
976 Words
“And he just stood there, staring at me dead seriously while pissing up the wall” I laugh so hard that gin comes out of my nose. I’m sitting on the floor listening to James tell us stories about his old room mate. I fall onto my back laughing, and snort. I sit up and grab another slice of pizza.  Shannon and James have been together for 3 years now, and been living together for just over a year. I met Shannon when she started working at the same company as me, in the same department but in a different area. I’m a creative artworker and she used to be a copywriter before she quit to join the police. It’s taken her a few years but she finally became a detective and I couldn't be more proud of her. I’m still a creative artwork at a small appliance company. I design the packaging for all sorts of items, I enjoy my job most of the time. I’ve worked there for nearly 7 years. I was made senior artworker last year which was a nice promotion but I never wanted the extra responsibility. I admitted to my boss that I would be happy just staying a creative artworker but having the increased pay, she said no I had to take the title as I'd worked there long enough to deserve it.  Shannon and James are looking at each other with goo goo eyes and i have to turn away before it makes me cry, the alcohol in me is making me a little more emotional and i don't want to cry in front of them again.  “It’s getting late guys, you don't have to stay. I think i’m just going to go to bed” i smile as i stand up and clear away the pizza “It’s not that late, we can stay a bit longer” “I’ll be fine Shannon, you guys go home. I’ll see you tomorrow anyway so it's fine.'' She huffs at me but agrees to leave. They collect their things and i walk them out “Night guys, drive safe.” I hug them both and wave them off as they drive down my driveway. I look around the front garden, no one has any lights on and it looks a bit creepy. I don't think about it and quickly shut and lock the door.  I turn all the lights off downstairs and make my way upstairs. I check my phone and notice a few messages from friends, I reply quickly and then put my phone on charge next to my bed. I quickly get into my pyjamas and use the bathroom. I climb on to the air bed and try to get comfy the best I can. I stare up at the ceiling, all I can see is darkness, I can make out a few shapes around the room but nothing concrete. I’m tired, I know I am but sleep never comes. I’ve been struggling with my sleep for a while now, it just seems to be getting worse, only time i can sleep properly is when i’m in bed with someone else and that's not happened in a few weeks, sometimes i get Shannon or someone to stay over and share a bed with me but that's only when i really need to sleep to function. Usually coffee and energy drinks help keep me awake at work.  I turn over onto my side and grab my phone, I scroll through my phone book until I reach who I need. I press call and wait for them to answer “Hey loser, can’t sleep” “No, I need a distraction. Help?” I laugh into the phone. Alex has been my friend for over 10 years, we've only met in person a handful of times as he was an online friend but as we got older we had the means to meet up so we do at any opportunity. We are purely platonic, he's like a brother to me. A super irritating brother who doesnt leave you alone but in actual fact you don't want them to leave you alone.  “How was the move?” he asks, i get comfy on the air bed and let him know about the move and tell him about my new neighbours Ben and Jean. “When are you going to come visit?” I want to know the answer. Since he got with Jordan he's not really been allowed to be friends with me but he's gone against her even though he's kept me a secret he still talks to me whenever he wants. They don't live together which is good for me but I know it puts a strain on him. She wasn't meant to be crazy but we soon found out she was but he loves her and it's not my place to judge him but i do tell him on a regular basis to dump her ass “Rach you know i want to come see you but Jordan will go crazy and i really don’t want the drama” “I know, i just miss you” i sigh, before he can respond an alarm screams in the background and i know he has to go back to work.  “I gotta go, I'll text you tomorrow. Love you” he hangs up before I can respond. It makes me sad that we live so far away, he's been a great friend throughout my life. I put my phone back down and get comfy again. I let my eyes close and try not to think about the past few years but its always hard to not t hink about it. Eventually i let the darkness take over and i fall into a dreamless sleep. 
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