Chapter Eight

1034 Words
Chapter Eight  I set the alarm to wake me up for 7.30am the next morning. I was going to get up early and sort out all the things we will need like a picnic, things to keep the girls busy etc etc. But, it hadn't even turned 7 am yet and Rory was jumping on my bed, which didn't surprise me... however, what did, was that when I opened my eyes and saw that Sammy was also there to. 'What the...Sammy?' I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things. 'Where's your dad?' She carried on bouncing with Rory but pointed towards the doorway. 'Sorry, I told them not to wake you up' I suddenly heard a deep voice say, I shot up and looked, and there he was...Standing in my bedroom doorway. I pulled the sheet up to cover me. I wasn't naked but i did feel very... exposed.  'How did you get in?' I wasn't mad but it confused and this was kinda weird, I know I locked the door last night. He smiled and nodded towards Rory. 'I knew teaching her to open the door in an emergency was a bad idea'. We both laughed as the girls jump off the bed and ran out the room, Rory was running after Sammy as they both laughed loudly and vanished out of sight. 'Sorry, I know its early bu-' 'It's fine, really'.He smiled and turned around. 'What are you doing?' He pecked over his shoulder slightly. 'Well...I thought..maybe you wanted a little bit of privacy to get out of bed'. I snorted. 'I don't sleep naked Eddie'. He shrugged and joke pouted a little. I shook my head and got up, making my way towards my side of the closet. He was flirting with me... but.. I didn't hate it.  'How hot is it outside?' I yelled over my shoulder.  'To be honest, Not very, but it' is supposed to be getting hotter later'. I nodded and grabbed some shorts, a top, and whatever else I needed before heading to the bathroom to get changed. I'll pack some jeans too in case the weather fails us. Eddie said he was going to wait downstairs. I poked my head out the door only long enough to say ''ok'' and he left. I hoped in the shower quickily and got straight back out again, and got dressed.  Finishing up with my hair and make-up, I slipped on my shoes and headed back out in to my bedroom. Heading over to the balcony, I opened the door, only to be hit with the sea air and cold wind.  WOW, he wasn't kidding when he said it wasn't warm. It better heat up. I walked back to the closet and grabbed one of Adam's Jackets. I liked wearing these, it made me feel...slightly closer to him. On the days that I feel slightly more lonely than normal, I spray some of his deodorant on it too.. to give it an extra little ''Adam'' boost.  Halfway down the stairs, I heard something smash. Panicking, I ran down to see Rory on the floor crying, but just as I got there, Eddie picked her up and she soon stopped.  Wow, normally when she hurt herself, only speaking to Adam could calm her down. I stood and watched for a moment. 'Now, Ror-Ror, don't cry. Big girls don't cry'. 'That's not true, mommy cried and she's a big girl'. He smiled. 'Well, why does mommy cry?' I'm not sure if I was ok with Eddie and Rory talking about me like that, but, I stayed back and watched, curious. 'She's used to cry at night sometimes because she misses daddy, or when thinks I can't hear her'. I was a little shocked and taken aback that she was so OK with talking to him like that, normally the only other adults she would talk to were people she has known for a while. It took her a little while to warm up to the other girls, but when she did she loved them, and yet she was so comfortable talking to him. 'Really?' She nodded. 'Oh...Well, look you have stopped crying now. See. That wasn't as bad as you thought was it?' She shook her head and he put her down. 'Now, where does your mommy keep the dust-pan and brush?' 'Its under the sink. Don't worry, I'll get it' I spoke up, letting him know I was there. He looked up suddenly. I went and got it and headed back to the front room to clean up whatever it was that Rory had broke.  Eddie was already on his hands and knee's cleaning it.  'I said I'll get it'. I told him, bending down to brush it up. I noticed what it was that Rory had smashed and picked it up. 'I'm so sorry, I should have been watching her'. I shook my head. 'Don't worry'. I brushed up all the glass and put the photo back up on the side. 'I'll have to get a new frame'. I said to myself but out loud. It was the wedding photo that we had on the side that had been broken, but it was fine, it had been broke before, and im sure, it probably would be in the future.  No big deal. After I had cleaned it up, I headed back into the kitchen to make some food, walking over to the sink to wash my hands, Eddie sat down on the side next to me. I looked up and smiled. 'Heyyyyyyy'. He dragged the 'Y' out like a child. 'Hi' I walked to the fridge and got the food, and began on making the stuff for the picnic, eventually, it was done and we were ready to go. 'RORY! SAMMY!' Eddie yelled and straight away, they came running in. 'You girls ready to go?' They smiled and started jumping. 'I said, are you ready to go?!?' ''YEAH!!!' I smiled and picked up the stuff. 'Right them, come on Meg, let's go!'. We all walked to the door and headed to his car.  Climbing in before he started it and we headed off towards the beach.
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