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Finally returning from the hospital, Xavier escorts Aurora to the gate. "You didn't have to send me home, Your Highness." Aurora says, "I could've just taken the bus back home." "Actually, there's something else that I have to— " "Aurora," her mom calls out, coming out of the house, "where have you—" At that moment, Aurora's mom stops in awe to see Prince Xavier standing in front of her. "What is with all the commotion?" asks Aurora's dad, also coming out of the house, "And who is this?" "Before we do any talking," Aurora replies, "I think we all should head on inside before anyone else hears our conversation." Aurora's mom comes out of the kitchen, bringing out four tea cups and a full tea kettle for the four of them. "Sorry about the mess." Aurora's mom says, while setting the coffee table, "We weren't expecting to have such an important guest tonight." "Wait~" Aurora's dad replies, "why are you talking like that?" "Because he's the famous Prince Xavier." she explains, "The only son of—" "Mom!" Aurora exclaims, "Dad!"  "What?~" the two exclaim back. "What Aurora is trying to say is that she wants your permission for her to be my wife." Xavier says casually. 'Hey!' she thought, 'I did not say that at all; you're just going to make it even worse!' "M-mom....D-dad...." Aurora stutters, "I-I d-did not agree to whatever he just said." "Am I dreaming?" asks Aurora's mom, with excitement, "Please tell me that I'm dreaming, honey." "I don't think you are." he replies, "I think he's being serious." "I am not getting married to him!!" Aurora exclaims, "I can't marry him!" "I plan to make a marriage contract for us." Xavier explains, briefly,  'Us?' Aurora thinks.  "II just want to know your thoughts." "Huh?!" her parents both exclaim. "I'll give you one week to think about the marriage contract, Aurora Red." he explains, pulling out his business card, "Once you've decided, give my number a call and we can discuss more; thank you for your time." Xavier stares at the brown haired girl who looks down innocently at the card, then back at him. He puts on his coat, heads for the front door, puts on his shoes and walks out without saying another word. 'One week?' Aurora thought, 'I'm going to need more than a week.' Upon returning home, Xavier is greeted by his personal bodyguard, Oliver Malcolm. "Hey! Xavier Saint-Louis Black." he says, "Do you know that I've been—" "Oliver Malcolm Malcolm...." Xavier replies, "How many times do I have to tell you not to use my full name?" "How could you leave me here?" Malcolm asks, "I'm your bodyguard and what if something were to happen to you?" Xavier lets out a sigh and enters the house, only to be greeted by Mr. Edwin. "Young master," he replies, "your father is waiting for you in his office; please be there within five minutes."  As Mr. Edwin walks away, Malcolm walks up to Xavier and asks, "What was that all about?"  "If I don't come out of my father's office alive, you will be my witness, Malcolm." Xavier proceeds up the stairwell, taking multiple turns in the hallways and finally reaches his soon-to-be "death". He opens the door and asks, "You wish to see me?" Xavier's father looks up from his business papers and sees Xavier staring straight at him. "Come take a seat." he replies, gesturing his right hand to the chair in front of him. Xavier enters into the room, closing the door behind him and sits in the chair. "Where have you been?" his father asks, "It's not like you to be wandering out late." "I had personal business to do, father." Xavier explains. "Finding that girl, weren't you?" "Of course not." Xavier bluffs, "Why would I go out and find—" "Remember what I said, Xavier Black," his father replies, sternly, "if that girl of yours is pregnant with your child, you are out of this house." *** Meanwhile, Aurora is sitting outside of her house, pondering about the marriage contract. 'Can I really go through with this?' she thought to herself, 'I got drunk, had a one night stand with the Crown Prince and now he wants to marry me?!' Just then, Aurora's mom had come out of the house and sits beside her daughter. "Mom?" Aurora asks, once noticing her. "Still worked out about the marriage contract?" her mom asks. "Yes," Aurora began sadly, "I'm not what a Crown Prince should be marrying." Aurora continues, "His parents will surely turn me away since I'm not of royal blood or rich." "Even if you aren't any of those two things, Aurora, you will always be our princess," her mom replies, Aurora gives a sad smile, "you need to show them that you are the perfect, beautiful, stubborn girl we all know and love. " Aurora smiles. Her mom takes her hand. "Aurora, you are the best daughter-in-law they can ever have. "As far as seeing him come to our home today, I can tell that he truly wants this to work out, despite being the Crown Prince." *** Back at the Black's estate, Xavier finally escapes the forced impromptu interview and is immediately told to meet with his mother, who happens to be in her private room. He carefully knocks on the door before entering and sees her waiting for him.  "Did you need to talk with me, mom?" Xavier asks. "Tell me what your father told you just a moment ago." she replies, picking up her wine cup, "And I will try to reason with him." "And what if you can't reason with him, mom?" he continues, "You know that father can't control his temper." "I know; but I can always try." Xavier sighs heavily and sits down besides her. "Mom," Xavier replies, "I found the girl." "Really?!" his mom asks, with excitement, "Did you find out if she's—" "She's not pregnant." he lies hoping that she will take the bait, "The girl that I slept with is not pregnant." *** Aurora, unconsciously, stares at Xavier's fancy business card on her desk. 'It's only a year, right?' she thought to herself, 'I should be able to survive until then.' Just as she's about to dial the number, something on her mind stops her. 'But what if I can't survive until the baby is born? No, you made this far, you have to call him.' Proceeding with her feelings, Aurora dials in the first number on Xavier's business card and waits for someone to pick up the call. "Hello?" he asks. "Is this Xavier Black?" she asks, nervously. "Yes it is." Xavier answers, "Do you have the answer?" "I do, but—" "But what?"  "Can we go over the contract" "I haven't made the contract yet, Rory" he explains, "But I'll summon you when I have it." 'Then why give me a week?!' she thought, 'Should've just told me that you didn't have it done.' "Xavier," Aurora complains, "if you don't have the marriage contract at all, then why did you give me your business card?" "How else are you supposed to contact me?" Xavier asks, "We have never exchanged numbers before, have we?" Aurora hesitates to answer him back and ends the call out of embarrassment. Nearly a week later, Aurora waits outside of a book café for Xavier. 'I hope he can find it.' she thought, 'More like I hope I sent him the right address.' "Rory!" Xavier replies, in the distance, "Rory!" She turns her head to the sound of his voice and sees Xavier and someone else walking towards her. "I didn't think you would bring—" she began.  "He's my personal bodyguard." Xavier interrupts. "Bodyguard?" Aurora asks, looking at the well-built man. "Oliver Malcolm is my name." he replies, with a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet the future daughter-in-law of the queen-" "That's enough, Malcolm." Xavier interrupts, "Let's head on inside." Once settling down at a booth, Malcolm hands Xavier a large envelope to which he gives to Aurora. "Is this the—" she asks. "Marriage contract." Xavier answers, "While we're here, you and I can discuss about some opinions about the contract." "And what about Malcolm?" Aurora asks, "Is he gonna—" "Malcolm, why don't you get something for us to drink?" "Yes, sir." Malcolm replies, heading for the register. As he is ordering for their drinks, Xavier and Aurora read over the fancy looking marriage contract together. Ten minutes later, Xavier begins up the question. "Is there anything that you would like to add or change?" "This is probably outside of the marriage contract." Aurora replies, "But is it possible for us to sleep in separate rooms?" Aurora squints, a habit when she is nervous. "For the time being?" "I've already prepared a room for you." he explains, "So you won't have to worry about the whole room situation." "Your Highness," Malcolm replies, coming with their drinks, "I ordered two iced americano for the both of us and a strawberry banana smoothie for my lady." "Thank you, Malcolm." he replies, taking one of the americanos, "Why don't you sit down with us?" "Your Highness...." Malcolm replies. "No one is going to judge you, Malcolm." Xavier replies, "You are my best friend as well." Malcolm hesitantly takes a seat and sits there quietly as they continue to talk with each other. "The meeting with your parents—" Aurora replies. "Don't worry about that either." Xavier explains, "I will plan a dinner night for us to discuss about the circumstances and bring along your parents as well." "I see." she responds with a sad tone. Xavier reaches for Aurora's hands and gently pats it. "I know this is hard on you, Aurora." he confesses, "But we'll get through it together, right?" "But what if your parents don't accept me as your wife?" she asks. "Once we sign the marriage contract," Xavier reassures, "no one can deny that we are husband and wife." Malcolm then hands Xavier a pen and he proceeds to sign his name on the contract with Aurora doing the same. She soon parts ways with Xavier and Malcolm from the café and heads on home. Approaching her house, she sees an expensive black vehicle parked in front of the gate and two strangers, dressed in expensive black suits, waiting in front of her doorstep. 'Who are they?' she thought, slowly making her way up to the house, 'Why are they here?' "Excuse me, miss." replies one of them, noticing her, "do you know a woman by the name of Aurora who lives here?" "I'm Aurora." Aurora replies, "What is it that you need to—" Before finishing her sentence, both her parents comes out of the house with her luggage. "Mom....Dad...." she questions, "What's going on?" "You're no longer staying here, Aurora." her mom explains, "It's not safe for you here." "But what about you here?" "It's for your own safety, Aurora." her dad replies, cutting her off, "You'll be better off if you go with them." "I don't understand, dad,who am I going with?" "You are living with their Majesties." replied one of the men. "Their Majesties?" Aurora asks. *** "Mr. Edwin," Xavier asks, once arriving home, "where did my parents go?" "They said that they needed to see an important guest." Mr Edwin explains, "But they didn't tell me when they would be back." 'Could it be?' he thought, 'Did they find out who Aurora is?' "Xavier Black." says his dad. Xavier turns around and sees Aurora coming out of one of the royal vehicles. 'Damn it!' Xavier thought. "We need a word with the both of you." replies Xavier's mom, "Meet us in your father's office within five minutes."  After his parents and Mr. Edwin go upstairs, Xavier immediately rushes over to Aurora, grabs a hold of her wrist. "We need to talk right now." "Four minutes." Mr. Edwin shouts, over the stairway. "Come on." He leads Aurora into the mansion's kitchen and finally releases her wrist. "Why did you drag us in here?" Aurora asks. "How did my parents find you, Aurora?" Xavier asks, "They weren't supposed to know...hold on...could it be?" "My parents—" "Two more minutes!" Mr. Edwin continues. "HOLD ON, MR. EDWIN!!!" he shouts. In that moment, both Xavier and Aurora couldn't hear Mr. Edwin's voice again. "Who did you say it was again, Aurora?" "My parents must've called one of the numbers on your business card." Xavier explains, "Probably that second one." "Just when I thought everything was going to plan," Xavier thinks, "let's forget about it and heads on upstairs." *** "So, miss Red," replies Xavier's father, "how did you and my son meet?" "Father, she and I are—" "Xavier, please let her talk." his mom cuts him off.  "I wouldn't consider this as our first meeting." Aurora replies, closing her eyes to avoid seeing Xavier’s parents’ reactions. "Because we had a one night stand three months ago." "ONE NIGHT STAND?!" exclaimed both Xavier's parents. "But don't blame Xavier for the incident." she begs, standing up on her feet, "I take the blame for it because I was the one who dragged him along." Silence circled around the room for more than ten minutes after Aurora's explanation. 'Now my parents are gonna kick me out of the house.' Xavier thought, 'They might even tell Aurora to have an abortion as well.' Just then, Xavier's mom walks over to Aurora, grabs a hold of her Hands and says, "I know how you feel, my dear." "Huh!!" shouted both Xavier, his father and Mr. Edwin. Aurora looks at Xavier's mom with a confused look and then stares at Xavier for help. "Xavier, my son," replies his mom, "your father and I weren't always perfect when we were about your age; we, too, had a one night stand." "WHAT?!" Aurora and Xavier exclaims.  "Honey~" Xavier's father replies, "I told you not to tell them this story." "Why can't I?" she asks. "Because we promised that we would never tell Xavier about our royal mistake." 'I guess history does repeat itself.' Aurora thought. 'So my parents lied about having on their wedding night.' Xavier thought, 'But that means I can use this to my advantage whenever they try to prove me wrong...right?' Meanwhile back at Aurora's home, her parents are discussing about something. "Honey," asks Aurora 's mom, "did you think it was right of us to tell their Highnesses about our daughter?" "This is the best for us." he replies, "We can't let Aurora suffer living like us." "But—" "She can't know that we are in debt to those loan sharks; besides, she is carrying the next heir for their family." "This isn't the point here." she replies, "We can't let Aurora stay with strangers, especially not their royal Highnesses." "It's our only option right now, dear." he replies, "I don't want to do this either, but it's for the best in all of us." Aurora's mom sighs heavily at her husband's words and eventually heads off for bed. "How did my parents know where you live, Aurora?" Xavier asks, as they are walking from his father's office. "My parents must've contacted your parents." Aurora explains, "But I don't know why they would if they—" "Xavier," Malcolm exclaims, "how did it go?" "Better than expected, Malcolm." "Really? Did your father say anything?" "Nothing at all." Xavier replies, "My mom rendered him speechless." "Sorry to interrupt your celebration." Mr. Edwin says, "But it's time for bed, your Highness and miss Red." Aurora then remembers something. "Where am I going to sleep?" she asks, looking at the three men. "In the guest room, miss." Mr. Edwin replies, "If you follow me, then I—" "Miss Red will be staying in my room tonight." Xavier replies, butting in. Aurora opens her mouth, surprised but doesn't say anything. "but all her things will be in the guest room for now, Mr. Edwin." "Malcolm," Mr. Edwin replies, "I'll need a helping hand." "Why is it always me?" "Reese Malcolm...." "Fine fine fine; but you're gonna have to pay me back somehow." Once left alone, Xavier then leads Aurora to his private bedroom. When they get in, Aurora pulls her hand away. "What are you doing? We were supposed to sleep separately." "Aurora, I don’t know if you haven’t noticed but all eyes are on us. If we stay in different rooms, everyone is going to know all this is fake." He took a look at the black-haired beauty who looked anxious. "I'll take the couch. You'll take the bed." Aurora stares at the huge silk decorated bed. It is big enough for two. Before Aurora can offer him the bed, Xavier takes his shirt off. Aurora stares at his chest, a chiseled masterpiece. He gets under some silk blanket and closes his eyes. "Let's call it a day. Good night." "Good night. " Aurora went to the bed. Both of them barely sleep.
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