Chapter 3 - Creative writing exercise - The first sentence

385 Words
This next topic I’ve seen mentioned on f******k pages all over the writing community. “I have so many ideas, but I don’t know how to start.” Although there is an abundance of information on the internet, Stary has made it so easy with their YouTube channel and writing academy. I found it incredibly insightful when I started as a new author, and there isn’t much that I feel I can add. After looking at so many methods, I felt more lost than ever until I started using the Stary writing academy, and the below exercise. This creative writing exercise also helps when I’m stuck with writer’s block. So, let’s get right into it. 1. Start your first sentence with your main character. In this sentence, you are introducing them for the first time. You want to give a bit of a description of who they are, or what they look like. You can even use their name if you like. The dark brown werewolf 2. The second part of your sentence is simply one word. Their first action. growls 3. In the last part of your sentence, you show your reader at what they are aiming this action. at the frightened girl. Your first sentence is the first impression a reader will get of your book. (No pressure LOL) Exercise: Write a couple of silly sentences using the example above, pick one and write a short story to get your creative juices flowing. Here are some examples to get you going: Pick one line from numbers 1, 2, and 3 and put them together in a sentence to start your story with. 1. a) A shadowy figure; b) The magical star; c) The dark-haired girl; d) A brown angry rabbit; 2. a) fell; b) transformed; c) walked; d) danced; 3. a) across the icy pond; b) over the moon; c) through the floor; d) into a ghost; These examples aren’t in any specific order. Let your imagination be your guide. Don’t try to write a story or overthink it. Just let the words flow, even if none of it makes sense. Write until you feel you’ve reached the end. There is no word limit. Once you are done, take a look at your notes again and write your first sentence. Happy writing XX
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