Chapter One

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You know, there are two types of people in this world; half that’s always prepared for what is yet to come or they have a way to deal with what’s about to come to lessen the impact, and for the others they believe that whatever happens, happens. But despite different precautions to what people in daily life take, there’s someone that is so odd from these two scenarios. A person that is left without a say in their life. A person who craves freedom more than anything else. Just to make one life decision in their life is worth a million dollars to others.  With that being said, not being able to even utter a, b, or c, you just have to cope with whatever is being set over your life by your abductors that call themselves your parents.  Instead they are making you greedy to venture out into the unknown. This is where you end up either being cautious or unruly but most times; uncontrollable, you get used by people, sometimes get bitter and some even end up dead. Instead of making you know life for yourself and guiding you, they capture you like their prisoner thinking they’re  protecting you.  But there are  always two sides to every story. Every story can never be told at once, but there’s always a start; some perfect and some like a sinking ship.  For Katherina Greene her life has a pinch of everything and her story starts like a sinking ship.  Katherina felt her body landing on sand roughly, with a heavy thud giving her body a massive shake. From the fall she knew she’d be sore for days. Waiting a moment for the pain to ease, Katherina laid still in the sand with her eyes closed. Gently after some moments she rose to her feet, scrunching her nose and flinching at the pain to where it hurts. Before she could even realize what was happening, she was busy brushing sand from her hair, while spitting out the rest. Katherina suddenly raised her head high and the memory of what happened came rushing back all at once. “Oh no!” she screamed to herself. Slowly spinning around in circles she examined her surroundings thoroughly. “This can’t be happening,” she shrieked with rage, causing the whole ground beneath her to shake furiously for two minutes straight. The tone of the atmosphere changed immediately from that of a bright day to a sad rainy day. The sky was now overcast, clouds threatening with heavy rains to spill.  **** Moments Before Katherina’s Accident  Katherina took one last look at her father’s photo that was aligned with the walls of the palace that she lived in. She has been heartbroken since it happened. She hated the fact that her dad sacrificed himself to protect her along with her mother six years ago. Her mother always tried cheering her up, telling her that it had to happen, or they would never be alive any longer. Some said he wasn’t dead and on his fifth death anniversary he’d be back, but she waited. It's now a year later. It’s been six damn long years since he has elapsed. Her fathers’ grade was located in the backyard of the palace in the family’s cemetery. Darkness drenched the graveyard, the only ounce of light reflecting the place was the light from my room upstairs.  All she felt entering this place was dismay.  John Greene II, Loving father, husband and brother, Katherina read the headstone.  “Hey daddy.” Katherina sniffled. “Thou know it's been six years since we talked. I know thou art probably mad that I haven't visited thou in ages, however I'm not healing. How does one forget about the pain inflicted when they lost someone who meant the world to them. I had my first heartbreak and mom, she hath gotten even more bitter." My sixteen-year-old mind was desolated and overwhelmed with memories of a man who was blinded by love that he went and sacrificed himself for his family. She knew her dad loved her, despite that she never thought of the day he’d be gone. Call it self-centered or misunderstanding, but she wanted him here, to protect her from danger, especially now that she has been left with a broken heart.  “Princess, thy mom requests thy presence back inside the wall of the palace.” A guard said behind her. Katherina Greene lived in a horrendous world where her kind were repeatedly hunted because of the wicked witches. Once upon a time, everyone only feared: thieves, their family being disgraced and the ongoing wars with the other towns was changed many years ago when her kind were now in halves; because one witch discovered dark magic, became obsessed with it and divided the Covenant for good. The wicked witches became power hungry, blood thirsty with outrageous behaviour, when they became refugees of the East End of Everglades. Barriers that acted as a form of protection were set around the East Everglades, keeping the dark witches at bay, but people still expected the worst from them, hunting and killing them mercilessly, fearing that they would become similar to the other witches. Katherina's mother was the Queen of the good witches of East End Everglades. Even when she was under a lot of pressure, she still did everything to keep her people, her kind and her family protected as sme thought. Katherina went to bed like any other night, but she couldn't sleep peacefully. She knew that the dark witches were trying to kill her, still her mother beckoned to her deceased ancestors for her safety and protection. Katherina growing up never had an easy life, from her sister being taken without a trace, her father being killed and then her boyfriend of three years left her stating that she was boring and was of no fun when she refused to go outside the perimeter for her own protection.  “Moping around the house because of Theodore Wilt Dost Thou Nay good.” Her best friend Petra sighed as she entered her room. Translation: Moping around because of Theodore will do you no good. “Katherina is not moping around. Who even said I was ?” Katherina asked, sitting upwards on her bed. “Thou art. Theodore, he isn't worth it,” Petra responded, laying on the bed. Translation: You are. Katherina listened as Petra drifted off into a heavy slumber. She snored like a donkey that was braying its way over a mountain. Shortly after, she fell into a slumber. With constant twisting, turning and fatigue, Katherina woke up in the middle of a winter night to cold sweat washing over her entire body. “Katherina, you must wake up!” Her mother yelled. When shouting was of no use, she then started shaking her body roughly. “Mom, wherefore happening? Why did thou wake me? I just went back to sleep.” Katherina frowned, pulling the covers over her face from the light. Translation: Mom, what’s Happening? Why did you wake me? “We prayed this den wouldst never come. Trying to stop it now wouldst be a total waste of time.” Her mother answered. Translation: We prayed this day would never come. Trying to stop it now would be a total waste of time. “What’s going on, mom?” Katherina asked, standing instantly. “My powers are no use to that of dark magic. The little I have left is to protect you from Elsa . I have to trap you in a safe place for some time with everyone else.”  When her mother said those words, Katherina felt her heart breaking into pieces.  Katherina despised this for herself and everyone else. She hated the responsibilities given- forced upon her by birth. She had a duty to follow and with that she had to learn to be obedient at every point in time. Imagine having no say in a world where you owe nothing -- not even your soul but you were born in it and because of that you have to succumb to everything that comes with it. Her life is just demoralizing. While her mother and the members of the high council were chanting spells to trap them safely -- something went terribly wrong when a bolt of lightning came through the window. Katherina was separated from the rest in a loophole.  To say she was scared would be an understatement. She was close to having a heart failure. She kept going downwards as she was now going through some form of wormhole or tube.  **** Katherina landed in a strange park. Her army green frock was now full of sand. Katherina laid back on the sand of the park and began closing her eyes, wanting to close her nightmare away. Katherina picked herself up and began trodding the unusual path that was far different from where she came from. These roads were covered with black substance compared to the clay, sand and gravel roads back home for her. She began to grow tired and hungry when she came upon a woman selling by the roadside in a strange looking waggon. “Good Morrow, miss. Whither am I and what's the quickest way back to the East End Everglades?” Katherina asked.  Translation: Good Morning, miss. Where am I and what’s the quickest way back to the East End Everglades? “You’re in Sunset Falls, my dear,” the lady replied. “I’ve never heard of such a place before. Are you from around here?” “Nay.Thou Art speaking strangely, but Wherefore Dost I understand Thou clearly? Am I in my enemy's territory?” Kathrina questioned.  Translation: You are speaking strangely, but why do I understand you clearly? Am I in my enemy's territory? “You’re in the 21st century, dear and this is how we dress and speak.” The lady answered. “You’re speaking in ancient medieval time. That’s like a thousand years ago.” “21st century? Medieval time? Does this mean I time travelled when I got separated from everyone else?” Katherina mumbled quietly to herself.  “What was that?” the lady asked. “I was having a moment for myself. Errm, can I have some of thy free bread and meat?” Katherina begged.  “Darling, I would love to, but I haven’t sold anything since morning,” the lady replied.  “Thou art selling? Aren’t thou a woman” Katherina asked, confused as to why she was selling. Translation: You are selling? Aren’t you a woman?” “This is my work, darling. I don’t know where you’re from but here in these times you have to. It’s a must we do in order to provide for ourselves and children.” “Oh” Katherina asked, still trying to process what the lady was telling her. “So basically, thou art working like men? Translation: So basically, you are working like men?” “Yes. Everyone works to provide for themselves as I said previously.” Katherina stared at the woman, a profound look written all over her face. “Whither I am from women: they stay at home, feed the children with the food the husband provides, clean the house ,wash clothes, and stay at home,” she explained. Translation: Where “You and your people still adapt to the old ways of things or they just choose to be housewives. Here and now both men and women can do the same work, without being judged or looked upon as disgrace. Things and time changed, most women like myself love to be independent no matter what.” Katherina gave her a weak smile and continued her journey. Her stomach began runabling from hunger and being the person she is, when magic is involved it drains their energy faster. Katherina could eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper in one. Now that she has time travelled she has a job to figure out how to get back home and adapt to the means and mode of the 21st century for now. Clueless of where to start Katherina continued her journey once more, holding back the tears that threatened to fall from her hazel orbs. Here she goes at the age of twenty-two- the age where most people back in East End Everglades are figuring out their lives, marrying and starting a family. It’s funny how she can look back at what she thought were bad times, moments where she wanted to leave home and see where she is now? Alone. Katherina wished she could turn back the hands of time and cherished those moments more. It’s strange how she got everything she had ever wanted - freedom- and now with it, she feels like she’s missing a whole world. Seven years ago Katheirna had the perfect life. A loving, caring and irreplaceable father, a sister who wore a beaming smile, by just looking at her she could make your bad day turn to good but that changed within a year and everything after that she anticipated.  It’s a crazy thing how in the blink of an eye someone is dead, just gone for good. And you see the funny thing about anticipation is that it comes with a doubt: there were moments she thought about giving up and see what lies after she frees herself from a b*****e of hurt, guilt, and burden that was eating her mind, body and soul away or whether she should just continue because no matter what someday, sometime somehow she will return to remember that hurt, guilty conscience and her past burdens.  What could be much worse than death? A simple, small five-letter word that makes the world tremble when spoken. Well for Katherina is being here in a world that she didn’t even know she would live to see; all alone. While many are out here worrying about the second, minute and hour closer they are to their death. Katherina now has a new conscience, guilt of how she spoke to her mother. How she wished she hugged her mother, told her ‘I love you’ and held tight before she stepped her foot into that portal instead of shrugging her off for controlling her life. Despite the disagreements and her bitterness she still missed her a lot. A thousand years into the future: alone, hungry, tired and frustrated. Can it get any worse? No guide or helping hand. What is worse: time travelling or the dark witches? **** Katherina jumped and ran straight into a tree when a loud, noisy and fast moving animal like thingy, rode past her blowing its loud trumpet. Stumbling backway, Katherina lost her balance and fell on her bump.  A tear that wanted it’s escape finally ran down her face. Her body shivered when a gust of cold wind swept over her body. “Seems like your day is going pretty badly, first you ran into the tree and now you fall on your bump.” A man said, holding out his hands towards her. He wore a sympathetic look on his face when he saw the tears that marked her cheeks. “What is wrong with you? Despite being from two different eras, the man in strange clothing in front of her.  She knew when a man was well-mannered.  “Take his hand Katherina and don’t worry about your talking. I’ll speak for you until you understand.” An inner voice within her head said. “He’ll be of good use to us.” When their eyes met, he gestured once more for her to take his hands. Not wanting to invade her space, he waited patiently. There was evidence of  fear in her eyes but that didn’t stop her. Slowly, she took his hands and with all his strength, he helped her up gently.  “Woah, wait a minute before you move. You might be dizzy from the head lick.” “My head hurts?” Katherina frowned, rubbing her forehead.  “Let’s get you to sit on one of those benches.” He replied, assisting her towards the seats.  “Thank you,” Katherina said as she took her seat. “I’m Spencer and you?” “Tell him your name, girl!” “Can you not shout? My head is killing me.” “I’m Katherina.” “What happened just now? What caused you to run into that tree?” Spencer asked. “Those things and their loud noise. Here comes a bigger one.” Katherina screeched. She covered her ears as it passed by from the obnoxious loud trumpet sound. “You mean the car that passed? And that truck just now?” Spencer asked, trying to stifle his laughter.  “Aren’t you used to cars and trucks?” “What should I tell him?” She questioned her inner thoughts. “You know what to say, Katherina.” “Who are you as a matter of fact?” “Your guide. Whenever in trouble, alone or something has happened that might threaten your existence and what you are. We surface until you’re home or safe in good care.”  “I think mom was telling me about you once.” “She was, but someone chose not to listen, as always.” ‘Umm, bye!” “I see you’re developing the 21st century slang/ way of talking already.” “My mother kept me locked out from the world. I don’t even know where I am.” Katherine told the truth halfway. She couldn’t come out to a stranger telling him, she’s a witch who time travelled from a 1000 years before.  “What are you doing out here then?” “I ran away. Can I have some food? I’ve been travelling on an empty stomach and I’m very famished and weary.” “Where’s your bag? Or you just left empty-handed?” “Empty handed.” “Let me make a quick call. I don’t usually do this, but I’d hate to see you show up on the news dead.” “Dead? News?” “Yes. Dead by the hands of serial killers, rapists or human traffickers.” “Who are they and what’s news?” “You were locked out from complete civilization. Do you know where you’re heading to?” “No, I just ran.” “I’m heading home. Do you mind coming with me? I’ll drop you off at my sister's. You can borrow some of her clothes and she’ll keep you fed and rested until I return from work. We can talk then if you like.” With a nod of the head he assisted her and they went on their merry way.  

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