Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter thirteen  We got in through the front door, Rory had woken up a little more now, so i put her down and she went upstairs with my promise of being up to say goodnight in a minute. Once she was out of sight, I fell back against the door and slid down to the floor. I can't believe after all this time, All these years, I finally told someone... ... And it was a massive mistake.  He's gonna think im some sort of freak now. What the hell have i done!?!? 'Oh god'. I whispered out loud. Putting my head in my hands, I quietly started to cry. Nothing ever goes right. I looked up at the walls around me, photo's, upon photos. All fake smiles, all fake happiness. Even my wedding photo seems fake now. 'Hey, baby, whats wrong?' I felt someone sit down next to me. I froze for all of two seconds before I looked up. I hadnt heard things, He really was there, I jumped over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck while cuddling up to him from the side. 'Ive missed you Addy' Suddenly, everything seemed to be better again. Ans the second I felt his arms wrap around me, the world seemed complete with my husband back where he belongs. 'So...I see you have a new friend' I opened my eyes but was too afraid to move. 'He's a good guy, He been looking after you two for me?'. 'Ummmm.....i-i-.....w-well...' I was stuck. After my phone call with Beckett, I expected him to be mad, angry, but he wasn't, He actually didn't seem to mind. 'Rory and his daughter are practically joined at the hip since he's a single dad, might as well get to know him right?'. Adam said nothing, just hummed. That was something I hated about him, probably one of the few things i actually didn't like about him, when he was mad, he could either try and hide it or make it known. either way, it wasnt a good outcome in the end. 'Oh, ok then'. I pulled away from him and sat back. 'Why are you here Adam?' He raised an eye brow. ' I mean, how are you home, you shouldn't be home yet'. 'No reason, I just wanted to see my girls'. 'Adam you can't just pick and chose when you leave, your not allowed to do that,' He shrugged. 'Oh well, now, where's my little girl?' At that moment, I realised I hadnt said goodnight and tucked her in. Crap!!!. I pointed upwards and stood up, Adam followed and got up to. 'In bed'. He ohhh'ed and grabbed my hand, leading me to the stairs and up to Rory's room. When we got to her bedroom door, I lightly pushed it open. She was sat on her bed, waiting. Yep, we definitely got a good kid. I smiled and walked in, leaving Adam outside the door. 'Hey baby....Guess what?' She grinned. 'Someones here to see you'. 'Really?' 'Really'. Adam pocked his head round the door, as soon as she heard her voice, she was off the bed and in his arms so fast. He hugged her back. That's one thing about Adam. Doesn't matter how bad of a person he was in the past, What he does for a job, how often he's away.. for one reason or another, but he isn't a bad father, He really isn't. The next hour or so was Rory hugging, cuddling and being wrapped up in her dad's arms, before she finally falls asleep and he put her in bed. We both kissed her for-head and left the room. 'Now, how can daddy put you to bed?' I smiled and pushed him away playfully. 'Shut up you dummy. Come on, it will feel good to actually have you home for a change'. With nothing more than a cheeky grin, we both headed down the hallway to our bedroom.........
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