5 - Royal Ball

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დHenryდ Despite my warning not to go ahead with the ball, the king had insisted that nothing would change and had promptly invited Philip and me to attend the ball. This was not my kind of scene, but I had agreed for two reasons, one: to see Rose and two: to be on the lookout for potential rogues. Just the thought of seeing Rose again gave me goosebumps, tingles and made me feel more than a little excited. Philip was still apprehensive about what I was going to do, but I wasn’t too concerned about Abigail. I looked across the room and found myself smiling at the numerous people enjoying themselves. All the females were dressed in their best ballgowns of various colors and all the males were dressed in their best suits. This was quite a fancy event and although I had heard the rumor that this ball was for Rose to find a potential partner, I knew that the only one for her was me. I had yet to see my mate anywhere, but I could smell her scent and I knew that she was probably upstairs in her bedchamber, getting ready for this party. It made me wonder how she had felt about me, I couldn’t stop thinking about her reaction at our first meet and it had raised some questions. When I spotted the king heading back up to his throne, I stood up a bit straighter and paid more attention as it seemed as if something was happening. Before he sat down, the music stopped, and everyone turned to look at the king. “Good evening my fellow friends of Chester!” the king spoke loudly, and I folded my arms as I wondered what he was up to. “As you all know, my lovely daughter, Rose, has returned home!” people clapped their hands in what I could only assume was welcome and it was then that Rose came in. I stared at her in wonder as I took in her appearance. She was dressed in a golden ballgown and as much as the dress was eye-catching and glamorous, I couldn’t help but notice how tired she looked. Her honey brown hair was beautifully piled upon her head with soft tendrils hanging loosely around her face. Her eyes scanned the room and when they landed on me, I smiled. Rose looked startled for a moment but then returned the smile before heading over to her father's side. “As I am sure you are also aware, I am honoring this ball not only to welcome Rose home but to officially announce her as princess of Chester!” I was surprised to hear the announcement as it reminded me who Rose really is. The daughter of a king. In my excitement in finding my mate, I had not considered her role nor her stature. Now, suddenly, I was hit with the impossible situation that lay ahead for me. Not only did I want to pursue and woo my mate, but I would also have to try and convince her to leave her future throne, kingdom, and father to be with me. I wasn’t sure if I was up for the task, and it didn’t help that I was a supernatural being and not quite completely human. I sighed as I watched her take a seat on the small throne and as she got comfortable, the king turned to face the crowd once again. “Not only has your princess returned but she is looking for a suitor,” it was clear that all the available men stood up and paid more attention and I growled out lowly with jealousy. She is mine and yet, as I stared up at her upon her throne, I knew that she was far from mine. It was whilst I was looking at her that I notice how she gave her father a disapproving look and that raised the curiosity in me even more. My mate was not afraid nor timid and this was quite intriguing as well as challenging. If Rose was not truly looking for a suitor, then this would not be as easy as I had originally thought. And yet, as I shook my head and turned away, I thought about how I would approach this situation. “If I may?” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as I turned to face Philip. “What is it?” I questioned rather rudely, however; he did not seem phased by my tone of voice. “Have you thought about this?” he then asked, and I sighed as I glanced over my shoulder to where Rose was still seated. Although the music had once again begun, she did not look to be interested in mingling. “What on earth do you mean, Philip?” I snapped as I spotted a male heading toward Rose. She spotted him too and I saw her tense up. I didn’t like the fact that my mate was uncomfortable. “Your mate, Alpha, she is a princess,” “Thank you for pointing out the obvious,” I growled out as I felt myself losing control. I needed to get out of this room, and I needed to do it quickly. I glanced around the room, frantically looking for a way out as I couldn’t remember how I had entered. “Over there,” Philip said as he pointed, and I followed his finger to where I could see two glass doors standing open to what I assumed was a balcony. I hurried through the crowd of people and stepped outside. I immediately breathed in the fresh night air as I tried to push back my wolf, who was desperately trying to claw his way out. დRoseდ I couldn’t take my eyes off him and even though he didn’t seem to be paying any attention to me, it was hard not to look. I saw him with his assistant and the two conversed. “Excuse me, princess,” I glanced over at the man who had carefully made his way up to me and I did my best to smile politely. “Would you care to dance?” he questioned as he held out his gloved hand. He was rather attractive with his blonde hair and blue eyes and even though I did not want to dance, I did not want to find a possible suitor, I slowly stood up and placed my hand in his. He gently led me onto the dance floor, and I stopped myself from making any snide comments as it was rather clear he was quite impressed with himself as he held onto me. The music was wonderful and as he twirled me around, I was able to appreciate the band of musicians as they played their instruments. I wasn’t very understanding of how they created the music, but it was wonderful. I danced around with the gentleman and with each turn, I tried to spot the investigator. My father had informed me that Henry was rather rude, but I didn’t even mind that about him. I wanted to know more, even though I knew I should stay away. However, as I tried to spot him, I realized he was no longer around. I saw his assistant and when our eyes met, he gestured with his head to the side. I frowned as I tried to figure out what he was trying to tell me. When the music started coming to an end, I breathed out a sigh of relief as our dance slowly ended. “Thank you,” I said to the man, and he smiled as he quickly scanned the room. Before he could ask me for another dance, I thought up an excuse. “I need a moment to refresh,” I whispered, and he smiled as he nodded. “Would you care to have another dance afterward?” “Of course, I would be delighted,” I lied as I made my way to the edge of the room. As I neared the wall, I felt a hand on my arm. I was ready to make quite a scene when I saw it was the assistant. “My apologies, princess,” he hurriedly apologized. “Henry is waiting for you on the balcony,” he explained as he pointed over at the nearby open doors. I smiled as I nodded, and he released my arm. I slowly made my way over and slipped outside. Henry was standing against the stone railing, staring up at the night sky. “Should you not be entertaining your guests and finding yourself a suitor?” I heard his question and I sighed with annoyance. “I should and yet, here I am,” I snapped out as I turned to leave. However, I remembered that his assistant had said he was waiting for me. “Besides, the only reason I came out here was that your assistant said you were waiting for me,” I waited for a moment, expecting him to address me but when he didn’t, I realized that something had been miscommunicated. Henry had not been waiting for me and his assistant was clearly rather silly. I huffed out before I started making my way back inside. However, when I felt his hand on my arm, I froze. The sensation of tingles, butterflies, and the heat of my cheeks overcame me as I felt his simple touch. What was it about this man that made me feel this way? “Where are you rushing off to, princess?” he questioned as his breath fanned against my ear. I shuddered in delight as he slowly turned me to face him. The balcony was quite secluded and when I heard the click of the doors being closed, I saw that his assistant had closed the heavy draped curtains. “What is the meaning of this?” I asked as I looked up into the eyes of this man. I felt as if he had some kind of claim over me as I breathed heavily. His eyes scanned my face as he inched closer, and I held my breath and closed my eyes. I had no idea what had come over me but as I waited to have my very first kiss, my heart soared with a longing I didn’t understand. “As much as I would like to devour your lips, princess, I am afraid that would be rather inappropriate of me,” my eyes snapped open as I gazed up into his amused face. “How dare you?!” I lifted my hand, ready to strike him but he quickly catches my hand, stopping me and I gasped in surprise. “Unhand me!” I cried out. I didn’t want to make a scene, but I was feeling embarrassed and ashamed of my own behavior. “Princess, please, calm yourself,” he hissed out and I quickly shut my mouth as I pulled free. “Do not fool yourself into thinking that this is appropriate, we are alone on this balcony, and I have already admitted that I do want to kiss you,” his honesty took me by surprise, and I realized that he had admitted that he wanted to devour my lips. “What do you mean by, inappropriate?” I then questioned carefully as I continued to stare up at him. I could feel every fiber of his being and I wanted nothing more than to be consumed by him. Even though I had not felt this way before, I was no longer feeling embarrassed nor ashamed. “I mean, simply, that this is not how I had imagined our first kiss to be…” he whispered. I gazed up and took great pleasure in the stary night sky. We were somewhat alone, the moon stood brightly against the dark night, and I sighed. “I would think that this moment is rather romantic,” I said softly as I lowered my gaze to meet his eyes once again. It was his turn to look up and I smiled as I shivered with expectation. This was, in my opinion, the perfect moment for him to kiss me. I wanted him too and I leaned forward ever so slightly, lowered my voice, and whispered the words. “I want you to kiss me,” I revealed truthfully. Although I had warned myself to stay as far, as I could, away from this man, I couldn’t help myself. “Do you?” he questioned with a smirk, and I nodded once. Henry leaned in and I held my breath as I waited and watched. I didn’t want to make a fool of myself for a second time. However, as he continued to come forward, I snapped my eyes closed and lifted my chin. When his lips rested on my cheek, I sighed. It was not at all what I had wanted nor expected but the warmth of his lips gave me comfort. “Not tonight, princess,” he whispered against my ear before he pressed his lips once more against the heat of my cheek. When I felt the cool breeze replace his lips, I opened my eyes to watch him slip away and head back inside. I turned away and looked out at the garden as I tried to even my breathing before I, too, headed back inside. I most definitely didn't want anyone to see me now. I had no idea how I would look to others, but I needed a moment to collect my raging hormones and to calm my beating heart. I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face even if I had wanted to, which I didn't. That may not have been the kiss I had desired, however, it was most certainly the best first non-kiss. I sighed lightly as I turned to re-enter but I gasped in surprise to see that I was not alone.  "Oh! You startled me!" I said as I gazed over at the man. "I will return in a moment," I quickly said as he took a step closer. I wasn't sure why, but I suddenly felt threatened. I opened my mouth to scream.
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