3. Han

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CHAPTER THREE The first thing that hit her the moment her eyes flatter open is the fact that her head felt like someone was having a dance inside it. Groaning, she held it for a few seconds, her eyes closed while she silently cussed herself.   “Here,”   Her eyes fluttered open, as she sat up accepting the Advil,” Juliet?”   Juliet looked pissed off, making her even more confused,” W-What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in LA?”   “We are in LA. Well, a certain someone had me getting in a fight with my husband after you called us, completely drunk out of your mind and asking us to come pick you up while sounding completely freaked out. We were in the middle of a luncheon with the CEO of Lanx airlines because the Powers want to buy it. Do you have any idea how Byron was mad because we had to cancel mid-way?”   “I’m sorry,” She answered, guilt etched all over her,   “Sorry? That is all you are going to say? You went to Seoul, had me convinced that you had finally moved on from that douchebag and that you were actually renewing your contract with that company in south Korea. Then you can here for vacation and you completely lose it when you see that douchebag?” She snapped.   “I’m sorry, okay? Its just that…I thought I had moved on and then the first person I see at the airport when I land, its stupid Ryan and his wife. Apparently, she is pregnant and living the life I dreamed of,” Her voice trembled lightly.   “So then you chose to jet off to the UK, get drunk and have us cancel meetings?” Juliet seemed to be in a pretty foul mood today.   “Well, I’m sorry that I’m not like you Juliet. I’m sorry that I have no single idea of how to control my emotions. I’m sorry that I’m so f*****g fragile to the point that I can’t seem to move on from that man even though he does not deserve to be in my brain at all,”   Juliet sighed, walking over to where Vicky was sitting, tears threatening to break from her eyes. She clasped her best friend’s hands, while looking straight into Vicky’s teary eyes.   “In three months, you’ll be turning twenty-five Vicky and I have a one and half year-old daughter who constantly needs my attention. I can’t keep on doing this for you. My daughter needs me and you need to somehow let yourself figure out a way to get over this. This…is not healthy for you. Ryan is gone from your life and no amount of blame or crying can change that,”   “I know,” she sighed. And that was she hated the most about all this. He was starting a family and completely happy and yet somehow, she was stuck with the memories of him. Why was moving on even that hard?   “Here is some coffee. Drink it and rest for some time.  Olivia’s doctor has come by to check on her. Trust me, Byron and I haven’t been sleeping for the past three days since she came down with a fever,” she said. Well, that explained the obvious agitation.   “Sweet Olivia. I’ll see her once my head can completely function properly and I’m completely rested,” She promised.   Juliet walked out of the room, leaving Vicky drenched in silence. It was only after she had drunk the coffee that she began trying to retrieve the memories of the previous night. The last thing she remembered was being in a book shop, completely drunk and well, the rest was just a blur. As long as she didn’t do anything to put a dent on her reputation, she was all good. She had renewed her contract as an agent for one of South Korea’s popular authors; Han Kyung. Since she became his agent, his popularity had increased and to add to that, they were pretty great friends. Speaking of the devil,   “Han,” She cooed into the screen of the video-call.   “You look horrible. Were up all night watching again?” he questioned, his deep voice resonated in the room.   “Drinking actually and apparently not remembering half of what I did. How about you? How is Seoul?” She questioned.   “Kind of boring without you,” he laughed.   “Aww…I’m fluttered,” she tucked back a black curl to the back of her ear, pulling her knees up.   “You should be. Anyway, I’m attending a press conference later on about my upcoming romance release and well, its really hard without my agent here. Before you, I was actually a nervous wreck and now that you are so many miles away, I’m kind of really nervous. Its my first international press conference,” For a first timer, one could easily mistake them for lovers but their relationship was strictly limited to friendship.   “Come on Han. You got this and right before the conference, I’ll call you and give you one of my famous, boring motivational lectures on confidence,” She assured him.   “I’d love that. Now how about you tell me more about the famous LA?” Han questioned.
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