Chapter 1

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The heels of my boots clicked on the floor as I walked down the hallway to my office, the guards all waving and greeting me with smiles on their faces. Everyone knew me well, Indi Hart, the warden being my uncle and godfather probably had something to do with that, or perhaps it was since I had been working here since I was eighteen, so I was part of the family. I walked into my offices, smiling at Jane, my receptionist, "Did you have a good weekend?" "Did I? Girl, I spent the weekend trashed! How about you?" "Nothing much, family stuff and reading as usual." Jane's brow arched, "You need some excitement in your life, don't you get bored?" "Of course I do," I peered down at the diary, "Who's my first?" "Dennison again, he's almost ready for parole." "Awesome! I'll get everything ready for him." I walked into my office and closed the door, heading over to my desk to sit down. Dennison had been here for a very long time, and knowing that he would be getting out and starting his life made me happy, he wasn't in for anything violent, however, he had misbehaved a lot behind bars which caused his sentence to keep getting extended. The doors opened, pulling me from my thoughts and I smiled up at him, "Hey! I hear you're getting out soon?" He nodded, coming to sit in front of me, "Yeah. Indi, man, I'm freaking out. I dunno what it-" The door burst open and Jane stood with wide eyes, "Indi, you're needed in block A!" The guard came in for Dennison and I got to my feet, rushing out, "What's going on?" A male guard, Jackson, matched my stride as we walked. "New inmate. A transfer, he's going off his damn head. Called the other doc in but they can't get in." "Can't get in? In where?" but he didn't need to answer me as we approached. The cafeteria doors were barricaded and some prisoners stood within, they had pipes and a bleeding prisoner on the floor. The paramedics stood outside as well as my uncle and a few guards. "What the f**k is going on in there?" I noticed a prisoner I hadn't seen before over at the window, his shirt was off and his golden skin was covered in tattoos, his dark hair close to his scalp. My uncle, Jericho, sighed, "They won't let us in. Jax, over there is a smart ass." "Jax?" "Transfer." I pulled my white coat off as I walked over to the small barred window that had no glass between in. "Most of you know me," I dropped the coat, "I'm Indigo Hart," I held my arms up a little, "That man lying bleeding, he needs medical attention." The newcomer turned and I was momentarily shocked at how good-looking he was. This man looked like a damn god. Ralph, one of my patients came over to the window, "Indi, girl, you know how they work, man. We open this door, they beat us and treat us like dogs." "Ralph. If he lays there bleeding, you all go down for murder. Let the paramedics in and we can talk about all of this." He glanced behind him at the others, "You come in. Only you." Jericho scoffed, "Absolutely not!" "They won't hurt me, I've been the only good person to them. Move away, let me go in." Jericho glared at me but moved away, he knew that I was good at my job. Slowly, Ralph opened the door and I walked in with my arms still up, the door slamming shut behind me. "Ralph, why is Jeremy laying in a pool of blood?" "He called my momma a ho." "Can the paramedics take him? I'll stay here with you. No one else has to leave until we're all ready," I snuck a glance at the hot stranger and quickly looked away when I found his eyes on me. "Go over to Jax, I'll let them in. Two minutes." I turned, walking slowly over, unsure of this man, everyone else in the room, I knew. Ralph was an okay guy, he had a lot of anger issues we were working through, but he was getting better. Jeremy was an ass almost always. Drey was quiet and loved to read poetry, I was willing to bet he was in here by some sort of accident. Dante, well, he was large and damn near terrifying, he cared about family though. I knew that they would never hurt me. But this stranger had a dangerous glint in his grey eyes which terrified me. He tilted his head back as his eyes studied me, "You a nurse?" I nodded, "And the resident therapist." He grinned, "Now, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do, but we need some leverage when they walk in those doors," he spun me around and pulled my back against his chest, placing the pipe across my throat, he bent his head, his mouth touching my ear, "I ain't gonna hurt you, but they don't need to know that, yeah?" I swallowed hard, I had never been so terrified in my entire life, and yet, I had shivers running down my body as his mouth moved against me. Dear God, what was wrong with me. Ralph opened the doors and stepped back, Jericho narrowed his eyes at the man behind me. "I'm going to-" I cut him off, "Just get Jeremy out!" They were working as fast as they could to get him on the gurney, they were clearly scared. He pressed me tighter to him, whispering again, "I don't believe we've been properly introduced; Jax Delton," he breathed in, "You smell good." "Indigo Hart. I'd love it if you didn't sniff me, you freak." He chuckled against my jaw, sending shivers through my body again, "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, I told you that." Ralph slammed the doors shut and I jumped, the paramedics had left. Jax dropped the pipe to his side and I stepped away quickly. "Okay, now, someone tell me what the f**k happened after Jeremy insulted Ralph's mom." Jax chuckled, "Ralph lost his s**t, started beating Jeremy, next thing you know guys are jumping him," he shrugged, "Big man in the corner there got involved and I jumped in, they were outnumbered." "So you barricade yourself in here? Are you all f*****g stupid?!" Jax chuckled, "You must be one fun therapy session." I glared at him, "I'm glad you find this funny. You just got here so sit down," I turned back to the other two, "Ralph, you know you can't let your anger get the better of you, you have a child out there waiting for you, you are keeping his father away from him, do you want him to end up like you? And, Dante, you have a sick grandmother waiting for you to come home, you tell me how important family is to you but then you do s**t like this?," lastly I turned to Drey, "How are you involved?" "I was on kitchen duty, came out to this." "Thank God. Ralph, you have to put the weapons down. Where are you going to? You can't get out here." Jax dropped his pipe, "She's right, man. It's not worth it, you two have family out there." Ralph sighed, "Yeah yeah." I went over to the door, "Don't be brutes, get them back to their cells please." Jericho shook his head, "I don't know how the hell you turn 'em into puppies like that." "It's my job." As the guard walked past with Jax, Jax winked, "What do I need to do to get a session, Ms. Hart," he frowned, "Wait, it ain't Mrs right?" "I'll go over your file and get back to you," I smiled slightly and turned to Jericho, "Jeri, what's Delton in for?" "I'll have his file sent down to you. Listen, Martha has found a nice man for you, I know you said no blind dates, but he's a good guy. A friend's son, detective." I rolled my eyes, "I'll see you later Jeri, I have work to do." Typical of my aunt to try and get me hitched. I was only twenty-seven but she was adamant I should have found my Mr. Right years ago. My last relationship had ended when he couldn't understand how I could do this kind of job, Martha thought a detective would be a great fit. Then again, maybe she was right, no harm in trying, right?
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