok well I'm going to be getting ready.. if you don't want to see me naked, then I would leave." I state to him as he quickly flips around before saying, "Yes princess Raine. I'll see you downstairs." I wave over my shoulder as I start to lift my shirt making him squeal as he runs for the door not wanting to see me naked. I roll my eyes as I turn on the quietly lulling music playing on my radio. Being high up in the mountains with not much around, there is not much to listen to because we don't get much for service out here which is exactly why we came here.. So I always have the one radio station playing in the background at all times.. It just has the oldies station but I don't mind too much.. I love a lot of these kinds of music.. Especially the Beatles and the Bee Gees.. but apparently that's who this DJ likes as well, because that's most of the music she plays.. Here we are again listening to the sad lyrics of how to mend this broken heart by the Bee Gees. I hum with the song as I slowly move with the beat, getting undressed and throwing the dirty clothes to the floor for the moment. My humming turns to singing as I sway back and forth slipping my bra on. "How can you mend.. this broken heart.." I sing as I slip my undershirt on and then my button-up tan work shirt, before buttoning it up.. I hate the sadness in this song and can't completely relate to this level of a romantic broken heart.. but I have had a broken heart that would make most break down.. So I can still relate to this. "How can you stop the rain from pouring down.." I sing to myself as I feel the tears brimming my eyes thinking of my greatest loss that I'm still paying for. I close my eyes as I take a deep breath in then letting it out trying to calm my hurting heart. But nothing will make the pain go away, but the years have made the pain subside, even if it's just for a little bit. I take my thong and slacks slipping on each leg into them, before pulling them up, tucking my shirt in then buttoning the pants. "How can this loser ever win." I sang while putting on my belt and then boots.. feeling the words more than I should.. But it's true and the truth hurts.. How can I ever win when all the odds are against me in this shitty situation? The only good thing about all of this change lately.. Is that this new place seems fun, quiet and interesting.. I love the wilderness and excited to see around this.. It's been about a month we have been here and this is the first time we have had an actual assignment, so this is exciting.. I wasn't expecting a lot of excitement when we moved here and applied for this National Park Service job that was available.. but it's nice to have something else to look forward to. I take my hair out of my bun that has been falling out since the moment I woke up. I brush it first, then braid it from the right side and down to the left.. it looks nice and helps restrain this monster that is my hair. I put light make-up on because who am I here to impress really? No one but myself.. and I would prefer a little something if anything. I look at myself in the mirror before letting out one last breath, plastering on the fake smile I use to get through the day. "Alright.. let's get this day started."
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