Chapter 1

778 Words
"You're fired! "What? I stared at my sneaky boss shocked. Just when I thought I was getting a raise I come to work to meet this? Raising my chin I sought to defend myself."Mr freeman! What did I do wrong? If anything,I'm supposed to be getting promoted . I've been in this company for ten years and this is what I get?" He finally looked at me from that stack of documents he had been perusing. " Clarissa, i'm sorry but this is what I could do to save this company. That picture you took of the billionaire tycoon and his mistress caused quite a scandal. The news sold obviously but it didn't go well with Mr Damien"  My brain started working clockwise.  Just recently, I caught the most sought after bachelor with his mistress making out while he already had a fiancee. I never thought twice about it .I took pictures of them and posted the news online. It garnered a lot of attention obviously and our company made mad money from the sale of the news. I thought my pay this month would be raised and I will finally be able to pay my bills house rent and stuffs like that.  It finally clicked.  "Mr Damien threatened to sue but he would not only one condition that you let me off! I'm right,aren't i?"  Mr Freeman expression took on a remorseful look. "I'm so sorry Clarissa but it has to be done in order to save this company. However, you would be paid off handsomely." "Oh! right I stormed out of his office." ***** "Clarissa! I have to tell you something and it's urgent." I looked into the face of my boyfriend and immediately noticed that something was wrong. I had been happy when he called me to meet him at Starbucks for some coffee. It was just the right thing to take my mind off my lack of employment. Mike is an average guy, averagely handsome with blond hair and blue eyes. I met him through one of my college friends.  We chatted and then we started dating. He's a sweet guy, a computer coder actually and a great one at that.  He reached forward across the table and held my slightly cold hands. My hand remained still, I never felt any electric spark. Just nothing.  We had ever gone beyond kissing, hugging and intimate touch. I don't know why but I guess I'm not really a s****l type and neither is he. " Go on! Tell me what you feel is so urgent." I tried to keep the slightly apprehensive note in my voice but it still showed.  "I'm moving over to Britain. I got a job there. They are really in need of a coder and the pay is good. One of my friends introduced,me to it and I accepted."  He paused slightly to allow me register this in my memory.  "You mean you're moving away. From me?"  Strangely I didn't feel sad,  just shocked.  He reached out to hold my hand again but I drew away from him. " Clarissa, you have to understand that this is important for me. I need to be someone reputable so I could stand my ground anywhere I go. I feel this job could lead to greater heights for me. I don't want to be ever tossed aside again. I want you to be proud of me .I want to be better for you . I'm not saying we should stop our relationship .I know we could cope with long distance relationship. I could even be visiting once in a while." "Are you listening to what I'm saying?" 'Oh no! I'm not listening .'  This I say in my mind. Mike has always been the ambitious type. I wouldn't blame him. He has been literally stomped on by father and his half brothers his whole life. He has been tagged as the son of a w***e, and a good for nothing. Apparently, he is the adulterous son of his father and he has been deemed a taint to his family's name. Had it been not for his mother's persistent struggle,he wouldn't be here today. Unfortunately she died of cancer two years ago before she could reap the fruit of her labour. Sometimes I wonder why she fell for Mike's father. He such a demented bastard. So due to this ridicule, Mike has resolved to be better than his father and half brothers. He has resorted to working his butt out to be a good computer scientist. Now his hard work is paying off . I'm happy for him but what I'm concerned about is that I don't want him to do anything for anybody. I don't want him to be over ambitious and drown in hate. He should live for himself.
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