The Blacksmith's Peaceful Life

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The return journey through the vampire dungeon was a familiar trip for the two adventurers. After a few minutes, the friends met a reborn vampire. They quickly dealt with the monster and continued their return to the portal to Draco's castle. The road was known and visible on the player's map. After a while, Dan was forced to change the state of his character. He had accumulated many valuable trophies. These were pieces of vampire armor and weapons. These things were needed as raw materials for the production of items and the development of blacksmithing skills. The young man changed a couple of things in his outfit and enlarged his Body. He could now safely perform the role of carrying a large supply of trophies. The friends reached the very first room that was the secret part of Draco's castle. "Tom, I have an opportunity to put a mark for spatial movement!" Dan was glad that he had figured out to test the capabilities of his magic. The discovery was a pleasant surprise. "I was hoping for that, too," the clone replied. "It seemed to me that the path to the second Well was worthy of respect. Now we can move to the center of Night Hill at any time. Convenient for various diversions. Convenient for sneaking out of this world." "Give me your sword. I'm going to move to my room in the Cozy Burrow," the young man held out his hand and winked at the phantom. "We've been gone for two days. Let's see how the residents of the Community reacted to our mission." Tom handed over his sword and waited for Dan to summon him back into the world. Dan activated the displacement spell and was pleased to see around the familiar setting of the room at Master Grey Claw's establishment. He immediately summoned a friend and began stacking trophies in his trunk. "We have an excellent supply of materials. We can do some blacksmithing. I feel like taking a bath and resting. You're free to go about your business," Dan said. "I have your business," laughed Tom. "I'll do some scouting for a blacksmithing business. I'll wait until you close the deal with Grograb. I hope that crafty gnome doesn't cheat you." Dan hoped for the old gnome's decency, too. The young man did not like to fantasize about the future. He quietly washed and went to bed. The journey through the vampire dungeon was not difficult but boring and gave many unpleasant emotions.   When the young man woke up he went down to the common hall of the establishment. It seemed to him that nothing had changed around and nobody paid much attention to him. Dan sat down at a table and ordered something to eat. He noticed that several of the residents had left the hall. They were spies and scouts of important persons. Now Dan knew that the Community was a peculiar place. There were no rebels or lovers of the free life here. Everyone respected and understood the importance of power in the vampire and elf capitals. And every resident of the Community thought only about his benefit. At the same time, every citizen of this city performed services for the rest of the powerful nations. The Community was an intermediate point of communication and intrigue. Den took it calmly. The ancient vampire Drarred even gave him information about a trusted agent. In case of trouble, Dan could turn to Lord Drarred's old servant for help. Soon the young adventurer had company. A gnome entered the hall and it was a very important gnome. Dan was glad to see Grograb. Everyone wanted to finish their jobs quickly. "Did you bring me what I require?" Grograb didn't stall for time. "I brought you something," the young man replied and placed a box on the table containing an ancient gnome drawing. "A very interesting something." The gnome opened the lid of the box and quickly closed the lid. One glance was enough to give him satisfaction. Grograb hid the box and smiled at the human. "You are a brave and insolent young human being. The gnome nation will be glad to do business with you." "For the sake of general development and prosperity," Dan raised his glass. He saw the message before his eyes. It was confirmation that he had completed the quest and was now entitled to a reward. "Surely such a lover of the venerable Craft of Blacksmithing will make proper use of these drawings. There is always a shortage of excellent blacksmiths in the world," the gnome placed a small package on the table. Dan held out his hand and began to study the drawings. They were excellent drawings that would help him gain a higher rank in the profession of Blacksmith. "I hope the gnome nation will give me time to engage in peaceful activities. Doing the mission didn't please me. Too many vampires," the young man grimaced. "You're not worried about the consequences?" Grograb was surprised. He had only lived in this world for a few weeks and realized that life was full of sharper contradictions than in Grossroads. "I met a wise vampire who gave me some lessons," Dan confessed. "If gnomes want to aggravate relations with vampires it's up to the gnomes. Vampires are always happy to drink other folks' blood." "That's right. There will be some particularly bloody tournaments ahead. My folk is ready to show the skill of combat to these bloodsuckers," laughed the old gnome. He shook his head. "I am quickly becoming accustomed to the local conditions. I need to stretch my bones and take time to regain my skills. You are an amazing creature. I didn't think you could accomplish the mission so quickly." "My strength is also weakened," Dan confessed. "But I have enough skills that are useful for delicate jobs. Thank you Grograb. It's nice of you to pay attention to me. We've both benefited. Now I should take care of a quieter pastime." The gnome realized that the young man was glad to part. Grograb himself had no desire to be in this man's company for long. He was a gnome, and that meant a lot to him now. In this world, he was allowed to pursue his ambitions and personal interests. And he had made the right choice! Returning to the lineage of the ancient drawing will bring glory and benefit to Grograb. No time should be wasted on trivia. "I hope we can do business in the future," the gnome said and left the hall. "I hope it will be pleasant business," whispered the young man and hurriedly finished his breakfast. He and Tom decided to devote a lot of time to developing their blacksmithing skills. It was a matter of earning gold coins. It was an important matter of one's security. In any place, a player's influence depended on the development of his profession. Master Blacksmith is always respected and influential. Master Swordsman is an important person. But it is only a great tool to mine valuable resources! Lord Drarred urged the young man to quickly reach a new rank in the peaceful profession. The strength and method of destroying opponents impressed the patriarch. He recommended that Dan not waste his time-fighting in dungeons. The young man went up to the room and sat down in an armchair. He began to study the auction carefully. He needed artifacts that increased the chance of successful production. During their time in Grossroads, the friends had been able to obtain and purchase several such artifacts. Now they could count on more luck. Seventy percent of successful artifact creation helped save materials and resources while they were engaged in blacksmithing. But in this world, they wanted to increase their chances of success. And the auction did not disappoint the young man. Dan scrutinized the items and chose the best offers. He smiled because the game had once again done him a favor. Working in the blacksmith had long ago revealed its features to the player. It turned out that he could save a lot of money in developing his skills. The clone allowed for increased productivity. A level forty-second clone gave Dan back almost half of his achievements. Together they made twice as many artifacts, and it was profitable. But the most important thing was that Dan did not spend money on buying special equipment for Tom! When Dan put on special equipment for blacksmithing his character state was copied. Tom also had a high chance of forging an artifact. Dan made a choice and acquired some important items. He now had a one hundred percent chance of getting the product. At this time he was disturbed by Tom. While the young man was resting, the clone did some reconnaissance and came in with a report. Dan got up and opened the door. He saw that his friend's face showed complete satisfaction with the state of things. "We have great prospects! Lord Drarred has made a splendid opportunity for us. I think we should specifically thank this vampire if we meet," the clone said immediately. "I found his agent. It turned out to be simple. We're in business! Gather your materials and let's go do the crafting. I can't wait to test my strength in the forge." "Grograb gave me a set of drawings. A great set to neatly raise my rank in craftsmanship. I bought some nice artifacts. I also can't wait to meet a useful persona," Dan was ready to leave the inn. He winked at the clone and applied the Phantom skill. The information the clone had received appeared in the young man's mind. Dan grinned and shook his head. "Gnomes always know how to make gold. I hope the patriarch's agent serves us well," the young man smiled. He applied the Walk of Caution skill and hurriedly visited the newer place. An old master blacksmith named Bron had long lived on Community Hill. This gnome didn't do much rampaging in the dungeons. He had enough customers who made special contracts. Back in the day, the gnome had enlisted the help of an ancient vampire of the Draco family. It was a common deal for a newcomer to this world. Everyone performed services for important persons to elevate themselves and gain a dignified position. Dan approached a low building on the outskirts of the Community. It was the building where the blacksmith lived. There were several chimneys on the roof that rose high and smoked. The work in the forge rarely stopped. Master Bron had many apprentices and important customers. Dan knew that a room with forging tools in such a place offered a high chance for success. The young man did not want to work in the Blacksmith's Guild. In the guild, he could cause unnecessary attention to himself. It was better to develop in a quiet place where you were not asked unnecessary questions. Master Bron did not ask unnecessary questions. He was happy to meet a messenger from the patriarch of the Draco clan. The gnome happily agreed to the deal. He would provide the forge to the young human and lose his dependence on the vampire forever. Born was not hindered by his service. But gaining his independence was important. The old gnome was already planning his move to the elf capital. Dan entered the building and asked to see the master of the forge. The young mouse took the young man to Master Bron's office. The two townsfolk quickly sorted things out. Dan paid the rent for the forge and the gnome escorted the young man into the place. "I require a second anvil and an extra set of tools," the young man said. Master Bron was not surprised by such a request. If the young blacksmith has a company that is his business. "Not a problem. They're bringing you some extra equipment now. But I don't want to see outsiders in my forge. I'm dealing with a single customer," Bron grinned. "That's right. One customer is a guarantee of peace and order. I won't cause any trouble. I have my method of production. I like to work on two different anvils. It's my method and my fancy," Dan explained. The master blacksmith shook his head at this amusing behavior. He had his rituals and ways of working. Everyone had their secrets of craftsmanship. Bron was content that order was guaranteed in his forge. The rest was of no concern to the old master. He wished the young blacksmith success and left the place. Next to Dan, Tom appeared. "Great forge. Great working conditions. I think we're going to have a nice time in this place. Quickly get your gear on and give me the drawing. I want to make something. There's a shortage of daggers on the market right now. We should get into making daggers," Tom prompted his friend with the result of his market analysis. "Daggers are good. Now I'll update you and we'll work at our pleasure. I can't wait to tap the hammer myself," Dan smiled. The peaceful life of a blacksmith is a good thing. It's a pleasant and useful diversion after hours of traveling through a dungeon that's filled with monsters.

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