Chapter 3 - Push and Pull

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" Good evening, Maria. Thank you for accepting my invitation. Please take a seat." Marcus handed me the rose and kissed my hand. Typical gestures of a man with hidden agenda. I'll go along with his game. Let's see how far he'll go.   " Thank you, Marcus. The place looks amazing. Are you trying to impress me, Mr. DeLuca?" I asked with a raised brow. Does this Casanova think that I will be impressed with his lavish lifestyle? He probably thinks I am like those girls he dated.   " Why, are you impressed, Miss Rossi?" He asked, smiling seductively. I gave him a crooked smile, raised my shoulders.      I won't feed his oversized ego by agreeing. He chuckled and then signaled the waiter to start serving us. First, he asked the waiter to pour our glasses with red wine. Then one by one, he opened the lid of our plates.   " I hope you don't mind, Maria. I took the liberty of ordering for us." Marcus apologized. I nodded and looked at the food in front of me. The smell of mouth-watering beefsteak, oven-roasted veggies, and french baguette filled my nostrils.      " It is okay, Marcus. The food smells and looks delicious. I am not a picky eater, and I can eat whatever is on the table. Shall we start?" I told him, then picked my knife and fork and started eating.   Marcus looked at me adoringly and started eating as well. The place was filled with silence for the first few minutes as we savored our delicious meal and wonderful music from the violinist Marcus hired to serenade us while having dinner.   " So, Maria, have you been to France?" Marcus suddenly asked after wiping his mouth with the table napkin. I put down my fork, then looked at him.   " No, I haven't. When Papa left to follow my sister Amelia, I remained in Italy to look after Amelia's late mother. But when he asked me to help him rescue Amelia, that was the first time I went out of Italy and traveled to the US. Do you travel a lot, Marcus?" I asked in return.   " Yes. Both for business and pleasure. I love to travel the world and discover new places. I want to expand my business all over the world." He answered and brought his wine glass to his lips.   " Good for you. I am sorry, I am not well acquainted with your business. Honestly, I did not know you until Samuel introduced you to me. I searched a little about you, and I am impressed. You became a billionaire at a very young age and had businesses around the globe." I said and sipped from my glass.   " I tried to live up to my family's expectation of me. At first, it was only to satisfy my father's greed for power and fame. But now, it was for my thirst for power and fame. I am not ashamed to admit that I am ambitious and aggressive. And if I want something, I never stop until I get it, at all cost." His penetrating gaze focused on my face, but I dared not look away.   His statement was quite clear. He wants me. This arrogant man quickly admitted what he wanted, and I smirked at him. Oh, Mr. DeLuca, you're in for a surprise.      " Is that so, Mr. DeLuca?" I asked with challenging eyes.   " Yes, Miss Rossi, and right now, I want you." There it is! Finally, he admitted.   " Well, you see, Mr. DeLuca, I am not a thing, nor am I not a corporation you want to acquire. I am not for sale, Marcus. Thank you for this beautiful dinner, but I am afraid I have to leave. I hope I will not see you again since I already granted you one date. Goodnight, Mr. DeLuca." I stood up and left him with mouth wide open and blazing eyes.   I celebrated triumphantly and smirked on my way to the parking lot. I can't forget the look on Marcus' face when I left him, and it served him right! Did he think he could dazzle me with his wealth and looks to lure me into his bed? The audacity of that man!   I was already at my car when someone grabbed my elbow from behind. I was pushed on my car's door forcibly and met Marcus's angry face.   " Did you just turn your back on me and make me look like a fool up there? Do you think you can do that to me and just walk away?" He was seething in anger while I was staring at him calmly.   " I just did, Mr. DeLuca. Now, if you would excuse me, let us call this a night and go our separate ways." I pushed him lightly and turned to open my car door.     " You will pay for this, Maria. No woman has humiliated me the way you did. Mark my words, you will be mine, and you will be in my bed." He gritted his teeth and looked at me with intense eyes.   " Don't hold your breath, Marcus. I don't want to be responsible for your death. Goodnight, Mr. DeLuca, sleep tight." I closed the door and stepped on the gas, leaving Marcus standing, fuming with anger.   I was grinning while driving and tapped the wheel in tune with the music. That felt so good. I put Marcus in his place and served him what he deserved. I have read a lot about him, how he plays with women and changes his lovers as fast as he changes clothes.   Now he thinks he can add me to his trophies? Oh no, sir. Not this woman. I don't have any intention of hopping into his bed any time soon. I hope he gets the message and leaves me alone. If he persists, then I will have Amelia deal with him.   I am sure Amelia wouldn't want me to be one of his women. For now, let's hope he'll keep his distance. If I had been as shallow-minded as the other women, he's been with before. This night would end up in his bedroom. I'll have to be very careful around him. Who knows what he might do just to have me in his bed.   When I arrived home, Papa was on the sofa watching football. He looked up when I entered the door and was surprised to see me. In my twenty years of existence, he only saw me wearing a dress twice. One was during Amelia's wedding and tonight.   " Hey, sport, where have you been all dressed up like that?" He asked, looking up at me as if I were from another world.   " I, ahm, I attended a party with some friends, Papa, and it's a kinda formal gathering, hence the dress." I stammered and looked away. Papa is swift to notice when I'm lying.   " Huh? And you attended? That's a miracle. You must have been very close to this friend of yours for you to wear a dress." He teased, and I rolled my eyes before going to my room. That was close! I can't tell my father I'm seeing Marcus.   I saw the way he was looking at Marcus at Amelia's house and the way he followed me around with his hawk eyes. Papais very protective of me, and he knows that Marcus is trouble. If he finds out that I went on a date with Marcus, I won't hear the end of it.   I hope Marcus will get the signal and backed away. I mean, he's a billionaire, for f**k's sake! He can have any woman he wants, any time he wants. But I am not any woman! I am Maria Rossi, daughter of Arturo Rossi, and I don't yield to any man.      
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