4 - Coming to terms

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4 – Coming to terms   I eventually left Alex’s a few hours later, we discussed the contract in length. Not that we had much choice, if we did not go through with it, or broke any of the clauses, we would be in deep s**t. Putting it in simple terms, marry Alex or lose the business. Losing the business is not something either of us want to happen. I mean it has been in our families for decades, but marrying someone that you don’t even love, I know I will end up falling for him, its pretty hard not to. It is just so wrong and marrying because of a contract or as Alex said ‘arranged marriage’ is just not something I thought would have happening to me. Alex never wanted to get married, I know that, he told me several times in the past. He was going to play the field and be single, the bachelor life. By the time I got back, Beth had been in changed and away out with her boyfriend Frankie, he was a chef at her brothers restaurant, and I was glad of the peace and quiet. Having the apartment to myself, gave me time to think about everything. Between the whole Lana and Neve thing, which now seems very trivial considering the news I got tonight, I’m marrying Alexander Webster. I head to the kitchen to grab myself a beer. As I stand and look at the copy of the contract that Alex gave me, I feel confused. I mean, Alex didn’t lose his temper at all at the whole concept, he kept his cool. I know he doesn’t want to marry me, or anyone for that matter, I at least thought he would be a little angry that he is being forced into this. He was very calm the time we talked to our parents about it. I did feel bad for the way I spoke to my dad, I will call him tomorrow and apologise.  Seeing the clock on the cooker, its getting late nearly midnight. I head through to my room and get ready for bed. I put my phone on charge just as a text from Alex comes though. Read clause 4.3,  We will check it tomorrow. Night wifey Wifey? He is getting a bit ahead of himself there, I think.  I grab the contract and check the clause Alex mentioned. 4.3 – The Engagement ring and wedding bands will be collected from Eugenes, design already selected, will need to be sized accordingly. All paid for in advance. What the hell? they already picked out the engagement and wedding bands and paid for it. I tell you if that ring is ugly, I will not wear it. I text Alex back If the ring is ugly, I’m not wearing it, hubby   my finger hovers over the send key. He called me wifey what is the harm in calling me hubby.  f**k it. Send. Might as well have a little banter. A put the contract away on my desk in the corner of my room. Alex has another copy, he only gave me this copy so I can read it over and get used to it and be prepare any questions for our fathers. How can I get used to the idea of marriage? Especially to someone like Alex. Do we have to actually have a proper relationship? It did say no infidelity in the contract, wonder if he would be able to keep that up. It also means I would have to have s****l relations with him, I have to have a child before I’m 30. Scary thought wonder if he would even want to. Of course he would he is a man w***e, I’m sure he would be fine with it. Not sure if I am though. Just as I was getting myself into bed my phone beeps again a text from Alex We will see what it looks like tomorrow, I will pick you up at 1130, then we can go for lunch. I know this is all a shock Cassie, but the business is at risk. Try sleep and not stress, wifey x Ok he never mentioned anything about the hubby in the last text. I will leave it for now. Lunch with Alex tomorrow will be interesting that’s for sure.   I wake with my alarm going off at 10, I switch it of and groan as I climb out of bed. Its Sunday, and I hate getting out of my bed on a Sunday before 12 noon. Sunday is the day of rest and staying in your pyjamas, so you can mentally prepare yourself for the week of work ahead. I move my ass to the kitchen to get my first coffee of the day, as I sit at the breakfast bar, Beth walks in all bright and cheery, far to cheery for a Sunday bloody morning. I look up at her for the lip of my mug and raise my eyebrow. She just shakes her head and offers to make my breakfast. I decline as I’m a little nervous for my engagement ring fitting or whatever it is and then lunch with my potential future husband. I obviously don’t tell Beth any of this, not just yet. I need to come to terms with it myself before I announce it to anyone else. I get showered and changed, I wear a nice pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a tight pale pink fitted shirt that has a lowcut front showing off a little bit cleavage, not too much. I was quite blessed in the bust area if you catch my drift. I put on a little bit of makeup not too much, don’t want it to make it look like I made an effort for this. I grab a pair of black heals, black clutch bag and my Gucci watch and my leather jacket and head through to the lounge, making sure I have everything in my clutch. Its nearly 1130am Alex should be here soon. Beth comes through from the kitchen “Wow, hot” she says as she sits beside me on the sofa  “Where are you off too all dressed up?” she asks just as the door goes. “I promise I will explain everything later. Its all a bit of a mess and to confusing for words at the moment.” I say as I go to the door and meet Alex, wearing a sexy tight grey V neck short sleeved top with black tight jeans and black shoes. I shout bye to Beth, double checking I have keys to get back in, and close the door behind me. “You look hot” Alex says as he places his hand on the small of my back “Thanks. You look not bad either” I say, shocked he thinks I look hot. He is just saying it, he doesn’t mean it. Cassie, don’t get to excited about this. Its for a contract remember. I say to myself as we head to his car. He does have more than one car and he picked the BMW for today. Nice pick. The journey to the jewelers was not as awkward as I thought it would be. We talked a little about the details in the contract. He seems to be committed to it but I am not convinced, I still cant get my head around this at all. “Alex, are you sure we can go through with this? I mean, I always wanted to get married to the person I loved, not because of a contract two old guys made. And you want be able to have your bachelor lifestyle anymore as per the contract” I say as we stop at a red light. He turns to look at me “Did you know that my parents were made to marry because of a contract? And I’m sure I’ll cope not living as a bachelor anymore.” he says just as the light changes again “No. I did not know that” I tell him totally shocked. They look so in love all the time. I don’t believe they married for a contract. Alex goes on to tell me the story, he called his mum last night to tell her what we were doing today. She was pleased we were talking it out and hoping we would be just as happy as her and Doug. “Wow. You really would not have known looking at them.” I tell him just as he parks the car in front of Eugenes Jewellery Maker. The shop looks quite nice, and modern, big glass windows with a few display cases. As we head out of the car, Alex comes to my side taking my hand in his, intertwining our fingers together. “Em, Alex, what are you doing?” I say trying to release my hand from his, but he just tightens his hold “Get used to it. We are doing this the right way? I need to get used to this too. We need to come to terms with this whole situation. We are here for each other. Lets get the ring and talk more at lunch.” He says as he opens the door of the shop and ushers me inside. We are greeted by a middle age woman she seems a bit to cheery, but it is her job. Alex explains we are here to collect a ring that was ordered. He shows her his identification and she goes out the back to get the order.  A good 10 minutes later she comes back with two small black velvet boxes and a older gentleman follows her around the side counter. “Mr Webster and Ms Calder it is a pleasure to meet you. I’m Eugene, owner and designer of the items in here. This has been waiting here for a quite a while for you. Ms Calder we will need to double check the sizing for you so, if you would please place this blindfold over your eyes, it has to be kept a surprise as per the instructions given from your grandfather.” Eugene says as the lady hands me a blindfold. I look up to Alex who just shrugs and helps with the blindfold. I feel the ring being put on and it being moved about a little bit and then it is removed, and I hear the box snap shut making me jump. Alex removes the blindfold and when I look up at him he has the biggest smile on his face. I can’t tell if the smile is genuine or not, I bet the ring is hideous, I don’t want to get my hopes up. Eugene says the ring is a perfect fit and does not need altered in anyway, Alex needs to sign for the release of the rings and we soon leave the shop. I stayed quiet through the whole process, not wanting to give away any of my emotions at the moment.  As we leave the shop, Alex whispers in my ear “You will be surprised with this” he says as he holds up the little gift bag “When will I get to see it?” I ask, trying to get the bag from his hands. “At the engagement party” he states. I nearly choked on my own saliva “No party. Not happening” I tell him as I storm off to the car “Its in the contract, did you not finish reading it last night?” he asks as he opens my door for him. I shake my head and get inside and put my seat belt on. Alex soon pulls away from the front of the shop and we head to the restaurant for lunch. Once we were seated at the restaurant, I noticed that table is a little big for just the two of us, just when I was going to ask Alex why the table is so big. My father and Alex’s parents arrive and sit with us. I quietly sip my water, feeling awkward with this whole situation. “Dad, I’m sorry for my attitude yesterday. I should have handled it better." I say to my dad as I reach over to take his hand. “Sweetie, I understand. I know it’s not something you would want to do, but it is out of our hands.” he says as the waiter comes to take our orders. We soon start discussing details about the contract. Doug explaining that legal team wrote the contract for our grandfathers, exactly what Alex has said last night, that’s how they know there is no way out of it. Again, Alex is totally calm about this whereas I am a bag of nerves and cant stop from drinking my wine.  Alex reaches over takes my hand in his and places it on his lap, rubbing small circles over my knuckles.  A sweet gesture but confused.  Why he is doing it? I zone out again, feeling all weird with his hand in mine. I hear them talk about the rings we collected and discussing the engagement party, 3 weeks from now. I hear Doug say to Alex that he needs to stay faithful in this relationship or we risk losing the business. I scoff a little too loud at that. I look up to see Alex looking at me not amused at all. “Sorry but come on. You have to be realistic. You faithful to 1 woman. You might as well just sell the business and I’ll walk away.” I say as I get up and head to the bathroom.  I give myself a few minutes to calm down and get a grip. I was a bit harsh, but I’m being real with this. Alex will never stay faithful, he’s a man w***e for f**k sake. And he doesn’t even like me that way. This is going to be a f****d up marriage. I head back through just as our food is being served, Alex looking a little bit more pissed than he did earlier. I apologise to him for what I said, and he whispers in my ear “With you by my side, I wont need to any other woman" I blush as I look up into his eyes, what gorgeous eyes he has. A deep blue, and his long eyelashes and his lips, looking plump and so kissable. Too much wine, why am I thinking like this? Get a grip, he is only doing this for his parents benefit. He has to be. The lunch went ok. Details discussed about the engagement party. Doug and my dad suggesting we spend time together as much as possible. Alex promised to keep faithful, he knows what is at risk, our businesses. We also agreed that we have to go out in public between now and the engagement party, dinner dates and clubbing a few business lunches to get people used to seeing us as a couple. It is all a little bit much to take in, save to say for the moment I have a boyfriend. Something I need to come to terms with. A sexy boyfriend that I will have to keep away from all the other women who want him. God this is going to be hard work.  
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