Chapter Twenty Two

493 Words

Chapter Twenty Two I put the lap top down and let out a loud, exhausted sigh. I had just spent the past three hours looking at party decorations and other fun things we could hire out for the party, making lists of things that we need to get, as well as doing some shopping on sss for presents... which reminds me, I would have to speak to Adam about if he had anything specific he wanted to get Rory for her birthday.  Taking a quick look at the clock, It was nearly time to go and get Rory from school.  I'll go and speak to Adam first and then head out. Its probably easier that way, I don't want her to see any of the drama going on between the two of us.  It made me sad that she had been waiting so long for her father to come home and be around, and since he got back, we have literally be

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